America is lost...

That just messed up.

I'm pretty sure that's the deal on that.

It's similar to the idea coming from the Left that only white's can be racist because they have the power. So if a minority behaves in a racist manner all is forgiven even if it's EXACTLY what a white person did that resulted in cancellation.
I wish this was a joke:

National Archives' racism task force says own Rotunda example of 'structural racism,' knocks Founding Fathers

Is the United States the only country that hates itself? I mean, are citizens of other countries tearing down statues of their ancestors, writing government documents that state how bad they are, attempting to change fundamental icons like flag designs, and so on? Seeing features transcripts and historical context of ‘100 milestone documents of American history’ but often uses adulatory and excessive language to document the historical contributions of White, wealthy men," the report reads before taking aim at Jefferson."
It was mostly white, wealthy men that ran European nations in the 18th century and then their offspring-ing nations. So what. Highlight changes in the 19th and 20th centuries of non-white men. Do Japanese folks write how bad old famous Japanese men were? Do Brazilians do that for old famous Brazilian guys? Any nation?
It means our time has come ................ and gone. We are reaching the point of self destruction and cannot see, maybe cannot prevent, it. Sad.
It was mostly white, wealthy men that ran European nations in the 18th century and then their offspring-ing nations. So what. Highlight changes in the 19th and 20th centuries of non-white men. Do Japanese folks write how bad old famous Japanese men were? Do Brazilians do that for old famous Brazilian guys? Any nation?

Critical Race Theory dates racism in America back to 1619. If so, then we must judge the entire world by this date and the Left's beloved Europe must also have it's culture taken down with the same vigor and venom. We must also trace the those who sold slaves to white people in that time frame and vilify those countries too.
It’s partly about the money but also about accumulated grievances and resultant resentments. Sins of the fathers get paid for by the sons, etc

the Stoics had the remedy we need to adopt: bear it with dignity and an appropriate level of sympathy no matter how grotesque it gets
It’s partly about the money but also about accumulated grievances and resultant resentments. Sins of the fathers get paid for by the sons, etc

the Stoics had the remedy we need to adopt: bear it with dignity and an appropriate level of sympathy no matter how grotesque it gets

How much of a check are you willing to write? Or do you consider the printing of money or dramatic increase in the national debt an esoteric that means nothing to your daily living?
What it means (without having read it but based upon other things I've read) is that white people excuse white mass murderers are mentally ill and are not predisposed to murder just because they are white. Meanwhile, white people do not think black people who murder are mentally ill; instead, white people believe that's just the way black people are because they are savages. So white people cannot be blamed for all the shootings; just the shooter. Conversely, black people are all blamed because white people believe that every black person is capable of snapping due to some hard-wired inferior emotional control due to their race.
I think Richard Pryor taught us all that such thinking is wrong:'s_Crazy
It’s partly about the money but also about accumulated grievances and resultant resentments. Sins of the fathers get paid for by the sons, etc

the Stoics had the remedy we need to adopt: bear it with dignity and an appropriate level of sympathy no matter how grotesque it gets
Supported by white overeducated leftists who work in government etc that won’t lose their jobs or take a pay cut.

According to this MSNBC employee, people of color are immune from criticism. And America is changing so those who don't like the direction can stay in their lane.

This is the totalitarian mind. This is the mind-set that believe OUR money is THEIR money. That's all this is about.

Black people make up less than 14% of the population and its not projected to change much from that over the next 50 years.
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On the eve of the 4th of July I still remember the words my late Cuban Father would say whenever I spoke of the sins of our nation: "As opposed to whom?" It was his fervent opinion that in this world, the United States was the only true light in the sense that her power and might was the only thing standing in the way of a Russian or Chinese world hegemony which he regarded as a horrible alternative. In his (and I share this opinion) view there are no other countries or continents (including Europe) that have the will or the way to maintain the uneasy template of world peace and civilization. He was a staunch realist and while not a warmonger, he believed that our power was vital. It is an unfortunate reality but one that his opinions embraced as fact. I am also for peace and you can see it in my poetry. But at the same time, I wonder who or what makes me feel safe in this world.

The world is a bad place. It is also a beautiful place. Every nation has sins to answer for. We can all agree on that. We can also try to formulate an opinion about the value of this union that was born in sin in 1776. But here we are. Together as a nation.

It is my opinion that we should celebrate at least two things tomorrow if you are troubled by our past:

1) The IDEA of America which is stated very clearly: All Men Are Created Equal. We KNOW for a fact that this has not always been true and we are troubled by instances of inequality today. But perfection is an ideal and reality is not. Yet can we not agree on the idea of America and stop for one day and praise the INTENT of our union? I feel that our attempt for virtually every culture known to man to live side by side with the stated and idealistic vision to respect one another is somewhat unprecedented in that it is absent of a conquering invading alien force. This happened long ago but we live together freely now but let there be no mistake that the integration of proudly disparate cultures is a very difficult task and will always be a source of friction. But we are on this journey together and we should see the vessel for what it is: freedom and justice for all. It is up to us to guide it correctly.

2) America's CAPACITY to change. And we have. Look at the arc of our history and you can see the mega-trends are progressive in the areas of civil rights and the environment. This is happening though it may not seem like it on a day to day basis if you are a member of a historically disenfranchised group. I understand that history moves slowly and it is difficult to ask someone to wait until another generation passes for change. The facts are we have needed government power for our nation to do the right thing and that is why some people are not afraid of a large powerful central government. That is what it took to set them free. And now we celebrate activists who were once investigated and oppressed by that same government. It has been a struggle to form a government that is not oppressive to the people and compliant to those in power. But we all know what kind of a government we want and it is good to celebrate that kind of ideal and our ability to change that which is wrong.

I will honor you, your way of life, the struggles of your people whatever your connection to them may be and the way it has shaped your world view. I will also honor our country as it is my home and provides a family not unlike our own where we come together on Thanksgiving and other holidays to remember our love for one another. And I love the union of cultures, states and individuals under one flag. Our flag.
The Bill of Rights
A peom by the bystander

We The People
Sailed the same course
Some willingly
Some by force
We The People
A document to inform
A more perfect Union
To weather any storm
No more kings
No more oppression
No taxation
Without representation
Checks and balances
And the rule of law
Mitigating injustices
Safe harbor for all
The secular trinty
President, Congress, Court
Not one above the other
Veto, fiat, tort
Our common interest
And our defense
With liberty’s promise
And almighty justice
Our common tranquility
And general welfare
A poetically forged union
Soil, beast and water to share
All American rights
And equal protection
From a despotic government
Or an internal insurrection
Free to worship my God
Free to worship your God
Freedom to find God
Freedom to deny any God
Open discourse
Speaking my mind
And yours
However unkind
Collective grievances
Peaceably petitioned
We walk together
But never threatened
To bear arms
For our security
Never being forced
To quarter unwillfully
To remain secure
In our sanctuary
Unless presented
With writ of entry
Neither held
Absent habeas corpus
Or loss of property
Unless agreed by us
Or forced to testify
To contradict our own denials
Or brought forward
In duplicitous trials
To face our accuser
In much haste
Represented by counsel
Our peers decide our fate
Not one but twelve
Examining the facts
Brought forward
But only this court acts
Reasonable recompense
For fine or bail
Cruel or unusual retribution
Shall not avail
An enumeration
Merely provides illumination
But within the penumbra
Reveals more freedom
That is self-evident
No list or count
Exists to encumber
Or restriction to surmount
A union has formed
But so sacred the individual
The tyranny of the majority
Is never permissible
A living breathing document?
Or static words unbending?
Even as we amend
Change never ending
Open to interpretation
If you see a right
But others may disagree
There may be a fight
The spirit of intent
Is there to see
Freedom to choose
Secured by liberty
We The People
A sacred quest
We The People
No more no less
Maybe it has been posted already, but ya gotta love the left. All about women's rights and equality, all BS of course when they push for all this trans crap which negatively affects women.

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