4 Reasons People Should Not Be Happy With Donald Trump’s Impact on Taxes
Liberal "Intellectualism"
"While it’s true that the TCJA lowered the tax burden for most Americans, the tax cuts it delivered were hardly distributed evenly. Even many of those who did wind up paying less in taxes still got the unpleasant surprise of a smaller refund than they had gotten used to receiving. Keep in mind that for many lower-income Americans, the average tax refund is the household’s biggest cash infusion of the year. "
Bystander says: You have no idea how many arrogant vile people on Facebook slashed and lashed out about the tax cuts. The idiots actually thought that a lower refund meant they were paying more taxes. And this guys continues to act like a lower refund is a problem. Why? Because Trump lowered taxes AND he knows many of the Liberal constituency are true idiots. This is an amazing admission AFTER THE ELECTION that indeed, Trump lowered your taxes. They are such liars!
Liberal "Intellectualism"
"While it’s true that the TCJA lowered the tax burden for most Americans, the tax cuts it delivered were hardly distributed evenly. Even many of those who did wind up paying less in taxes still got the unpleasant surprise of a smaller refund than they had gotten used to receiving. Keep in mind that for many lower-income Americans, the average tax refund is the household’s biggest cash infusion of the year. "
Bystander says: You have no idea how many arrogant vile people on Facebook slashed and lashed out about the tax cuts. The idiots actually thought that a lower refund meant they were paying more taxes. And this guys continues to act like a lower refund is a problem. Why? Because Trump lowered taxes AND he knows many of the Liberal constituency are true idiots. This is an amazing admission AFTER THE ELECTION that indeed, Trump lowered your taxes. They are such liars!