AM vs. Texas At Rice Regional

Cooper comes out in the ninth to close this thing out.

He faces Stein batting right handed.
He singles by Hinojosa for a lead hit.

Patrick McLendon, the second baseman who came in earlier for Taylor bats right handed.

A ground ball off Cooper's glove goes up the middle to Hinojosa who fields and completes a 1-6U-3 double play for two outs.

Statum bats lefty as the last hope for A&M with two down.
A full count is reached and a fly ball to left center is hauled in by Payton to end this game.

Texas wins 8-1 and awaits the winner of the next game between Rice and George Mason tomorrow at 7 pm.

So that wasn't enjoybable or anything fellow Hornfans was it? The only regret I have is we didn't score double digits and we didn't shut them out.

Still, "Are you not entertained?' I know anybody that has burnt orange clothes was.

I expected Texas to win this game and they did in fine style and showed they were the much better team.

Aggy looked like one of the last teams to make the field.

Still, it's never a bad day or game when you beat this bunch in anything.

So as much fun as this was, it's on to tomorrow and keep the momentum going.

Now don't everyone at once go over and read the game thread on texags, you might shut the place down.
We must play Rice like we did aggy, if that's possible. Losing will probably send us right back to aggy again, with nothing to lose....but the game. Looked good today. Aggy was 4th in their league in batting average.

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