AM vs. Texas At Rice Regional


Pimp Daddy
So it begins as 64 teams start the chase for Omaha and a spot in the College World Series.

We find our Horns as the #2 seed at Reckling Park in Houston to face an old foe in Texas A&M that barely made the field.

There have been showers in the area, but supposedly have moved out and the game should start on time.

The game is being broadcast on both ESPNU and LHN which seems odd since there are sixteen regionals and you would think that ESPN would not want to waste resources showing the same game on two channels.

At least if the prior game runs long on ESPNU we can switch to LHN till the end of the Nebraska vs. Fullerton game ends. It is in HD on ESPNU and is probably the same broadcast I would think. Also the game is being streamed on WatchESPN.

The Link

This is the starting line-ups.

Right handed Senior Nathan Thornhill takes the mound for the Horns as the Regional starts.

He faces the second baseman Blake Allemand batting left handed.
He hits a hot shot by Clemens for a lead single.

ryne Birk, the DH bats lefty with one on and no outs.
He flies out down the left field line for one down.

Cole Lankford, the first baseman bats lefty also with one away and one on.
A fast ball is blown right by him for a swinging K for two down.

Nick Banks, plays right field and bats lefty with two down.
Allemand steals second without a throw.
The count runs full before a ground ball to short retires the side.

Nothing for Aggy as Texas comes in for their first swings.
Marlow leads off for the Horns against the right hander Daniel Mengden.

He steps in from the left side and the count runs full.
He drives one high and deep and into the trees over the right field fence for a lead off homer.

Texas leads 1-0.

Johnson steps in right handed.
Another full count and a chopper goes to short and the throw is wild and he goes to second.
It's an infield hit and an error on the play.

This brings the pitching coach out to the mound.
He returns to the dugout.

Payton up and he extends his on base streak to 96 games with a liner to right for a single and Johnson scores.

Texas leads 2-0.

Barrera bats right handed with still no outs and Payton on first.
He grounds to third for a 5-4-3 double play and two down.

Carter bats righty and his fly ball to shallow right retires the side.

Texas gets the good start and leads 2-0 after one.
Thornhill out for the second with now a 2-0.

Logan Nottebrok, the third baseman leads off batting righty.
A full count is reached and he draws a lead off walk.

The catcher is Troy Stein, batting right handed.
A wild pitch moves the runner to second.
A ground ball to short is a 6-3 first out.

Logan Taylor, the shortstop bats right handed with one down and one on.
The runner held at second on the ground out.
A big hopper to first is a 3U second out.
The runner moves to third on the play.

Jace Statum, in left field bats lefty with two down and a runner at third.
A single up the middle is a single to score the run and make it 2-1.
Thornhill is struggling to command his change up and it cost him there as the fast ball is laced.

Krey Bratsen, in centerfield bats right handed with two down and one on.
A ground ball toward second hits the base runner to retire the side. I think the ruling on that is a base hit for the batter, so the inning ends on a hit, another baseball anamoly.

A&M gets on the board, but Texas leads 2-1 to the bottom of two.
Hinojosa leads off from the right side facing Mengden in the Texas second.

He grounds a single through the left side to lead off.

Shaw bats left handed and look for the sac bunt here.
He gets it down and moves C.J. to second with one down.

Clemens steps in from the left side with one down and one on.
A wild pitch moves the runner to third.
A chop to first doesn't get the job down as there is two away.

You need a clutch hit by Gurwitz batting right handed to score the run now or a Aggy mistake.
He walks on four pitches to put two on.

Marlow up now with runners on the corners with two down.
He homered his first time up, just need a hit here and I would be happy.
There is the Aggy mistake I mentioned as another wild pitch scores the run and on the play at the plate Gurwitz goes all the way to third.

Texas leads 3-1.

Marlow files out to center to retire the side.

Texas gets the run right back and leads 3-1 after two played.
Thornhill out again as the third starts will face the top of the order.

Allemand back again bats left handed leading off.
Another full as Thornill is throwing a ton of pitches.
He K's swinging for one away.

Birk bats lefty with one down.
He walks as Thornhill still can't command his stuff.

Lankford bats lefty with one on and one down.
A fly ball to left is two away.

Banks steps in from the left side with two down and one on.
A little chopper down to first is taken to the bag by Clemens to retire the side.

Bottom of the third coming and Texas leads 3-1.
Mengden continues on for A&M as the Texas half of the inning starts.

Johnson leads off batting righty.
He walks for a lead runner.
Mengden is also throwing a lot of pitches and both bullpens should come into play today.

Payton bats having already extended his on base streak to 96 games on a rbi single in the first.
He shows no sign of bunting so far.
As often the count goes full to Mark.
He K's swinging on a fast ball for one down.

Barrera bats with one down and one on.
Johnson could be off at any time now.
A long drive to the game in left center is off the wall for a double.

Johnson if had he been looking the relay throw was botched and if he just rounds third and sees this, he scores easily.
Our base running and coaching has left something to be desired this year.

Carter need some contact to score the run now.
He grounds one up the middle, the second baseman fields back handed, but his throw is wide at first and the infield single scores the run.

Texas leads 4-1.

Runners on the corners for Hinojosa and one down.
He drives a ball to the gap in left center that rolls to the wall.
This double plates two more runs.

That is all for Mengden as Texas leads 6-1.

Sing the happy song Longhorns as this is mucho fun.
We always seem to play well after a week off, for whatever reason, at least for the first game or so. Wish this was the 8th or 9th inning, instead of the 3rd. Oh, NB, thanks for that lead in line up. You are getting fancy on us. Hook'm baby.
For all the anticipation of the two programs eventually playing a major sport matchup... I may sound biased, but A&M seems affected by nerves.
The new A&M pitcher is Matt Kent with a runner at second and one down.

His first batter is lefty Shaw.
He slaps a single through the right side and it scores Hinojosa.

Texas leads 7-1.

Can you feel the heat from texags?

Clemens bats with one down and one on.
He K"s swinging for two away.

Gurwitz bats with now two down and one on and Shaw could be on the move now.
He goes and is gunned down to retire the side.

But Texas plays add on big time and leads 7-1 after three.
Thornhill toes the rubber in the fourth with a big lead.

He faces Nottebrok and a fly ball to left is one away.
Nathan needs a quick inning.

Stein bats right handed with one away.
He takes a called strike three on the outside corner for two down.

Taylor bats from the right side with two down.
A four pitch walk keeps the inning going.

A 2-0 count brings Skip from the dugout.
He heads back to the first base dugout.
Statum, the lefty batter steps back in and a liner is stabbed by Marlow on a backhanded dive to retires the side.
Good play there.

Bottom of the fourth and Texas leads 7-1.
Note to Horns, keep the boot or spikes on the kneck of these guys and finish them off.
Following along at the office, thanks for the updates NB, looks like the bats came with to Houston at least for this first three innings.
Kent out for his first full inning of work faces Gurwitz in the fourth.

He flies out to right for one away.

Marlow at the top of the order is up once more.
A ground ball to second is two away.

Johnson bats with two down.
A squibber behind the bag at first and the first baseman wins the race to the bag barely to retire the side in order for the first time today for either side.

Four played at Reckling and Texas leads 7-1.
Thornhill out for the fifth and wants to become the pitcher of record and get the win.

He faces Bratsen leading off and he singles by Clemens for a lead runner.

The top of the order in Allemand comes up with one on no outs.
A high lazy fly ball to center is squeezed by Payton for one away.

Birk bats with one away and one on.
A hit and run single to right puts runners on the corners.

Thornhill doesn't have his best stuff today. If he can get through this inning he will probably be on a short leash.

Lankford bats lefty with one down and two on.
He chases two out of the zone and K's swinging for two down.

Sort of a big moment here as Banks the Aggie slugger bats with two down and two on.
An out here keeps the Horns in total command of the game.
Nathan just hasn't had his best pitch in the change today.
So he paints the inside corner with a fast ball taken for strike three to retire the side.

Nice job there Thorny, as halfway home in this one Texas in control 7-1.
Nice consecutive K's there to get out of a first and third with one out situation. I am with NB, foot on the throat time.
Kent stays in for the Aggies as Payton leads off the fifth for the Horns.

He steps in from the left side and takes a big hook for strike three and one down.

Barrera bats with one down.
A ground ball to short and a low throw is not dug out and the error puts him on.

Carter bats with one down and one on.
He grounds to second for a 4-6-3 double play to retire the side.

Five innings gone and Texas leads 7-1.
Thornhll is out for the sixth and I guess he will go as long as possible, maybe one more if this inning goes well.

He faces Nottebrok leading off.
He blows another fast ball by an Aggie and it's a K for one away.
Gutty performance by Thornhill, not having his change today and still pitching this well.

Stein bats with one down.
A liner goes over Shaw in right field for a double.

One down for Taylor batting righty with one on.
Thornhill continues to hang the change up and it's a
a very dangerous pitch up there.
Finally a change still not where he wants it but at the knees gets him swinging for two outs.

Statum bats right handed with one on and two away.
A fly ball to shallow left retires the side.

Bottom of the sixth and Texas still in the catbird seat leading 7-1.
Thornhill keeps playing with fire but he also keeps getting the big K and big outs to get out of the innings. 9 outs to go and a six run lead is a nice way to leave work.
Taylor leaves the game for A&M and Allamand moves to short and Patrick McClendon comes in to play second.

Hinojosa leads off against Kent and lifts a fly ball to left for one down.

Shaw bats with one down.
He K's on three pitches looking for two away.

Clemens bats with two down.
A ground ball to first sends Texas down in order again.

Six innings in the books and Texas leads 7-1.
Thornhill still hurls in the seventh for the Horns.
I have to believe this is his last inning of work as he has thrown so many pitches.

He faces Bratsen leading off and a ground ball to short is one quick out.

Allemand brings the top of the order again with one down.
Another full count comes before he drives a liner that Shaw tracks down for two down.

Birk bats lefty as Thornhill tries to record his first perfect inning of the game.
A fly ball to center does retire the side in order.

I think they should get Thornhill out of there now and let him end on a high note and save his arm, but that's just me.

Stretch time in Houston and Texas still in control 7-1.
Gurwitz leads off the Texas seventh against Kent, who has pitched well since he came in.

Gurwitz lines out to first for one down.

Marlow one more time at the top of the order bats lefty.
A comebacker goes 1-3 for two away as the Texas bats have gone silent.

Johnson bats with two down.
He grounds out to second to retire the side in order again.

Seven played now and Texas continues to lead 7-1.
Sure would like one more big inning to put the exclamation point on this game!
They just announced that this a record crowd for Reckling.
It's not good when the record attendance for your ballpark doesn't involve your team.

Thornhill day is done as expected and Morgan Cooper the big right hander is in for Texas.

He faces Lankford leading off and a fly ball to center is one away.

Banks bats lefty with one down.
A fast ball is blazed by him for a swinging K for two away.

Nottebrok bats right handed with two outs.
He blows another fast ball by a hitter and the K retires the side in order.

Bottom of the eighth and Texas leads 7-1.
Cooper looks sharp again.
Kent works on in the eighth and faces Payton leading off.

Mark steps in from the left side and a little roller is back handed by the pitcher and his throw is in plenty of time for one down.

Barrera bats with one away.
He sends a liner to left for a single.

Carter bats with one on and one down.
A hard ground ball goes off the third baseman and it's called a hit to put two on.

Hinojosa bats with one down and two on and lets get a crooked number here Texas just because it means utter destruction of these guys.

A shallow fly ball to right center is run down by the centerfielder for two down.

Shaw bats with two down and he lines a single to right and here comes Barrera with a piano on his back and the throw beats him and he is called safe.

I think he tagged him on the buttocks, but the run scores.

Texas leads 8-1.

Sorry Aggy, but no Forrest Gump out for you!

Clemens bats with two on and two down.
A ground ball out to first retires the side.

Texas adds one and leads now 8-1 after eight.

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