AM vs. Texas Again At Rice Regional

Duke out for the sixth.

He faces McLendon and gets him swinging for one down.

Statum bats and reaches on another throwing error by Gurwitz on a fielded bunt.

Bratsen bats and K's swinging for two away.

Allemand bats with two down.
The runner goes and the throw is into center and the error sends him to third.

Allemand sends a fly to center to end the inning.

Six played now and A&M leads 3e-2.
Stubblefield continues on in the seventh.

Johnson leads off for Texas and lines one right at the centerfielder for one down.

Marlow at the top of the order grounds to first for two down.

Gurwitz bats with two down.
He K's swinging to retire the side in order.

Stretch time in Houston and A&M leads 3-2.
I think not having Dillon Peters is beginning to show, of course 3 errors and walks and swinging at balls don't help either.
Duke out for the seventh.

He faces Birk and he grounds out to second for one down.

Lankford bats with one down and lines to Marlow for two away.

Nottebrok bats with two down and the bases clear.
He lines a single to center.

Two down for Banks with one on.
He K's looking to retire the side.

Seven played and Texas needs some offense stat.

Because A&M leads 3-2.
Aggy comes in with a depleted pitching staff and we can't even take a decent approach at the plate.

Blow our 7th on 6 pitches?

Stubblefield is making us look bad as the eighth starts.

Payton leads off and we need something.
Not this time as a ground ball goes to first for one away.

Barrera bats with one down.
A long drive to left goes to the track for two away as Barrera goes down in a heap with a cramp.

Two down for Carter.
He K's looking to retire the side in order.

Bottom of the eighth and A&M leads 3-2.
…and one pitch, one out.


and done with the 8th on fewer than 10 pitches.

is there anyone in the dugout coaching?
Horn Clownfest....effort from players to coaches shows they want to extend thru focus on Super Regional...good chance they get a trip back home with this strategy.
This team is in deep doo-doo if it has to play another one tomorrow. Having to pitch by committee usually doesn't end well. And to top it off, it'll be against aggy.
Duke has pitched well and stays in for the eighth and he won't be available tomorrow.

He faces Stein leading off from the right side.
A full count is reached and he walks him for a lead runner.

Here comes Skip, but he leaves him in.

McLendon bats with one on.
He bunts and pops it up behind the platea and Barrera gets it for one out.

Here comes Skip again and that is all for Duke.

Pitching change after a good job by Duke.

Ty Culbreth, another lefty comes in with one down and one on.

He faces Statum batting lefty and K's him looking on a big hook for two away.

Bratsen bats with righty with two down and one on.
He singles to left on a line to put two on.

Two down and two on for Allemand at the top of the order.
He bats righty and you have to shut it down here.
He walks to load the bases.

Birk up with the bases loaded from the left side.
A high pop foul is caught by Gurwitz to keep the Horns in it.

Last call for Texas if there to keep this going as A&M leads 3-2.
Well crap.

I'll be a little late to tomorrow's night game due to a previous commitment but I'll be here as soon as I can.
Stubblefield out for the compete game try.

That in itself is kind of unbelievable.

Hinojosa leads off and chops a ball to first for one down.

Shaw bats with one down.
He walks to put the tying run on.

Felts pinch hits for Clemens in a move not unexpected.
He K's swinging for two down.

I think Shaw should run, we need to make something happen.

Johnson bats with two down and something in the gap or down line the could score the speedy Shaw.
He finally K's looking after a lengthy at bat.

A&M wins 3-2 to send it to tomorrow.

A Freshman pitches a complete game and then of course the Horns down sign.

Texas took some really bad at bats and lost on an error.

Nothing to say, it's gut check time Texas and now it's a helter skelter game tomorrow.

I guess we could start Hollingsworth.

A&M has all the momentum now and it would be a disaster to let these people win a Regional.

This season continues on a roller coaster and will it be high or really low tomorrow. The baseball is squarely in your court now Horns. What are you going to do with it?
I'm no baseball expert, but have watched a lot of games for many years.

I have this 6th sense that it makes no sense to let a first pitch strike that isn't even down and low or way inside, just go by.

In the 9th, after the guy walked a batter you'd think -- on the next batter -- his first pitch would not want to be another ball... at about a 130 pitch count. He'd make sure it was a strike. So, advantage batter on the first pitch.

Because one or two more balls, and what if he started losing it? At 2-0 into the next batter he might start tightening up. So I'd expect one right down the pipe on the first pitch. I wouldn't try to hit it out of the part, but make contact and get it over the infield. (If wishes were horses).

So he threw one right down the middle and the batter took it. After the next pitch, the batter was down 0-2. Edge back to the pitcher.

I find myself very uneasy at the batting approach of a lot of the hitting by Texas at the plate. Does not seem smart and does not seem to be working against the pitcher.

With the night this pitcher was having I'd have crowded the plate and been very aggressive in the early pitches. I'd at least go down swinging. After the 5th I'd have told the team to swing at the first pitch no matter what, but not at the fence. Swing to make contact. Or I'd call a bunt on the first strike of the first batter up each inning. Anything to get him off his game. I just don't see a hitting tactic.

But I'm not an expert.
I think we might go with Goins with Hollingsworth ready for long relief? Hollingsworth hasn't made a start, has he?
Goins is a mostly unknown commodity while Hollingsworth is not and has the experience needed for a situaltion like this.

He may can give you five good innings and then you still have Cooper. He might start and then you have Hollingsworth. Also Curtis can still give you something.

Then there is Culbreth, and who knows who else may give it a go. Even Thornhill and French might go an inning if needed. Who is still on the 25 man roster pitching wise? I never saw it. Which among Goins, Sawyer, and Justin Peters made it?
What a job by their freshman pitcher. The offensive woes that have plagued Texas all year showed up last night and really Saturday too. This is a tough team to watch.
I agree, this is a hard team to watch at times. Watched the whole bloody thing last night and kept thinking Stubblefield would get tired and the Horns would take advantage of it. Tonight is win or go home Horns...

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