My personal opinions:
Don't be silly! Any body that says that isn't the same old A&M crap that has been going on for the whole decade, either doesn't have a clue, or if they do have a clue, then they're lying about it.
These are not FOUR or five star commits. There is not a four star or five star athlete among any of the A&M commits listed so far.
Our recruiting was expected to suck, now it is sucking, and the only question is will the recruiting continue to suck in the future. ( I've got a clue ! )
If A&M doesn't have a minimum of 14 or more four and five star signees by Feb 09, then $Bill's contract must immediately be terminated. Period.
A&M must immediately get an AD that understands he must hire football coaches that can recruit equal to or better than ut and ou to even get out of the southern division of the Big 12. And we haven't even won that this decade. A&M has put a non BCS team on the field every year and the present recruiting will keep A&M a non BCS team.
A&M must hire some recruiters now, period.
Yes, I'm repeating ! UT and ou have each averaged signing 14 four and five star athletes every year this whole decade while A&M has averaged only 6.
Nick Saban, one year removed from the NFL like Sherman, hired 9 recruiters as assistants, and this year signed 3 five star athletes and 19 four star athletes. This is not rocket science! He knows how to win big!
UT already has 1 five star and 3 four star cream of the crop athletes committed, and A&M doen't have a single one on their commitment list.
3 of ut commits are on the national 100 list.
UCLA and Michigan both have new coaches and they both have four and five star commits already.
A&M just doesn't get it. We all get 85 players; it's the talent level that makes the difference.
Miller 58
Winning coaches sign four and five star athletes, say "it's about winning", then just go out and consistantly win big!
Losing coaches sign the two and three star athletes that are left over, say "it's about player development", then just consistantly go out and lose big!