AlanZ Blows Gasket: Starts Rivals War!!!! LOL!!


That was some of the most incoherent, paranoid rambling I think I have ever heard. Some of these guys have sig lines addressing the "conspiracy" that as soon as one of their recruits commits, his ranking goes down. ******* hilarious.

What the **** is DallasAg on?
Really, the best part was watching him go into the lions den.

They would ask him these insane questions and he'd cut them up with honest answers (e.g. Michael Williams, Reggie v. VY -- I loved his comments about Reggie's WRs and OLs --, his going through each Ag commits on Ketch's LSR101, etc.) Great stuff.
You're probably talking about the long numbered one -- it did kick ***.

On that note, I love Ag N Louisville's long letter to Rivals CEOs that he posted on its own thread. Classic.
I almost forgot to mention this.

In the drop down menu of links to other sites, the Websider guys took "Texas" (Ketch's site) out of the menu. It happened a few days ago and I thought it must have been some kind of error, but its still not there, and even posters are starting to comment on it now.

Of course, as if I even needed to note this, Ketch left "Texas A&M" (Websider) in his drop down link box list.
What's funny about it is Bobby is too kind to just say, "aggies, yes, you really are recruiting a bunch of scrubs. It's not a ******* conspiracy."

Honestly, if Rivals changed VY to "athlete" tomorrow and dropped him to 4 stars, I would not give a rat's ***.

You would think being labelled "athlete" was some kind of badge of shame given some of those replies.

Another thought: I will concede Ketchum is a homer, but how much worse are AZ and Hop?

But rankings don't matter! I'm confused! Help!

I thought Bobby did a great job, shooting a few of their highest order conspiracies to shreds and leaving most of the rest unsaid.
enough of the teasing. WITHOUT cutting and pasting or using any quotes, someone PLEASE tell me what the hell DallasAg said. four people on this thread alone have commented on it, so it has gotta be rich.

what the hell did he say in his post? apparently it's THAT damn funny. someone be kind enough to share it w/ me please. i'm dying to read this one. thanks.

Hook 'Em

You have GOT to plunk down the $5.95 for the next month. How can you miss out on this stuff?

This makes HBO look like PBS.

Also, check your PM.

PBS is an educational channel!!!!!!!!!! NOt a movie channel like HBO which is really a porn channel!!!!!!!!! Of course they can't compete and you only said that in order to bias your rankings of the channels!!!!!!!!!!

You didn't take into account the critics!!!!!!!

I only have basic cable and you didn't take that into account!!!!!!!!

I'm taking my shirt off now!!!!!!! If you'd just responded earlier to my posts I wouldn't have to do this. If you don't distance yourself from the filth that is on HBO and unbias your biased opinions I'll start my own damned channel!!!!!!!!!!
DallasAg's paragraph 4 is pure genius. I highly recommend reading it over and over until you wet your pants from hysterical laughter.
Anyone live near B/CS?

The tentaive post LOI-Day Websider party -- but I thought recruiting didn't matter?
-- is February 16th at noon at the Wings N More Party Room.

Don't tell him why it won't work.

Let him discovery the magic of Websider himself.

The discovery process on this kind of thing could be priceless, as I think they're about to feel the edge of their own bubble.

(FYI, how hilarious that Hop actually posted on the thread when we wouldn't even allow a thread with that kind of title about him stay up on
Oh crap, some Agroidian brain surgeon figured it out and posted it already. That is, the magic of Websider -- all Horns have been banned from Websider, so none of us can respond in their bubble world. lol!

Cas87 hasn't been able to figure it out for hours, and I was hoping it would stay up for days with him ttt'nig waiting for a response.

I wonder if hearing that for him -- that no Horns can respond because they're all banned -- was like swallowing The Red Pill?

It looks like you have become famous on the websider site. You are the WinAgs of their site. About the only things they did not say about you are "you are a liar, a sob, your feet stink, you don't love Jesus, and your dog won't fight". Keep posting there, it keeps the laughter coming.

Even funnier -- I don't post there.

In fact, no Horn can really post there as they've pretty much banned everyone, even from their public board.

I think the rest of the Ags are slowly just catching onto that reality with cas87's post. Many Ags knew about it, but I'm sure large #'s of Ags (like Cas87, apparently) had no idea that most Horns were banned from even Websider's public boards.

Funny stuff!!
Correct me if I'm wrong, rob, but I get the distinct impression that cas87 has gotten his panties all in a mess over you. Methinks the man may have a coronary . . . .
Not to be a stickler, but how do they know you are a horn? Anyone can come up with a nickname with AG or RedAss in it.

Yeah. He's obsessed. Its like I'm Elivs and he's a 13 year old fat chick who broke into mommas record collection. Well, that's at least half right. The me being Elvis half, of course.

You have to sign up with a new e-mail address, etc . . .its actually pretty easy, but not worth the time to post on their boards.

In fact, posting things just interrupts the normal flow of worker bees bulding the bubble, which is the fun part to observe. Its like tapping on the glass of an ant farm.
damn rpongett. i think you pissed some of them off. props. now, you've got them calling you out on their public board. excellent work.

i disagree that i've now dropped to third place. there's no way. i may be a distant second to bobr, but i'm still second.

did we ever determine who here was DallasAg? also, are they having their chat tonight? their chat is actually even funnier than their boards.

Hook 'Em
Negatory on DallasAg. DallasAg is probably either TPE or the greatest Aggie that ever lived. I'm actually guessing #1 as that post was TOO good.

Scarily, I'm actually not sure.

Humorously, none of the Websider Ags so much as briefly commented on it. All sounded good!