Aid to mexico?


I guess it isn't enough that illegals here send enough to mexico that remittances are the second biggest source of revenue Now we are to send 1.4 Billion to mexico. this aid as to be spent to stop drugs but Calderon is having none of that

The U.S. Congress is offering $1.4 BILLION of taxpayer money to the corrupt nation of Mexico with the hope that it will be used in that country’s war on drug cartels. It’s quite a generous sum of money, and one would think that any nation receiving these funds would be grateful to the American people.

But not Mexico.

In an UNBELIEVABLE statement, Calderon reacted to the possibility that there might be some conditions on the donation as follows:

“I cannot accept any submission or subordination…Give it to me. And give it to me without conditions!”

If congress really votes this through we need to get rid of them all
To be fair, he was speaking on a local radio station in Mexico City at the time (Dec). So he was probably doing a bit of anti-U.S. posturing.

Which is ironic because he was blasting U.S. candidates for 'anti-Mexican' posturing.
In reply to:

I would give it to them IF they let our border patrol agents and national guard continue pursuit across the border when it comes to drug lords making a break for it... I will also accept a stinger missle pursuing them across the border.
You are correct, he said that in mexico
How stupid would Calderon have to be to say those things period.? Who does he need to " court' more?
is he so stupid as to think the media in the USA wouldn't know he said that?
so he wants America to give him more billions and put no conditions on it. just hand it over.

It is further stupid to not have involved Congress. State Dept cut out Congress saying "Mexico is very protective of its sovereignty "
REALLY? could have fooled me

This is part of the 2008 supplemental bufget but needs to be cut out Now
The attitude of the Mexican government is just baffling. I completely understand how a nation adjacent to the United States would have concerns regarding their sovereignty and would take precautions that assistance not eventually turn them into a puppet state.

However, on one hand, Calderon (and to a lesser extent, Fox) spew their nationalist foment and on the other hand they continue to push for greater blurring of national lines. After all, Fox said that we need to stop looking at two countries, but one region.

Their politicans believe that we should accept all migrants. But their own national policy is a zero tolerance policy against migrants crossing their southern border.

Pure hypocrisy. The immigration problem has placed a great strain on social services in border states, driving California to the brink of insolvency. Mexico avoids such problems by exporting their poor to the United States and enjoys not only the benefit of not having to pay the migrants benefits anymore, but now gets a benefit from the migrants in the form of remittances.

Yet, we are the great villian. The great evil. I just don't get it.
Oh, I get it all right...having it stuffed down my gullet by both the far left wing and the far right wing is what is galling. Bend over and take it, after all we are the middle class.
What if we adopted the same immigration policies, on our southern borders, that Mexico has adopted on their southern border?

But I agree Cloydtex. It is coming from both sides of the aisle.
You posted, "I don't know why you think that Mexico has any obligation at all to accept the so called aid. "
WHO said anything about mexico having an obligation?

It will be interesting to see how Congress responds to this which was added to the supplemental budget with No imput from Congress.

hard to thinki this will play with eithr side of the aisle.
This Calderon is taking up where that arrogant jerk Fox left off. One would think he might be mmore careful not to unsilt while in our country

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