Ags lose AD

Saw him last night. Cat can still sing. He was amazing!

The Mrs and I went, too, LC---got stuck in the hail beforehand :puke:
We had seen him last at Wagner in '13---show this time not nearly as good, ioho, and he missed the woman who was his backup singer from then---He didn't seem to be able to hit the high notes as before, but was a good show!
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You may not be old enough to remember before the upperdeck was added to I-35. the people exiting the freeway on those one car long exit ramps had to yield to people on the service roads. That is the single most stupid thing I've ever seen in traffic "design". but when you mix feds with TXDOT, you are bound to get incredibly stupid results.

Then again Interregional was the only interstate in America with a RR grade crossing
I moved here in 1995 and the upper deck had been in place for some time. I am sure it was worse design before hand, but if they had just applied just a tiny bit of common sense the upper deck would have so much more effective.
Kyle Field stadium tacklebox design:

As some icing on that cake, the ags on twitter believe that if Jumbo is recruited by Woodward to leave and goes to LSU, they will get Urban Meyer as their HC. What flawed thinking. UM retired due to illness that, by all accounts is very serious. Must be since he was coaching at his alma mater, his dream job. Plus, aggy is the other end of the spectrum, a total nightmare.
aggy always thinks the best available is dying to coach in collie station. However anyone thinking Meyer is through coaching is ignoring the man's history. He supposedly was on death's door step when he left Florida. Now after tOSU did not back him, he quit on them citing illness. I don't buy it unless ND keeps Kelly for the next 10 years.

As far as aggy goes, why would he go somewhere where his ceiling would be 2nd in the $EC West?
When Txdot designed the NB exit to the InterLoop off 35 in Georgetown they did not align the exit resulting on a T intersecting with Austin Ave.. Unfortunately for exiting traffic they have to stop at a stop sign and turn left against traffic to get to the intersection.

4 years ago at the request of Georgetown Txdot "reengineered" the exit. All they changed was adding another lane and new signage.
The last time I lived in Houston, c. 1991-2009, one day I drove out to a facility I was consulting on in Baytown. I was driving east on IH10, IIRC just inside Loop 610, just east of the Ship Channel area.

I've lived in Houston before, from a small child in what is now Kashmere Gardens, to the FM1960 area and areas in between and know my way around pretty well.

I was driving along and there is a short leg of IH10 there that rises a bit so you can't see beyond a few hundred feet, but of course it's Houston and we're flying along pretty well.

As I looked up from adjusting radio volume, or whatever, I was stunned to be confronted with a massive temporary cluster f*(& of those concrete barricade walls RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREEWAY, with no advanced warning (aside from, maybe "Construction Ahead" which in Houston is kind of like saying "might rain today") --- it took some quick reaction and forcing my way over a lane to avoid running smack dab into the temporary obstacle.

I noted to a colleague the next day for him to be careful going east on IH10 there (he also consulted on our project), and I remember distinctly saying: "What the HELL are they DOING? Must be some TxDOT junior level know-nothings assigned to this project --- saying directly: 'Somebody is going to get killed.'"

I think it was a week or two later, sure enough, a husband and wife gasoline tanker driving team were driving the same route as I had been on earlier.

It's a LOT harder for a loaded tanker to manage such a quick lane change as I had done in a sports car. They both died in a horrific, flaming wreck. RIP.

Congrats, TxDOT.
Funny my joke mentioning TX DOT sparked this but yes they are all jacked up! That is no joke. I-10 east is THE most dangerous Highway around Houston, maybe in the whole state. They call I-10 east The Beast. So glad I no longer have to drive it like I did from 2009 to 2018 when I had a mfg plant in LA.

Today I-10 West was a beast. You get caught in that **** Dionysus?
I’ll put in a good word for TXDOT.

In 2005 when Hurricane Rita was closing in on Houston (a week or so after Katrina had devastated New Orleans) many people in the Houston area were evacuating. You may remember pictures of the traffic trying to get out of town. It was a huge mess.

A neighbor of ours had left a little before us and called to tell me he had found some roads out the west side of Katy that were not too bad. We were headed to Marble Falls and needed to get to I-10 west, so I followed his suggested route and we sat in some traffic for about an hour and a half but we were making progress. Not too bad. As we approached I-10 I noticed that TXDOT had opened the east-bound lanes for west-bound traffic—i.e., ALL traffic on I-10 was flowing west, and it was moving.

We jumped on 10 and almost immediately we were doing 70 mph. I was impressed with how they managed to pull this off and help so many of us get out of town with far less traffic.

Today I-10 West was a beast. You get caught in that **** Dionysus?
Not today. I work from home so thankfully I rarely have to deal with that.
Let's not forget DPS and county sheriffs on those efforts.

Pretty sure that's directed and coordinated by the DPS group out of Austin's HQ on North Lamar.

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