
Apparently the truth is held in low regard here. I'll shut up now.
I didn’t really pay that close attention to the precise details, IDE.... I think both you and Moon make great points on this board. Just thought it was getting a little testy and was attempting to “lighten the mood”. You should always speak your mind here. Know I’m not a veteran here but I think you and Moon are great examples of why this board is filled with pretty cool people with a lot of different opinions.
I didn’t really pay that close attention to the precise details, IDE.... I think both you and Moon make great points on this board. Just thought it was getting a little testy and was attempting to “lighten the mood”. You should always speak your mind here. Know I’m not a veteran here but I think you and Moon are great examples of why this board is filled with pretty cool people with a lot of different opinions.
Appreciate your kind comments.
First, I wasn't the only poster that expressed views such as mine.
And now I'll move on.
isn't that usually how it happens? many posters will sort of "pick" opposite sides, then each side unintentionally develops 1 representative each that seem to "accept the challenge".....Although I feel like when I "get it wrong", more than one person is ready to let me know.....or I hear crickets....just paranoid I guess.....or am I? :-)
sweet bucket!! my pumphouse just north of you LC in LaMeesa (ha!) has a hand painted sign that says "aggy outhouse" in honor of my brother's wife (an ag)...
It wasn't funny the first time. It's no more amusing 5000000000 times later. And everyone loved me at their parties as I always had pot

Oh I remember you now! You were that guy who thought being stoned made everything that came out of his mouth sound cool and original even though he was a total doof and a downer and everyone else had fun at his expense while smoking all his weed. Youre right we all loved you. Big man on campus!
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Oh I remember you now! You were that guy who thought being stoned made everything that came out of his mouth sound cool and original even though he was a total doof and a downer and everyone else had fun at his expense while smoking all his weed. Youre right we all loved you. Big man on campus!
It took you 10+ hours to come up with something this lame?

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