

Bwaaahahaha! This is greatness!!
I remember that game. I worked with a guy who graduated from North Texas and he was livid. I just smiled and said "you've got to get those calls at home because you're not going to get them on the road".....
I remember that one too. We got a hand-out that night so we wouldn't lose to UNT. As many crummy calls as we get, it's nice to be the occasional beneficiary of a botched call. I remember some UNT fans watching the sports news in Jester West with us after the game griping about the call and us Longhorns telling them 'sour grapes', 'you lost', 'sore losers', etc. After the news replayed that touchdown, we shut up.

The 88-89 seasons were some very deep depths in the McWilliams era. I recall a rainy game at Memorial against TCU (when they still sucked, prior to their rise in recent decades). Seemingly, over half the stands were empty. I thought at that moment--what we have left here is the hard core of Longhorn fandome.
He hated us with a burning passion. I think he hated the entire SWC

Absolutely he did! When we played them in the Freedom Bowl(?) in ‘84, he got us down and kept pouring it on. We ended up something like 7-4-1 after being ranked #1 until the tie with OU in Dallas. IIRC
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My call was Cash got a foot in. I was there. Worst four years in Texas football history before Charlie showed up. Great game though and the Cash twins were legends.

But that usually does NOT bring up an account suspended message from would instead show a 'cannot view' or something like that.
Interesting. I see his tweets daily. Maybe he was suspended for a spell. He does have his tweets set to where others can retweet him, tho.
Absolutely he did! When we played them in the Freedom Bowl(?) in ‘84, he got us down and kept pouring it on. We ended up something like 7-4-1 after being ranked #1 until the tie with OU in Dallas. IIRC

Season started off well until the gawd awful tie with ou and losses to other MISERABLE teams. The Horns voted not to accept bid to play in Freedom Bowl if I recall but AD made them play anyway....

I don't think the team voted, and it was my understanding that Deloss was pissed that he was not consulted. The ticket office did not offer tickets to season ticket holders. I called Deloss to find out why I didn't get an opportunity to purchase any.

That was likely the lowest attendance for a Texas game in the 20th century. Miserable weather, worse performance.
Reminds me of Jim Duke's trip to a friend's ranch. The owner asked him if he wanted to "worm a cow". Jim agreed, and being a man of his word, was up in that heifer about to his handlebar mustache. When he finished, he turned to me and said, "now I remember why I became a doctor, not a vet.

James H "Red" Duke, Jr :

Yell Leader
Great Aggie
Graduate of Southwestern Theological Seminary
Graduate of Southwestern Medical School
Ambassador for Texas to the world
Incredibly funny human being
Connoisseur of fine Texas music
Surgeon Extraordinaire
My friend

:hookem2: :beertoast:
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So this is what "gigging 'em" is. Mystery solved. I guess. Not sure who is on the losing end of this gigging. But as they say
"From the outside you caint understand. From the inside taint no explainin."
I've always associated "gigging" with flounder fishing, not shoving an arm up a cow's backside. Those people look like they're having way too much fun doing that. Not judging... to each his own, I suppose... Of course, A&M has a branch in Galveston, so you would think they would know more about "gigging" than inland-dwelling folks. :smile1:
James H "Red" Duke, Jr :

Yell Leader
Great Aggie

How about Great despite being an Aggie
Wouldn't it be absolutely delicious if a UT system program like UNT upset lowly aggy in Collie Station!?

WoosterMan, by the way, UNT is not part of The University of Texas System; don't think it ever was.

Has their own UNT regents, other campuses (campii?).

Maybe why they got a chip on their shoulders coming into TMS.
WoosterMan, by the way, UNT is not part of The University of Texas System; don't think it ever was.

Has their own UNT regents, other campuses (campii?).

Maybe why they got a chip on their shoulders coming into TMS.

Thank you for informing me - my igorance about UNT is uphauling!

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