Cunningham was a Michigan State reject whose incompetence worked him up the ladder to President, then Chancellor. He filled the school with BigTen rejects (Financial Services, Housing, Food Services, etc). He brought in a moron from Ohio State to be Police Chief. This mental midget had never seen a football game at Memorial Stadium, yet redirected traffic. In case of an emergency, including shooter, bomb threat, etc, his plan was to funnel all traffic to 23rd (Deloss Dodds Way) and 19th, then have those 35-40,000 cars proceed orderly to I-35. He also closed certain secondary exits from garages.
When I drove to Austin to "visit" with him, I asked if he was going to get a bull horn to notify the culprits that we needed two plus hours to get everyone out. I told him if the Trinity exit from the San Jacinto garage was closed next Saturday. I was providing him with a description of my truck plus my TDL and address because I would take the Ranch Hand bumper, breakoff the arm at the exit, backup and do it twice more. Needless to say, he didn't last too long, but the exits were open.
Mind you this was at the time that The University had a problem so serious with terrorist, that neither he, the administration, nor the Austin FBI office knew about it.