aggy WR suspensed

Aggie friend told me they are going to make an example out of him. He said likely to be punished:

1) Lead incoming freshmen females in "yells"

2) Teach incoming freshmen females the first verse of the Aggie War Hymn

3) Provide all incoming fish with a map and names of people "to stay away from" because they sell products that could get you arrested

4) List of "friendly" Aggie lawyers
Blew under .08
A joint
A gun in the car was found.

Hope this kid learns. I believe he was a team captain and from what I’ve been told a good kid that made bad choices.
Oh, I'm sure this was all a big understanding. I suspect Jumbo will get involved and straighten out all of this.

Young man will be released and have run extra steps at Pyle!
As pointed out in link on this in the other thread both Smith and his passenger denied owning the loaded gun in center console or the weed.
No doubt surprise gifts from his NIL sponsor
Barry Switzer is a big dog lover and was working with finding former police dogs a new home- anyway…
He lived near an OU frat house and and when they walked past the parked cars at said frat house the dog would regularly alert to cars as they walked by.
Funny story. That man can tell some of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard.

His story about walking out of the tunnel with then President Gerald Ford before the RRR brought tears to my eyes.
You hate to see it…..
You hate to see it…..View attachment 6727
OK, so I am going to examine the latter sentences of gomer pyle's post here.

First off, saying Jimbo is getting ripped on the radio may or may not be true. I don't know, I didn't hear the show. But I do know perpetually butt-hurt and overly sensitive aggy will pounce on even one vaguely negative sentence as evidence that people don't like them and how it's so unfair...

"aTm is still not liked by the Houston media" - Hey aggy, catch a clue. Houston media isn't alone.
aTm isn't liked by ANYBODY who isn't in the freak club.
I mean, don't you idoits wallow in that very thing when you say "from the outside you can't understand it, and from the inside you can't explain it"? Let's look at that beloved way to describe Malfunction Junction. From the outside you can't understand it - really means normal people feel strange, awkward, and somewhat repulsed by it, while maybe retaining a tinge of feeling sorry for the people who have to live there. From the inside we can't explain it - really means aggy either isn't smart enough, charming enough, or loquacious enough to help normal people past those feelings, and in fact aggy is typically so obnoxious they extinguish the "I feel kinda' sorry for them" emotion pretty damned quick.

And that leaves us with the fact that Houston radio is far, far from alone in disliking you goobers.

"TU had several issues back in the day but this just tops the cake"
wtf are you trying to express here, moron? Are you admitting this incident with your team captain, one of the faces of the program (until he replaced that with a mug shot) is worse than anything that happened at UT? Because that's what you said, dumbass. But, to give you the benefit of the doubt, let's pretend you didn't mean it that way and you just have poor command of the English language, probably thanks to your choice of colleges. I think most people can be on board with that assessment.

What does any issue "TU" had "back in the day" have to do with this one? Are you trying to compare Houston radio host reactions from back then (whenever then was) to the reaction Jimbo is getting? Are you butt-hurt that different hosts on different radio shows in a different decade might not say the exact same negative things about different incidents that happened at different schools? Or are you just displaying the classic aggy little brother mindset, coupled with the paranoia that comes from knowing, once again, that NOBODY likes (or respects) you.

Totally makes me laugh...rant over
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Pretty sure he served a preemptive .5 game suspension during the Maroon & White game so he should be good to start against SHSU!
Have the aggies figured out how to play one half at SHSU on Friday night and then play the second half at Pyle? Similarly, play the first half at Prairie View at 11 am and then the 2nd half at Pyle at 7 pm? Since these games are jokes, you might as well make it officially a circus act.
The article says they chose him as one of their representatives to appear at SEC media days. You can't make this stuff up! I guess he can't get NIL $ 'cause all the frosh took it all, so he's having to earn it the good 'ol fashioned aggie way.
He has to appear at media days to let the world know how he was set up and framed by the t-sips.
Well, he went to Dulles in Sugar Land class of 19’. He was voted best male athlete and my daughter Anna was best female athlete. He was the only boy that could outrun Anna until about 9th grade. They were HS friends and he was a good kid in HS. I spoke to him after HS games a few times. Very respectful. I guess the spotlight and NIL money got to him. He was’nt ready for all that. None of them are. I just know Ainias and can vouch for him pre Aggie Football. Dulles Football has not been the same since he left! He’ll be at Anna’s wedding whenever that is.

By all accounts he's a good kid. Glad the powers that be got him out of the problem. I lived through our Tony Edwards fiasco, so I frequently am skeptical of reports. I hope the officer has been "promoted" to assistant chief in Dime Box.

By all accounts he's a good kid. Glad the powers that be got him out of the problem. I lived through our Tony Edwards fiasco, so I frequently am skeptical of reports. I hope the officer has been "promoted" to assistant chief in Dime Box.
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