Jumpin' Joeckels, Kingfish!!
It had to happen and now it has. That well known judge of
talent (IF they like aggy) has, um, sorta, kinda adjusted his
evaluations of recruits. To wit.... (in his top 110):
The numba three QB is now the Joeckel boy, having pledged
to lead aggy to another national champeenship. He has
joined the Showers boy (at numba two). Case McCoy has
dropped, naturally, to numba four. This is objectively based
on the highly competitive spring games.
As purely coincidental, QB Joeckel's bro, Luke, has now
vaulted to numba three on the offensive line, jumping
Espinosa. The criteria for jumping, entirely objective, would
never be based on drinking maroon koolaid, but I digress.
Mista Loochie continues his entirely unbiased evaluations
and pleases the aggy nation that they now have leapfrogged
them nasties ova in Austin. Congrats, Loochie.