Aggy Just Went Full Aggy

Re: Delusion

If memory serves me correctly when Francioni (spelling) coached at A&M they said he was a better recruiter than Mack and a better game day coach than Stoops. Anybody remember that?

I perused that link, but at a glance saw a mention of Derek Dooley, classless douchebag who embarrassed the KnoxVegas hillbillies, which ain't easy to do. I am old enough to have known lots of Aggies, both good and delusional, but I cannot say I have EVER known one stupid enough to suggest Derek Dooley as a possible employee of A&M.

Sorry guys, but that link was pure humor and sarcasm at aggy expense. I just stumbled across it couldn’t resist the coaching “Aggie Jokes”!!!
For a true football fan, that game was a thing of beauty to behold regardless of whom you were pulling for. Kind of like the old Snook Bluejays coming into Gregory Gym and putting on the finest basketball clinic ever seen in this or any other state. Flawless precision and impeccable execution of fundamentals of the game.
Yep acted just like he just scored the game winner.
I remember Dave South saying it was time for ou to take Heupel out of the game. Otherwise, aggy was not responsible for what happened to him. Of course it was about 35 to zip at the time. Aggy always keeps it classy.
I believe Fran and Stoops agreed at some point in the second half to let the clock run without stopping to limit ou opportunities to score and speed up putting lowly aggy out of their misery.

Anyone else remember that?
You are correct sir.
Was listening to the game driving to Stillwater for our game. The OU radio guys mentioned it and confirmed that is what was happening. We got to damp, dreary Lewis Field and fell behind 16-7.

Then we won 54-16. Winning road games is fun. Mack was really good at that. And bowl games. I went from calling him "the Tobacco Road Con-Man", to being the biggest Brown apologist around in less than a season . And I didn't even know about Sally's cookies at the time.

Mack & Sally Brown
Longhorn Royalty
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I believe Fran and Stoops agreed at some point in the second half to let the clock run without stopping to limit ou opportunities to score and speed up putting lowly aggy out of their misery.

Anyone else remember that?

Yep. Clock ran the whole 4th quarter, I think. OU was already up 77-0 at the end of 3. One of only a few games where the "that team could have hit 100" cliche was true. One other being our 70-3 win over Colorado that was achieved just 7 minutes after halftime.
Completely unrelated, but the yell leader on the left in that picture cracks me up. He doesn't look like he's charging onto a football field to lead a fired-up team into battle so much as he's running on stage to accept his Tony award.
Or...perhaps his sheep was galloping towards him (or whatever sheep do on a full run)
That hotel will do well, until A&M pisses off Adams again. Aggie built their "never to be equaled country club", pissed off Adams, who then built Miramont, which is truly one of the crown jewels of Texas golf. Give the Aggies a chance to piss off Adams again, and he'll build a Four Seasons/Fairmont out there and empty the Aggie attempt to improve on Motel 6.

After all, what does it take to be the best hotel in Brazos County:

1) Clean sheets
2) Clean towels
3) Hot water (running preferably)
4) Color TV
That hotel will do well, until A&M pisses off Adams again. Aggie built their "never to be equaled country club", pissed off Adams, who then built Miramont, which is truly one of the crown jewels of Texas golf. Give the Aggies a chance to piss off Adams again, and he'll build a Four Seasons/Fairmont out there and empty the Aggie attempt to improve on Motel 6.

After all, what does it take to be the best hotel in Brazos County:

1) Clean sheets
2) Clean towels
3) Hot water (running preferably)
4) Color TV
The only hotel I ever stayed in there had no heat in January and one of two elevators out of service. There were about a 700 of us there for a conference, so guess how one elevator worked out. I got lots of exercise that weekend climbing nine flights of stairs to my room. That dump was torn down within a year.