Admissions scandal

Federal prisoner
That's a week AND A HALF!
Sounds like Lori is starting to get concerned. Lori Loughlin Might Face 2 to 3 Years in Prison if Found Guilty in College Admissions Case: Expert. The similarity to the latest person to be sentenced is pretty close, and he got six months after he entered a "Guilty" plea.
Lori may have seen the window close on a potential plea bargain. If this goes to trial and she is found guilty, the expert says 2-3 years possible -
“These cases are very similar,” says GMA legal analyst Dan Abrams. “It’s almost the same amount of money. It’s two kids. It’s faking the profiles, etc.”

“Now this was a guilty plea,” Abrams continued. “This was someone who’s accepted responsibility for it, and is still getting six months. So you’ve got to believe if [Loughlin] were to take it to trial, with the additional charge that’s been thrown on her, if she was convicted, she’d be looking at a few years. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got 2 to 3 years if she’s convicted.”
Well, well, well...Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli agree to plead guilty in college admissions scam. I'm surprised they're getting off with light sentences. As long as they have fought, and as hard as the prosecution was dug in, I would have expected at least a year (just my opinion). And this was a very high-visibility case because of her fame as an actress.
Nonetheless, that does make her a convicted felon. I wonder if she'll ever be able to resurrect her career?
You have to figure that, if Martha Stewart could move on, Lori will as well...what will remain to be seen is whether she accepts any roles that mock the scandal and her actions IN the scandal...

As to the plea, I have to presume that she saw the writing on the wall and realized that, if people like Weinstein, Cosby and Avenatti were being sentenced to lengthy terms, she wasn't going to fare well...celebrity just doesn't carry the weight in court that it once did. After all, even Wesley Snipes did time for tax fraud in the not to distant past and he certainly had more of a career than did Lori.

I disagree. Covid was her best friend. She either beat it in court or got locked up. Now that Corona covers up the news, the splash & dash that the feds crave is gone. Wrap it up and wait for the next National Enquirer news lead after the virus is gone.

I disagree. Covid was her best friend. She either beat it in court or got locked up. Now that Corona covers up the news, the splash & dash that the feds crave is gone. Wrap it up and wait for the next National Enquirer news lead after the virus is gone.

Kind of like Gary Condit. 9/11 bumped him from the news... the Chandra Levy murder remains unsolved...
Okay, here's a request for some legal opinions from you attorneys on the board. I'm not an attorney, so I have no knowledge, and would like to hear from you guys who do have that knowledge. Here's my question: Is the judge bound by the plea agreement between the defendant and the prosecution? Can he, for example, accept the guilty plea, the probation period, the community service, the fine, and refuse the prison time - increasing the prison time for Lori from 2 months to 4 months? What would happen if the judge made that ruling? Does the whole agreement get thrown out?
Okay, here's a request for some legal opinions from you attorneys on the board. I'm not an attorney, so I have no knowledge, and would like to hear from you guys who do have that knowledge. Here's my question: Is the judge bound by the plea agreement between the defendant and the prosecution? Can he, for example, accept the guilty plea, the probation period, the community service, the fine, and refuse the prison time - increasing the prison time for Lori from 2 months to 4 months? What would happen if the judge made that ruling? Does the whole agreement get thrown out?

Plea bargains are worked out generally between the state's prosecution team and the accused's defense team. These generally, are presented to the judge assigned to the case to review. The judge has the power to accept or reject the deal. These deals usually come with usually come with conditions and the judge will review those with the accused in open court. Once the Judge is satisfied with the plea deal and signs off on it, and I believe the Judge sentences the accused to the agreed upon punishment, the accused must comply with all the stipulations contained in the deal. Failure to do so will result in the accused being brought back to court and the Judge may/will sentence them to the original punishment sought. That's it in a nutshell, but criminal defense law is not my area of practice, so hopefully if we have a criminal defense attorney, prosecutor or criminal court justice on the boards, maybe they can provided more accurate details.
Found it.

Admissions Scandal at the University of Texas Explained

Ahh so good to a Party Member in Good Standing. You can fix admissions to let dumb but politically connected students in, get to stay on as college President for a year after the scandal broke, and then into a well paying job as a law professor, at same school you disgraced.

The parents should have made non-specific donations to the school, then had the school presidents do their usual thing of fixing it behind the scenes.
You can fix admissions to let dumb but politically connected students in, get to stay on as college President for a year after the scandal broke, and then into a well paying job as a law professor, at same school you disgraced.

Well, he's dead now. Karma is a real *****! Don't Mess With Texas.
So Center who has admitted guilt ,got a 100K donation to UT Tennis PLUS gave 40K of his pay off for the tennis program served time and is discredited for life
BUT Plonsky who knew about it gets off scott free along with others?
SUCKS big time
So Center who has admitted guilt ,got a 100K donation to UT Tennis PLUS gave 40K of his pay off for the tennis program served time and is discredited for life
BUT Plonsky who knew about it gets off scott free along with others?
SUCKS big time
This is just the way the cookie crumbles. Those with enough clout almost always skate by with no consequences and the people at the bottom end of the totem pole become the javelin catcher. Really unfair. The disparity in sentencing between Center and others is also absurd. Patterson was such a bad hire for UT and really owns the downfall of the sports programs. We are finally coming out of it and partly because CDC is in the same mold as Deloss Dodds. I dont know either so I cant say if thats good or bad but both are highly successful at what they did/do. UT lost its way when it started trying to be the stanford of Texas. Hoping we have learned our lesson! We are TEXAS.

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