Acho vs Boyd

Obviously "trash" is going to push some buttons. I think Acho should have had better word choice. It's the whole talk show mentality. "Journalists" don't call bad play "trash."
acho is not the issue, though he’s supposedly obnoxious. ....
I suspect that Acho's brash outspokenness got him the promotion from LHN to ESPN proper. Networks want someone who will engage the audience. If they are engaged because they are irritated by a brash commentator, so be it. Likely it is encouraged. I'm pretty sure this trend started with a guy named Cosell.
Acho's comment was probably too strong, but I suspect it was in relation to his having to listen to people talk about how good Boyd has played while watching him get consistently beaten. A lot of his highlight plays have been him chasing the play after being beaten and flailing at the receiver and accidentally hitting the ball. Granted that's what you're supposed to do after you get beat. But it's better to just not get beat to begin with.
Per today’s presser, this situation has been addressed. Good enough for me. I will cheer my *ss for 2 this Saturday.

We need all hands on deck!
Per today’s presser, this situation has been addressed. Good enough for me. I will cheer my *ss for 2 this Saturday.

We need all hands on deck!

I didn’t see it quite that way. I would have preferred a stronger message that this crap will not be tolerated. Boyd should be punished somehow, but that’s the head coach’s call. You can judge for yourself @ the 9:15 mark.....

I didn’t see it quite that way. I would have preferred a stronger message that this crap will not be tolerated. Boyd should be punished somehow, but that’s the head coach’s call. You can judge for yourself @ the 9:15 mark.....

Remember BH, what is said publicly may be very different than what is said privately. Publicly, Coach handled it well. “Learning experience” is fine at presser. Don’t want to bury the kid publicly
Remember BH, what is said publicly may be very different than what is said privately. Publicly, Coach handled it well. “Learning experience” is fine at presser. Don’t want to bury the kid publicly
Yea, I do get your point. I just hope he tore him a new one behind closed doors. Boyd just seems like trouble to me. One of CS’s guys who doesn’t seem to buy into the new “culture”.
I didn’t see it quite that way. I would have preferred a stronger message that this crap will not be tolerated. Boyd should be punished somehow, but that’s the head coach’s call. You can judge for yourself @ the 9:15 mark.....

10:15 thru 10:30 mark basically summed it up for me.
I thought Herman handled that well. He didn’t call out either party, but said it was a learning moment for Boyd. Herman is getting better as the Football Leader for Texas.

Two more things:

1) Boyd needs to shut up and get better as a player. And quit social media before he kills all NFL chances.

2) Acho needs to not get personal with any player, especially a Texas Longhorn. He is too smart to do that.
10:15 thru 10:30 mark basically summed it up for me.
Here’s the quote in that 15 seconds that stands out to me.....”if you’re concerned about the critics, then you've probably got bigger issues”. I’m concerned Boyd has “bigger issues”.
Smart guy...and I like him, but to be accurate, he has a big mouth and a big ego. I noticed this while he was on the LHN game day set. Acho talked over others and forced his opinions.
That is pretty much the job description for those tv guys for ESPN and Fox, especially the ones that have their own shows.
I totally agree that Acho’s mouth went off the rails. Not sure where ESPN draws the line. My kid’s high school athletics has a very strict social media code. If any kid there tweets that same message out, they’re shown the door with no questions asked. In fact, some cases could result in suspension from school. I guess I’m just too old fashioned.
2) Acho needs to not get personal with any player, especially a Texas Longhorn. He is too smart to do that.
I wonder if it's intelligence. He's getting paid for quick talking bravado. Hopefully, he gets kicked under the table enough to learn a little restraint and wisdom.
Acho needs to not get personal with any player, especially a Texas Longhorn. He is too smart to do that.

Please point me to the tweet (or whatever) where he specifically references Boyd. What I read he did not call out any players by name.
Hope this hasn’t been posted previously...

According to Bleacher Report, here were Acho’s tweets;

“Bruh, you can’t be late to meetings THEN come out here and get mossed,” Acho tweeted. “Your team needs you.”


“I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s actually trash. If you know. You know.”

I have to side with Boyd who, admittedly, played poorly Saturday. But these tweets from Acho are classless and unexpected. He owes Boyd and Texas an apology... That is, unless I am missing other key aspects of this brouhaha.
Is Acho the one that wrote the article while he was on the team about players not appreciating or valuing the opportunity they were given to get a quality education?

I'm not siding with either one, as this **** should not be aired in public. That said, if Acho is the author of that article, I somewhat understand his statements while not appreciating his venue.

“I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s actually trash. If you know. You know.”

And Boyd took it to mean that was him? So he knew he was playing like crap? That's on him IMO. He did play like crap on Saturday.
I’ll throw in and say that Emmanuel can say what he wants because it’s a free country and he’s showing his ability to criticize his own college so he can show independent thoughts as a “sports journalist “. Having said that I’ll exercise my free speech rights and say Emmanuel can’t hold his brothers jock.
My expectations for demeanor, decorum and judgment are much higher for Acho than they are for Boyd. Boyd is 21 years old and probably from a much less sophisticated and privileged background. Aren’t Acho’s parents both doctors and wasn’t it reported that he and his brother have very high IQs?

While I can’t excuse Boyd going off on Twitter, that pales in comparison to the surprisingly poor judgment that Acho exhibited.

Again, IMHO he owes Boyd, Herman, the team and the fans an apology. It will be interesting to see if he has it in him.
Nothing wrong with "You can’t be late to meetings THEN come out here and get mossed.", especially since up until seeing how awful Boyd played, Acho had been on Boyd's side in the sense that he wouldn't have suspended Boyd for a quarter.

And really, nothing wrong with Acho's second statement other than the word "trash", which I agree, is not indicative of a serious journalist, but more of a shock-jock type, or a random angry internet poster. But if he had just said "I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s not acceptable", then it's fine.

But the biggest thing to me is Boyd is a current member of the Texas team who has something to do with whether we win or lose. And if he wants to contribute positively towards winning, part of what he needs to do is learn to ignore the critics. The fact that in this particular case the critic is a Texas alum is mostly a red herring. People are going to call you out and insult you if you are well-enough-known, no matter what. Even more people are going to do this if you do a bad job at whatever it is you are well-known for. Some people learn to accept this, and some people can't handle the hanging sword that comes with the throne.
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After seeing what Acho said, I fully think he owes Boyd an apology. Boyd is not in the NFL, he is not a professional athlete. Boyd is a college scholarship athlete who represents his school. You can say stuff like that about professionals, they are paid for their work, but theoretically, Boyd is an amateur athlete doing what he loves for free. That demands a level of respect that he was not shown.
Agree and I am good with Herman's response, too.

Acho was just acting like your average ****** fan who's upset at a player after a loss. I realize he's paid to stir **** up as a sports "journalist" But he's still got to be better than this!

So Acho showed his *** and Boyd reacted by showing his...

Its Boyd's draft stock that takes the hit. Not Acho's... so i am sure he got a good lecture about how he has hurt himself by responding... If that's all the disciplinary action there is, I'm good with that.

Hope Boyd shuts Acho's pie-hole this weekend.