A-Rod tested positive in 2003

So he used PED's because he felt an "enormous amount of pressure" playing for the Rangers? That's hilarious.

And I guess when he went to the Yankees in 2004, he quit using PED's because there was no pressure?
About the only thing I believe is that he is clean since 04. I don't think some of the stuff he used could be purchased at GNC. I really want to see what SI has to say now also...
It was still stupid to hear him say he didn't know what he was taking. Give me a break. Athletes know exactly what is going into their body.

Also, his "pretty sure" comment about taking PEDs from 2001-2003 was a little suspect. If you're gonna come clean, come clean.
Wow. He deserves some props for being such a high profile athlete and just flatly admitting it. My guess is that he was prepared for this to come out at some point. But on the otherhand he was just confronted with this and he did that interview with Gammons right away. He didn't hire lawyers and get ready for this interview like Clemens or others have done. He didn't deny it. I think what he said was straight forward. Sad that he used b/c his performance never required them. He just seems to lack in self confidence for some reason.
Good gosh, if he or any other athlete hasn't figured out the best way to handle this after the Clemens debacle then he and his handlers are pretty stupid.

And though he did admit 2001-2003 not sure he has been quizzed about other years.

The Rangers clubhouse was obviously filled with Juicers. Jose Canseco has been proven to be truthful all the way - the only reason he was questioned were those that didn't like him - but, really, he had no reason not to tell the truth - he was out of baseball altogether when he wrote his book.

John Hart with the most ingenuous comment of the whole deal:
In reply to:

sure he is off the juice now...He is just on HGH now instead of roids. Plus, the reason you don't see a huge jump in his numbers is that he has been on something his entire friggin career.
Reading articles like that casts doubt on all strength-related sports. I wonder how far down the juicing goes-how many in the pros, how many in college, how many in high school?
First, I don't believe that Alex only used PEDs with the Rangers. You think the Rangers are tough on players? They are no where near the Yankees. I suspect he might have stopped once failed drug tests got players suspensions. It is clear to me that he wants to keep his 'Yankee years' clean in hopes that voters will only think of that (and hopefully forget he played on other teams).

Second, when Gammons asked Alex when he first knew he was using illegal drungs, Alex said he didn't know it until he learned about the failed drug test! WTF! Who doesn't randomly inject / take meds? How dumb do you think we are to believe that you didn't know what drugs you were taking?

Third, I bet he does feel like a monkey is off his back (though as I already stated, I think there's more for him to tell). But if it really bothered him, we would have admitted it before a news story broke it.
Arlington might be the most pressure-free environment a player can play in. This excuse is total ********. There are countless players in all sports who have received giant contracts and haven't used that as an excuse to cheat.

As to giving him props for not talking to a lawyer to prepare, I guarantee you he talked to a PR firm and probably a lawyer first. You think he came up with that ******** excuse all by himself?

I don't know why anyone believes he is telling the truth now. He's lied before on the same issue, only admitted limited use because he was busted, and his excuse is retarded.
Gammons didn't ask him what years he used, instead asked "was it years 2001-2003?" and then A-Rod said "something like that." Sounds like he probably was still taking when he took off for NY.


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