A pretty detailed & damning report on Urban Myth

I know it's not the subject of the thread but I got curious and googled "Scott Hill OU football coach" and got some interesting links to say the least. There's no point in posting any information here but there it is if you're interested.

And to be fair at least one of them speaks favorably of him trying to change his life for the better. I don't think he needs to be vilified.
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Not sure anyone "vilified" Scott. He is a gentleman, a quality human being, and I'm proud to say a friend. He had an unbelievable ability as a recruiter to learn information on recruits and their families to allow Switzer to "fit in" on visits. I really admired that about Scott. He also was a master of "misdirection", leaking false information to throw opposing coaches off track. He had a guy at the Times-Herald that would print anything Scott gave him in confidence, which OU used to their great advantage.
Not sure anyone "vilified" Scott. He is a gentleman, a quality human being, and I'm proud to say a friend. He had an unbelievable ability as a recruiter to learn information on recruits and their families to allow Switzer to "fit in" on visits. I really admired that about Scott. He also was a master of "misdirection", leaking false information to throw opposing coaches off track. He had a guy at the Times-Herald that would print anything Scott gave him in confidence, which OU used to their great advantage.
Whar I'm saying is no one should. I'm sure as hell a long ways away from perfect.
I couldn't find the thread on this angle

"This afternoon, Ohio State published a new batch of documents related to the Zach Smith domestic abuse case. The document trove includes previously reported on copies of police reports and the protective order filed by Smith’s ex-wife, Courtney. The school also published new materials, including receipts that show Smith spending hundreds of dollars at a South Florida strip club in 2014, where he took an OSU assistant and a high school coach while on a recruiting trip, and some notes from the school’s Title IX coordinator.

Ohio State’s investigative report into the Smith case says that Urban Meyer added a “morality clause” to the team’s coaches manual after the strip club incident and threatened to fire Smith if he ever did anything similar again. Lettermen Row has since reported that the other coach present was former OSU assistant and current Texas coach Tom Herman. In the documents released today, a screenshot of a bank statement shows what appears charges Smith racked up at the strip club"
The link shows the charges but of course no names.
If Herman didn't pay or use school funds all he is guilty of is poor judgement.