60 Minutes Expose On Rove's Smear Campaign


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A Republican operative in Alabama says Karl Rove asked her to try to prove the state's Democratic governor was unfaithful to his wife in an effort to thwart the highly successful politician's re-election," CBS's Scott Pelley reports for 60 Minutes. "Rove's attempt to smear Don Siegelman was part of a Republican campaign to ruin him that finally succeeded in imprisoning him, says the operative, Jill Simpson."

Simpson speaks to Scott Pelley in her first television interview, to be broadcast on "60 MINUTES" Sunday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. ET/PT, on the CBS Television Network.

Simpson spoke to Pelley because, she says, Siegelman's seven-year sentence for bribery bothers her. She recalls what Rove, then President Bush's senior political adviser, asked her to do at a 2001 meeting in this exchange from Sunday's report.

"Karl Rove asked you to take pictures of Siegelman?" asks Pelley.

"Yes," replies Simpson.

"In a compromising, sexual position with one of his aides," clarifies Pelley.

"Yes, if I could," says Simpson.

Simpson found no evidence of infidelity "despite months of observation," CBS reports.

But the case goes far beyond lurid photos. Simpson, the GOP operative, alleged in a sworn statement to the House Judiciary Committee last year that "she heard a close associate of Rove say that the White House political adviser 'had spoken with the Department of Justice' about 'pursuing' Don Siegelman, a former Democratic governor of Alabama, with help from two of Alabama's U.S. attorneys. Siegelman was later indicted on 32 counts of corruption, convicted on seven of them, and is currently serving an 88-month sentence in Federal prison."
Its hard to feel too sorry for the "victim" if, as it appears, he actually violated the laws fdor which he was convicted. Politics is a tough sport, and if your opponents dig up dirt that is illegal, then so F'in be it!
Meh. If he was actually dirty, and Rove already knew it somehow, then I don't have a problem with it. That, I think, is one party checking the other, so they don't become TOO openly corrupt. If, on the other hand, Rove had no inkling whatsoever that he was dirty, then this is some pretty nasty business.
no doubt rove is a slimeball (at best), but there seem to be two issues here:

1. a dirty scheme to make the governer look bad by showing infidelity.
2. a dirty governor that got convicted on seven counts of illegal activity.

The latter has nothing to do with rove's ethics.
This is actually pretty mild compared to Rove's usual bottom-feeding, shameful practices. As the last midterms showed us, when it comes to an election on the issues, Rove will lose. He can only win when he plays dirty.
That was freaky.

Initially investigated and he is not charged.

All of a sudden the DOJ gets involved, after a time intensive investigation, he is indicted.

Notes on the case not provided to the defense.

Inaccurate witness statements.

As the defense attorney in the story stated, "the DOJ is supposed to investigate crimes, not people."

Even a Republican representative interviewed in the story stated it was outrageous.
Napoleon... that's a very lame revisionist view of what came out of the Whitewater investigation. Don't forget Hillary committed perjury & obstruction of justice at least twice, not to mention the 14 convictions (including a sitting governor):
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The Arkansaws crowd were quite filthy.

In reply to:

I was hoping for some our Republican brethren would care to comment but I'm afraid they are busy trying to tear Barack to pieces.

Priorities I guess.
Don Siegelman is the most corrupt figure in AL politics in my lifetime. His being sent to Federal PMITA prison was long overdue.

FWIW, I don't care for Rove, and I believe he's wildly overrated as a political consultant. I think he's fine, but was never impressed with him in the campaigns in which I had a lot of access to him. Also, electing Republicans in Texas and Alabama, and electing a Republican POTUS, aren't very challenging endeavors.
Most corrupt in Alabama in your lifetime????

WOW!!! That's Impressive!!

I've read a lot about this case and it strikes me that many of his leading defenders are Republicans who feel like the Justice Department was politicized.

I mean really, the wife of his opponent's campaign chief was prosecuting this?
Yeah, Siegelman's as corrupt as they come. Regardless of the circumstances of this case, he's such an unsavory figure it's foolish for anyone, Republican or Democrat, to stick his neck out for him.
Sco Pro- do you for even a second think that has a partisan political investigation similar to Whitewater been done to the Bush Administration that the list would not both be longer of criminality, but that very possibly Cheney and Bush might have been removed from office?

Pretending that Whitewater was anything more than witch hunt culminating in collusion between a Ken Starr protected witness and GOP funded Paula Jones attorneys.

The horrifying thing about the Bush administration is it's perversion of the justice system for political gain.
Spare me the semantics.

The Clintons & her smear machine are as dirty as anything Rove ever put out. In fact I'd say they are better at it.
This isn't a thread about Whitewater.

It's a thread about the clear overreach of the Republican hit machine and the gross misuse of the justice system solely to go after a person merely because he was a member of the opposing party.

If you want to talk Clinton history, start your own thread Sco.

That doesn't fly, please tell us why? Seriously, i am honestly curious. The 60 Minutes piece did not address what you are hinting at.

Why is he obviously a crook and dishonest? Please cite something. Anything. I don't know anything about him. You seem to imply that you do, so please clue us in.

Can't you do that?
I'm not sure what some of you are arguing. It's reasonable to present an informed opinion on Siegelman. L10 did that. It's not reasonable for him to retry Siegelmen here.

You can challenge Rove's efforts to smear Siegelman. But that doesn't rehabilitate Siegelman. I hope you understand that Rove didn't conduct Siegelman's trial. I'm not sure why Rove would even have a motive to do so. His interest is in winning elections. Siegelman is no longer a political force. Obviously. And was was toast long before his trial.

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