Watching 'Morning Joe' playback... Joe leading the "This is the dumbest thing ever on earth" and all talking about the how could they not know... every angle and detail of this, from father's history in it, to the son, to every aspect... BO, Susan Rice, all of them. How could they not know all the details, all the ramifications, every possible angle if you do this from the Rose Garden and having carried it all out, given every detail imaginable...?
My answer continues to be, they do know. They always know. And this is one of the ways a tyranical mindset works. It's probably more along a Mao or Stalinist form of suppression of an entire people, whereas the far-right method is more what we've come to view as Nazi (Nationalistic ferver) process. The left way is just put down the hammer cold and hard, and stonewalling right in your face; the far right way is with zeal, rousing emotions, mob mentality. The left can do it very insidiously. Very.
But basically, this is just a more intense category of what really is just "mind-*******" that has been the benchmark of this presidency. I mean, ask yourself, from Benghazi, how that was handled, the DOJ angle on Fast and Furious, the attacks on James Rosen as a journalist, the entire IRS matter, the rollout of Obamacare... all those and more keep raising the same question of "how can you now know what is going on here?"
What if the answer is, oh, but we very well do know. And the goal is to dismantle the minds and focus and attention of the population. Why do anything in a moderate way if, by doing it in an insane way, you can drive all the chickens in the barnyard into a frenzy, or rattle all the mice in the cage to the point they not only can't manage the maze, they no longer even care about the maze: just to exist is all they can now manage.
We're being mind-****** every step of the way. And I think it's a problem if the conservative side works really hard in a political way to offset things by usual politics. Both sides of the aisle need to stand up to the total insanity of it, else we're encouraging this kind of political behavior that belongs in a science-fiction political study like the film Brazil, or V for Vendetta.
When you have to ask this many questions of these kinds of concerns, it begs to step back and examie the motives behind all of it, including the common denominator of presidential, executive office, powers. That has been a visible constant, and should sound a lot of alarms.
Obama does give a realtime history lesson in political science and behavioral studies. Insidiousness is the term most often that comes to mind.