3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

Excellent news. Bowman is one of the most disgusting human beings in Congress and not just because of him being a colossal Jew-hater.
I know a lot of you don't like Crenshaw, but this is funny.

My late Cuban Father was a PH.D in Poli Sci. He attended some seminar long ago. They played some sort of board game that involved assigning the players a certain demographic. Then they were given chips to bargain for their needs. He was assigned black people. After a little while, he noticed nobody wanted to bargain with him because he had very few chips (it was allocated on population %'s). So being the rabble rouser he was, he flipped the entire board over, scattering the chips everywhere. He said everyone was shocked and some were angry. Then he said,

He was like Glenn Close on Fatal Attraction:

That was my Dad for sure. It then elevated the entire thing to another level and spawned much debate about what happens when the tyranny of the majority is revealed.

I'm only saying that because it's a funny story but I will say this; I can't stand Bowman and was not impressed with what he did. I'm glad he was voted out. I wish we could say the same for AOC.
One moron down:

Bowman seemed like a loathsome individual. But I am not so sure Shaiel Ben-Ephraim is all that concerned with the issues Americans face either. I'm not so sure AIPAC is all that concerned with the issues Americans face either. Isn't their whole purpose of existence to get the US government to do things on behalf of Israel? Sounds like foreign interference to me, and highly concerning that they are swinging elections now. George Washington warned us against this.

Get ready to get poorer, less secure, and less free.

Bowman seemed like a loathsome individual. But I am not so sure Shaiel Ben-Ephraim is all that concerned with the issues Americans face either. I'm not so sure AIPAC is all that concerned with the issues Americans face either. Isn't their whole purpose of existence to get the US government to do things on behalf of Israel? Sounds like foreign interference to me, and highly concerning that they are swinging elections now. George Washington warned us against this.

Get ready to get poorer, less secure, and less free.


Do we have a treaty with Israel? Aren't international treaties considered to be part of the Constitution once ratified by Congress? I was hearing that when it came to the Paris Climate Treaty (unratified by Congress). That doesn't mean anything goes, but the forces that would negate the treaty need to be mitigated just like any other attack on the Constitution outside an amendment or the expiration of the treaty on it's own terms. Does that mean only US citizens should be involved?

I suppose if we ***** about Soros, then we should ***** about any foreign money.
I'm only saying that because it's a funny story but I will say this; I can't stand Bowman and was not impressed with what he did. I'm glad he was voted out. I wish we could say the same for AOC.

AOC isn't going anywhere, unfortunately. She isn't any better than he is. However, her district is more liberal and significantly less white than Bowman's was. So she has more lattitude. Furthermore, though he's a lot more educated than she is (EdD compared with BA), he is a lot dumber. She's pro-Hamas and a troublemaker like he is, but she knows where she has to draw the line to keep from looking like a total fool back home. He doesn't. He's a total idiot with no judgment at all.
Do we have a treaty with Israel? Aren't international treaties considered to be part of the Constitution once ratified by Congress? I was hearing that when it came to the Paris Climate Treaty (unratified by Congress). That doesn't mean anything goes, but the forces that would negate the treaty need to be mitigated just like any other attack on the Constitution outside an amendment or the expiration of the treaty on it's own terms. Does that mean only US citizens should be involved?

I suppose if we ***** about Soros, then we should ***** about any foreign money.

Treaties aren't the same thing as lobbying for their interests in our government or paying campaign donations to candidates. I don't want any foreign money coming into the US for either of those reasons.
Treaties aren't the same thing as lobbying for their interests in our government or paying campaign donations to candidates. I don't want any foreign money coming into the US for either of those reasons.

I know. I think P.J. O'Rourke coined the phrase, "Parliament of Whores." Well, that's what we are. A country for sale. So, people who have a heavy interest in us keeping up our commitments will play the game that works.

I don't like it. It's bad. Very bad.

But that's how it works.

I'm not sure about Soro's though. Does he have a "Constitutional" treaty with the US?
I know. I think P.J. O'Rourke coined the phrase, "Parliament of Whores." Well, that's what we are. A country for sale. So, people who have a heavy interest in us keeping up our commitments will play the game that works.

I don't like it. It's bad. Very bad.

But that's how it works.

I'm not sure about Soro's though. Does he have a "Constitutional" treaty with the US?

That doesn't mean I am going to accept it and shrug, ho hum. This kind of thing means our government will harm us to help others. We must end this practice. I think the same about Soros. Kick him, his cronies in government, and every last cent he has given to US politicians to the curb.
Israel grabs more lands. This is exactly what I would do if I were their leader. I really think 10/7 was their line in the sand. They won't come out and say that a truce and/or two-state solution is dead, but I really think that is their internal position. I know it would be mine.
Israel grabs more lands. This is exactly what I would do if I were their leader. I really think 10/7 was their line in the sand. They won't come out and say that a truce and/or two-state solution is dead, but I really think that is their internal position. I know it would be mine.

"Israel grabs more lands" So property theft? Sounds like what the illegals are doing to Americans claiming they have squatter's rights when people go on vacation. It's immoral.
"Israel grabs more lands" So property theft? Sounds like what the illegals are doing to Americans claiming they have squatter's rights when people go on vacation. It's immoral.
I'm old school when it comes to war. You attack me, I'm taking ground in my counter attack. I still think we should have set up permanent bases in AFG and Iraq. I have no problem with Israel taking more land in retribution for the sneak attack.
I'm old school when it comes to war. You attack me, I'm taking ground in my counter attack. I still think we should have set up permanent bases in AFG and Iraq. I have no problem with Israel taking more land in retribution for the sneak attack.

So many problems with this. First, there is no war. There was a terrorist attack on 10/7 and then 8 months of destroying Gaza. There aren't two-sided battles ongoing like in Ukraine. Second, Who attacked? All of Gaza? No. Hamas a terrorist organization. Third, Afghanistan and and Iraq didn't attack the US, so what justification is there for that? Also, keeping bases there costs Americans money, doesn't protect our freedoms, and puts US military lives in threatening positions. Fourth, technically Israel already owns 100% of the land. They are the only government in the situation and their sovereignty extends over Gaza and the West Bank. What they are doing is destroying buildings, killing people who are now refugees, and taking that land for themselves. They are doing it in the West Bank too. I think in 2023 around 500 Palestinians in the West Bank were killed by Israel.

The Gaza strip itself exists the way it does because Israel pushed at least 750,000 people off their land in 1948 and holds them in a walled stretch of land 5 miles X 25 miles. There has been an ongoing 76 year old attack on Palestinians by Israelis.
?? Mona
Hamas with no warning rapes tortures and kills innocent Israeli citizens and takes hostages it has raped and tortured
IF that wasn't a declaration of war from Hamas What exactly would you see as an act of war?
AOC isn't going anywhere, unfortunately. She isn't any better than he is. However, her district is more liberal and significantly less white than Bowman's was. So she has more lattitude. Furthermore, though he's a lot more educated than she is (EdD compared with BA), he is a lot dumber. She's pro-Hamas and a troublemaker like he is, but she knows where she has to draw the line to keep from looking like a total fool back home. He doesn't. He's a total idiot with no judgment at all.
?? Mona
Hamas with no warning rapes tortures and kills innocent Israeli citizens and takes hostages it has raped and tortured
IF that wasn't a declaration of war from Hamas What exactly would you see as an act of war?

He views the land as belonging to the Palestinians, as he says in the final paragraph. If you start with that assumption, basically anything the Palestinians do can be justified or explained away. And sure enough, he does that.

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