3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

In the Battle of Kleidon, the Moors blinded 15 thousand Bulgarian prisoners, leaving a handful with one eye to lead them back home. They did this to cripple Bulgaria and it worked. Four years later they fell.

They also made slaves of young boys in captured territories, trained them as soldiers, then sent them into war against their homelands. It was only when the Europeans and Russians began to use equally brutal tactics were the Moors finally driven out of the Balkans and Spain.

Muslim scholars all confirm, even the “ secular ones “ agree that the Koran prescribes 3 approaches to dealing with Christians in captured areas. First Convert. If that isn’t successful then Enslave. If that doesn’t work…Execute. That’s what they did throughout history. Just look at what they did in Spain for hundreds of years.

The Shia Iranians in charge believe it is their duty to start WW3. Most all will die, in their beliefs, but in the end a few Muslims will survive and Allah will rule the earth.

When a nation is in an existential war with them there is only one way to deal, sadly.
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Indeed, including socialists like the National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazis).

The holocaust is about the Nazis. I'm talking about the American socialists. We have more to fear from them than some foreign political party from the past. Until we win the American people back from woke, critical theory socialism in the present we are already done as a people. The fight is at home. But conservatives keep wanting to fight WW2.
Some people are allergic to history.

If that is aimed at me then you're way off the mark.

We need to know history but we can't get lost in it and continue to fight yesterday's battles. History informs us to know what we should be doing today.
It was only when the Europeans and Russians began to use equally brutal tactics were the Moors finally driven out of the Balkans and Spain.
Charles Martel turned back the unwashed muslim horde in France. El Cid and others all the way through Her Catholic Majesty (Isabella) kept knocking them back further and further in the Iberian Peninsula. The Serbs and Bulgarians fought hard in the Balkans (as did Vlad the Impaler and others in Romania), but they mostly fought a losing battle. The Sultan was absolutely crushed and turned back for good in the East at Vienna by King John of Poland with Polish calvalry + HRE (German) infantry. That was the furthest the Muslims had expanded in the East, and that's as far as they'd ever get. Vienna was a crushing blow for Muslim expansion and it was all push back to Turkey after that.
The holocaust is about the Nazis. I'm talking about the American socialists. We have more to fear from them than some foreign political party from the past. Until we win the American people back from woke, critical theory socialism in the present we are already done as a people. The fight is at home. But conservatives keep wanting to fight WW2.
Aren't the American Socialists the Nazi party today, just adding LBGT and a few other woke beliefs to it?
And most of those pasty-white dough boys have no earthly idea what the term Fascist actually means.
It’s the political system promoted by Benito Mussolini. Not exactly Antifa, but they sure do act like the Fascists.

Hate free speech. Check
Violently oppose dissenting views. Check.
Hate freedom of the press. Check.
Hate freedom of religion. Check
Tolerate no criticism of them or their leaders. Check
Oppose free and open elections. Check
Oppose the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms. Check
Demand conformity. Check.
Promote fantasy viewpoints on history. Check
Hate academic freedom. Check.

Yeah, they look like a bunch of little fascists.
Aren't the American Socialists the Nazi party today, just adding LBGT and a few other woke beliefs to it?

No. Not really. They are both socialists but the Nazis were strict nationalists. American leftists today are basically Trotskyite globalists. Also, the Nazis, at least at first, appealed to Germans because they promised to defeat the LGBT+ movement in Weimar.
Antifa ("Anti-Fascist") are themselves some of the biggest Fascists on the world stage today.

Here is the thing. All totalitarian governments today are fascist. If you look at how they are run then a list of fascistic countries is China, all EU, the USA, Russia, and the industrialized Islamic countries. All use some form of fascism combining large central government which controls corporations, entertainment, universities, and healthcare.
It’s the political system promoted by Benito Mussolini. Not exactly Antifa, but they sure do act like the Fascists.

Hate free speech. Check
Violently oppose dissenting views. Check.
Hate freedom of the press. Check.
Hate freedom of religion. Check
Tolerate no criticism of them or their leaders. Check
Oppose free and open elections. Check
Oppose the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms. Check
Demand conformity. Check.
Promote fantasy viewpoints on history. Check
Hate academic freedom. Check.

Yeah, they look like a bunch of little fascists.

This is just part of the fascist project. The complete plan was to have all the institutions of society controlled (not owned) by the government. It was a more subtle form of socialism, but in the long run more practical and easier to sell to people.
It’s the political system promoted by Benito Mussolini. Not exactly Antifa, but they sure do act like the Fascists.

Hate free speech. Check
Violently oppose dissenting views. Check.
Hate freedom of the press. Check.
Hate freedom of religion. Check
Tolerate no criticism of them or their leaders. Check
Oppose free and open elections. Check
Oppose the peoples’ right to keep and bear arms. Check
Demand conformity. Check.
Promote fantasy viewpoints on history. Check
Hate academic freedom. Check.

Yeah, they look like a bunch of little fascists.

This pamphlet explains why any government activity requires all the things you list above. The more areas of life the government plans the more areas of life are included in these kinds of controls. It explains why much the 20th Century happened.

This is just part of the fascist project. The complete plan was to have all the institutions of society controlled (not owned) by the government. It was a more subtle form of socialism, but in the long run more practical and easier to sell to people.
The "soft" and "creaping" form of fascism is the move towards giant corporations melding into the government over the years. It's a slow and steady process, but it's obviously happened here.

The (non-Constitutional) Administrative State is a big part of the problem.
If I was Arabian, I would rather live in Israel than in any other country in the Middle East. Dubai/UAE would make it a close call.
The "soft" and "creaping" form of fascism is the move towards giant corporations melding into the government over the years.
If we didn't have that form of fascism entrenched here already, the big pharma companies never would have been allowed to take all the shortcuts they took in manufacturing and blindly promoting the jab, all while being given blanket immunity from lawsuits by the government.
The "soft" and "creaping" form of fascism is the move towards giant corporations melding into the government over the years. It's a slow and steady process, but it's obviously happened here.

The (non-Constitutional) Administrative State is a big part of the problem.

Yes and hell yes.
If we didn't have that form of fascism entrenched here already, the big pharma companies never would have been allowed to take all the shortcuts they took in manufacturing and blindly promoting the jab, all while being given blanket immunity from lawsuits by the government.

Another hell yes.

You also wouldn't have a huge supermajority of all college professors being leftists, which is the case today. You also wouldn't have conservative/Christian speakers threatened and censored on college campuses, which is the case today.

Then in entertainment you wouldn't have it verboten in Hollywood or on any tv or movie set to support Trump or anyone right of Hillary Clinton.
Here is a quote from the AP article.

"The declining impact on women and children -- as well as a drop in the overall death rate -- are “definitely due to a change in the way the IDF is acting right now,” Epstein said, using an acronym for the Israeli army. “That’s an easy conclusion, but I don’t think it’s been made enough.”

Again. The assertion in the headline is false. The body of the article says that the % of women and children killed are now less than they were at the start. The claim is that the IDF is being more targeted now. The amount of total deaths have decreased as well over the last couple of months. That is a hard cold fact. The violence has slowed, no doubt.

The article then admits what I have heard for months as well.

"Whatever the reason for fewer women and child being killed, Shakir said, in the grand scheme, the trend pales when compared with the war’s overall devastation. “The death toll may be an undercount,” he added, because many bodies are still under rubble and the war has made it difficult for the Health Ministry to comprehensively gather data."

The article continues with the same statement that the NY Post used. It says that a % of the people dead have not been identified. The NY Post claimed that those who were not identified should not be counted. However, there were bodies lying around that were counted that couldn't be identified. It sounds reasonable to me that some bodies can be verified as dead without being identified. That doesn't mean "Hamas lied!". It means identifying bodies gets difficult when infrastructure and systems are destroyed.

Here is how the article ends which sounds completely fair and reasonable.

"Michael Spagat, a London-based economics professor who chairs the board of Every Casualty Counts, a nonprofit that tracks armed conflicts, said he continues to trust the Health Ministry and believes it is doing its best in difficult circumstances.

“I think (the data) becomes increasingly flawed,” he said. But, he added, “the flaws don’t necessarily change the overall picture.” "

Here is the actual article since mchammer didn't bother to provide it. Notice I provide all the information as opposed to a provocative headline.

Women and children of Gaza are killed less frequently as war’s toll rises, AP data analysis finds
80% of Muslim hate for the Jew comes from envy, the other 20% doesn’t matter that much.

And if you go about microwaving Jewish babies then your probably going to lose women and children in the counterattack
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