3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!



Now this one might be the nuttiest thing to come out of the news on the Hamas attacks.

It's the old "Red Heifer prophecy" (South Park did an episode on this a long time ago). I have no idea if this supposed "Red Heifer prophecy" has any legitimacy or not, so I can't speak to that--read your Bible and figure it out yourself, or talk to a learned Priest or Rabbi, etc. My sense is that this is a bit 'on the fringe' of Christianity and Judaism, but who knows, it could be right (or not).

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida described as a major motive for Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, the arrival in Israel of some 'Red Heifers without Blemish' from Texas. That's right, these mother-******* murdered innocents, including babies, raped, and started a war (that they're not faring so well in....) because some red freaking cows were shipped from Texas to Israel.

My limited understanding of the supposed "Red Heifer prophecy" is that one or more Red Heifers without Blemish (nothing wrong with it, and no black or white hairs) will be born (1 in 50,000 chance of a red cow with no black or white hairs on it) and will be the sacred cow so-to-speak. A direct descendant of High Priest Aaron (Moses' brother)--a Levite/Cohen--will sacrifice the Red Heifer on the Mount of Olives somewhere around Passover. The ashes will supposedly have some sort of special powers, will be spread on the soldiers and priests who will tear down the Golden Dome Moslem Mosque and rebuild the Jewish Temple (the 3rd Temple) on the site--again with the aid of the special ashes from the Red Heifer/sacred cow ...

The Levites will commence animal sacrifice in the 3rd Temple and the Jews think the Messiah will show up/return. Many Christians (though certainly not all) think a false "Messiah" instead will show up in this new Temple (an "Anti-Christ"). And then sometime after that, the actual Jesus will return.

Sooooooooooooooooo................................. Recently 4 or so "Red Heifers without Blemish" were identified on a Texas Ranch, and certified by the Levites...................... They were purchased for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and shipped to Israel; they arrived last year. Land has been purchased and an alter built on the Mount of Olives, so there are at least some sects of Jews that are taking this extremely seriously. I don't know if it's legitimate or not; like I said, read your Bible, talk to your cleric, figure it out for yourself?

The Islamic leaders know about all this and are going ape-sh!t over the arrival (from Texas) of these 4 or so Red Heifers without Blemish, and the possibility of Israel razing the Dome of the Rock and building a Jewish Temple on the site. . Hamas said this is one of the main reasons they attacked on Oct. 7--the arrival in Israel of some Red Angus Heifers from Texas.

What these red cows from Texas have to do with war and peace in the Middle East

People are freaking out about these red heifers. Lots of crazy theories about what this means. Reading your quotations about half of it is from the Bible, and half of it is wild speculations.

There is only one place in the Bible where a red heifer is mentioned, which is Number 19. It is describing purification rituals. It is not a clear passage, but it instructs Aaron to sprinkle the tabernacle with the blood of a unblemished red heifer. It isn't stated explicitly, but the idea is that the blood of the red heifer is to be used to sanctify the tabernacle for use. Today, Jewish leaders claim a new temple must be sanctified by the blood of a red heifer as an inauguration ritual, essentially purifying it for religious use.

In the Bible, you don't find the 1st or 2nd temple inaugurated in the same way, so I am not sure if this is really a Biblical requirement. But it is how Israel plans to move forward with building a 3rd temple.

That could explain why some Muslims like Hamas are freaking out about it. If so, it is a really dumb reason to murder 1000 people. Eventually a 3rd temple will be built regardless. Best to seek peace and justice for your people. The existence or non-existence of a temple on Mt. Zion doesn't affect Palestinians in any way.
Were people in the 40s saying to kill all Nazis or bomb all of their land and remove them from Germany? If so, yes. Mind control.

Is that where your mind naturally goes anytime the Jewish people are in a war? Also, probably mind control.

The WW2 goal was the was surrender of Nazi leaders not the removal of all Germans from Germany - just like the goal is surrender of Hamas not the removal of all Gazans.

Nazis are universally viewed as one of or the worst leaders of all-time. Hence, they are frequently used as reference points. It's not because Jews were involved.
Even people in the IDF admit they don't have to bomb all these buildings, and that they could have equal success against Hamas today with one tenth of the destruction. The IDF officer basically admits that the issue isn't collateral damage. It's on purpose and it isn't helping them "defeat" Hamas.

Meh. Hamas violated a fundamental playground rule of 'don't start none, won't be none' and now, after starting, now wants to run and cry victim. Screw them and ANYONE who remotely simps for them.
Your opinions on this are perfectly aligned with msnbc's talking heads. Mind control. Ok

Watch an old episode of Star Trek called "A Taste of Armageddon"

It's what happens when you make war too easy without much in the way of consequences. You get a never ending war without a winner. Pretty much what we've seen in the Israel-Hamas conflict over the last few decades.
Watch an old episode of Star Trek called "A Taste of Armageddon"

It's what happens when you make war too easy without much in the way of consequences. You get a never ending war without a winner. Pretty much what we've seen in the Israel-Hamas conflict over the last few decades.
Well yeah, but did that Star Trek episode feature a red heifer?

Somewhere in the Himalayas, a Hindu scholar and priest smugly laughs--Armageddon may start and this world be destroyed over a "sacred cow."
Chop, I had to smile at your last comment thinking “somewhere there is always some cynic smiling”.
Conversation between a Jewish person and a Palestinian about the history and current events in Israel/Palestine.

I will say this, ever since my youth I've been highly skeptical of people who go around proclaiming "The end is near!"

This time, however, it just "feels" a lot different. There's definitely something in the air.
I'm certainly no expert on the Jewish requirements for building a new Temple. But, maybe, just maybe, could there be some way of building the new Temple nearby/maybe next-to the Dome of the Rock. That way there could be a new Temple, and they wouldn't have to raze the Dome of the Rock and start WW III.

What has to happen, has to happen, I suppose. But perhaps they could save a lot of lives if they could find some permissible way to build the Temple nearby without razing the Dome of the Rock.
I will say this, ever since my youth I've been highly skeptical of people who go around proclaiming "The end is near!"

This time, however, it just "feels" a lot different. There's definitely something in the air.

Everyone was on crazy alert for Y2K....crickets

Everyone was convinced the Mayans had it right....crickets

Everyone is certain something is happening tomorrow.....I'm going with more crickets

Eclipses have been happening all over the universe for eternity. Nothing is different about this one except maybe the location.
Everyone was on crazy alert for Y2K....crickets

Everyone was convinced the Mayans had it right....crickets

Everyone is certain something is happening tomorrow.....I'm going with more crickets

Eclipses have been happening all over the universe for eternity. Nothing is different about this one except maybe the location.
Other Red Heifer theorists are saying they just have to do the sacrifice by Passover, so 4/8/2024 is not a hard cutoff date.

One issue is that these 4 (used to be 5) red heifers will "age out" in around 1/2 year or so, so it's by this Passover or else they've got to go find some more red heifers without blemish (1 in 50,000 red cows). The 5th red heifer was disqualified--I think it grew a few black hairs or something.
So they've got the proper cows (4 of them). Now, apparently, they need the proper Kohanim (a Levite Priest - a direct patrilineal descendant of the Ancient High Priest Aaron, Moses' brother, of the Tribe of Levi, with proven genealogy).

After much searching, it appears they've got their guy. Per the ultra-strict requirements for this ceremony, he was born at home (not in a hospital or medical clinic), has never set foot in a hospital or cemetery, and is considered by Halacha to be of the highest level of Torah ritual purity.

This is him, with the Red Heifers in Shiloh, Israel. It's pretty cool that he looks like a law student at NYU or something...


Here's the chosen young man who might kick it all off.
(or he might just kill a cow and nothing happens...?)

The Temple Institute | Jerusalem
The existence or non-existence of a temple on Mt. Zion doesn't affect Palestinians in any way.
I hear you. Interestingly, until about a year ago, I also used to think that the Temple Mount was Mount Zion. Actually, it's not. Mount Zion is another mountain in Jerusalem. There's 3 mountains real close to each other: Zion, Mount of Olives, the Temple Mount.

Although, apparently in some of the later books of the Old Testament, references to Zion may actually be to what is known today as the Temple Mount. So at some point, we would have been right in thinking that the Temple Mount was Zion. But older OT references called today's Mt. Zion "Zion", and sometime in the 1st Century or so, "Zion" started to refer to today's Mt. Zion again.

Mount Zion - Wikipedia
I will say this, ever since my youth I've been highly skeptical of people who go around proclaiming "The end is near!"

This time, however, it just "feels" a lot different. There's definitely something in the air.

If a temple gets built on Mt. Zion it will feel completely different.
I'm certainly no expert on the Jewish requirements for building a new Temple. But, maybe, just maybe, could there be some way of building the new Temple nearby/maybe next-to the Dome of the Rock. That way there could be a new Temple, and they wouldn't have to raze the Dome of the Rock and start WW III.

What has to happen, has to happen, I suppose. But perhaps they could save a lot of lives if they could find some permissible way to build the Temple nearby without razing the Dome of the Rock.

I have thought the same thing. We should flood the ME with the "why not both?" meme.

Also, I don't know why there has to be WW3 if the Dome on the Rock is destroyed. I'm not saying a war wouldn't start or the Muslim world would quietly accept it. But world war or nuclear war doesn't have to be automatic.
Other Red Heifer theorists are saying they just have to do the sacrifice by Passover, so 4/8/2024 is not a hard cutoff date.

One issue is that these 4 (used to be 5) red heifers will "age out" in around 1/2 year or so, so it's by this Passover or else they've got to go find some more red heifers without blemish (1 in 50,000 red cows). The 5th red heifer was disqualified--I think it grew a few black hairs or something.

I went back and read the account of Solomon dedicating the first temple. There were no heifers sacrificed and definitely no red heifers. They sacrificed tens of thousands of sheep and oxen. Not sure why current day Jews have decided that red heifers have to be sacrificed in order to build a 3rd temple.

It is a purification ritual. According to the Bible they can do it but they don't have to. But these guys follow the Talmud more than the Bible itself.
I hear you. Interestingly, until about a year ago, I also used to think that the Temple Mount was Mount Zion. Actually, it's not. Mount Zion is another mountain in Jerusalem. There's 3 mountains real close to each other: Zion, Mount of Olives, the Temple Mount.

Although, apparently in some of the later books of the Old Testament, references to Zion may actually be to what is known today as the Temple Mount. So at some point, we would have been right in thinking that the Temple Mount was Zion. But older OT references called today's Mt. Zion "Zion", and sometime in the 1st Century or so, "Zion" started to refer to today's Mt. Zion again.

Mount Zion - Wikipedia

I'm not sure what people call what which mountain today, but in the Bible the house of the LORD is always described as being on Mt. Zion. But fair enough.

Over much of the World:

- the Left hates Israel
- the Right mostly likes Israel, or is at least neutral towards Israel
- the Far--Right hates Israel

In Islamic countries, they ALL hate Israel (left, right, far-right, centrist, etc.)

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