3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

Another U.S. Congressional hater of Israel:


The chair of the US Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Jayapal

Progressive US congresswoman apologises for calling Israel ‘racist state’
Israel attacks USS Liberty

Israel apologized for the attack and offered millions in compensation.

The survivors received some money from the US gov but never have been acknowledged there was wrongdoing. I listened to an interview with 3 of them. Israel also lied about the whole situation. They purposefully attacked the Liberty to keep them from knowing what they were doing.

'We're Fed Up With It': Survivors of the USS Liberty Look for Answers 55 Years Later

'But sir, it’s an American ship.' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty

Israel Did Not Pay Reparations to the Survivors of the USS Liberty
You've "got" nothing.

Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Those who delight in attacking our ally Israel sometimes have ulterior motives. Nobody would expect England, France, Chile, or Thailand to sit there and take horrible terrorist attacks and not smash those who did it. Oh, but Israel, they get the double standard from many.

Fortunately, both major political parties strongly support this ally, and only the likes of AOC and Ilhan Omar oppose them. I would place them tied with Japan as our best ally. The UK is close.

No. I got you. You flinched. Do doubt.

You also misrepresent what I am saying. I am not saying Israel should take anything. They should protect their citizens absolutely. The issue is the context this violence takes place in and the proportionality of the response.

You can agree with Rs and Ds all you want, imagine agreeing with them about anything, but don't post anything about inflation going up or sticking around. This will make working class Americans even poorer. To me Americans are more important than Israelis. Let them protect themselves. Then we have a chance to protect ourselves. All of this is disordered and chaotic.
Things some of our good friends and allies have done to us:
(but they're still our good friends and allies)

Japan: Sneak attack on Pearl Harbor; sunk lots of our other ships; killed lots of Marines, Sailors, and Airman; sadistic torture of POWs.

England: Burned our capital to the ground; pitiful treatment of POWs; abuse of our civilians.

Israel: Sunk one of our spy ships off their coast, in confusion, in the 1960s.

Thailand: Allied with Japan and collaborated on the railroad building with POWs.

Mexico: Repeated invasions and sponsoring banditry

Canada: See England re: burning our capital.

France: Generally treat us like real a$$holes; they're stand-up guys when it comes to actual wars though.

Germany: torpedo our merchant ships; start massive war (they didn't actually have to declare war on us, but they did); murder millions-upon-millions of innocents.

No double-standards.
Dang. Feel bad for the Christians living there. As a Christian those are my brothers and sister.
You sure didn't feel bad for the Christians in Ukraine (around 80% of the population). Rather, you cheered on the offspring of the Red Army.
I did not know IDF attacked and killed Christians this year. Why? Horrible
Do you have a link I can read about it?
If as you say IDF killed Christians this year that should not be overlooked
Can you provide a link to read?
It is sad that so many were brutally murdered by Hamas.
Were they Americans visiting Israel?
Or were they dual citizens?
No question it is horrible period and should be punished.
If they were dual citizens it affects our involvement. Dual citizens are considered by the US to be under the protection and responsibility of the country they are living in.
This is NOT to diminish the horror of what Hamas did or the sorrow at any innocent life lost
I just don't want USA to send troops ..
As an aside I do not like dual citizenship.
Ex-NBA player slams Black Lives Matter silence on Israel

6 time NBA all-star Stoudemire to BLM: "F#ck you!"

"And then you're gonna hide and put the kids in front of you like a barricade," Stoudemire also said over the weekend. "That's some coward s***. All you politicians who always have something to say on the contrary, I see you. F*** you. All you Black Lives Matter people who always have something to say and always support everything else and you're quiet now? F*** you, too."
This will have the Squad calling louder for cease fire and pretend it is concern for Israeli hostages.

"In response to Israel’s bombardment, the spokesman of Hamas’ armed wing, Abu Obeida, said in an audio released Monday night that the group will kill one Israeli civilian captive any time Israel targets civilians in their homes in Gaza “without prior warning.” Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen warned Hamas against harming any of the hostages, saying, “This war crime will not be forgiven.”
Israel vows complete siege on Gaza as it strikes the Palestinian territory after incursion by Hamas – The Morning Call
Apparently no one in the Administration can think of anything intelligent for Joe to read.
How could they?

Biden admin left billions in weapons in Afghanistan when they pulled out in an unprecedented weak and unplanned manner. Who wants to bet none of those weapons came into play here?

Biden admin gave billions in cash to Iran. Iran is supporting these terror groups. Who wants to bet none of that cash helped fund this attack?

The Biden mouthpieces can't think of anything to say that doesn't shine the light on their own complicity in creating this tragedy. And Joe himself couldn't pronounce half the words they would write for him anyway.
You sure didn't feel bad for the Christians in Ukraine (around 80% of the population). Rather, you cheered on the offspring of the Red Army.

That isn't true at all. I don't cheer for Russia. I cheer for the US to be neutral. Fact is way more Christians have died in Ukraine because of US involvement. Need peace negotiation as soon as possible.
Have you found a link reporting what you said ? That the IDF killed Christians this year.
It is horrible to consider but I don't remember it being reported
Maybe it wasn't the IDF. Maybe no deaths. But definite persecution with some jailing. I am going on memory from quick scanning months ago.
Thank you for finding that. The acts being done against Christians is despicable and the Israeli Gov't doesn't seem to go after the perpetrators.
Much like Biden and Demx here.
That does NOT excuse the Israeli Gov't.
Israel is always ready to respond to attacks or threats of an attack. This might be the 4th major attack by Arab countries on Israel since 1948 and I expect the same retaliatory response. Only this time the Gaza Strip and or Palestine might be wiped off the map. Seems Iran is the culprit (although they are denying it) in getting and supporting/arming the Palestinians to attack Israel. Guess we’ll find out in the coming days.
At least one of the stories is misinformation. It is what I expected. Not that all stories are fake. But this one is.


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