3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

It's the same as the gang on gang stuff. We all know the world is full of racism, culturalism, anti-semitism and the like. But we also know that families will take up for their own and hypocritically judge others for the same thing. You see that sort of thing all the time in Laredo. It's a Hispanic thing for sure. They will protect their own in the most aggressive way available to them.

That's what this is...
Who did Assad kill besides ISIS?
Assad regime, allies responsible for 91% of civilian deaths in Syria - rights group - I24NEWS

"The UK-based Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) compiled statistics for March 2011 to June 2022 and found that out of 228,893 civilians killed in the conflict, 200,391 were killed by the Syrian regime and Iranian militias and 6,928 were killed by Russian forces."


"No way!"
(Assad's wife)
Yeah, the Assad family are some bad dudes. No question.

Make no mistake though, Putin played our State Dep't like a fiddle in that Syrian war, and in the "Arab Spring"--what a steaming load of horse sh!t that was...

To his credit, he has offered a modicum of protection to Syrian Christians over the years. But he friggin' HATES Jews. (he's not a good-guy, he's no friend of ours)
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Assad regime, allies responsible for 91% of civilian deaths in Syria - rights group - I24NEWS

"The UK-based Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) compiled statistics for March 2011 to June 2022 and found that out of 228,893 civilians killed in the conflict, 200,391 were killed by the Syrian regime and Iranian militias and 6,928 were killed by Russian forces."


"No way!"
(Assad's wife)

This doesn't pass the smell test. Maybe it is correct. But the situation at the time was that ISIS took over the Eastern part of the country and threatened Aleppo, they raped and executed the people in the areas they took over. They were so bad that people were fleeing the ISIS controlled areas to go live as refugees where Assad was in power. But those stats so 90% Assad and 10% Iranian militias. So ISIS didn't kill anyone according to those numbers. It doesn't add up, pun intended.
Interesting point raised here. It challenges one side's narrative. Maybe it is right or not. But a chance to take a step back and think through some details.

Bibi's brother was killed during the raid of Entebbe. The Holocaust is in the blood of all Israeli's. They murdered Lord Moyne (Lehi) and blew up the King David Hotel (Irgun). The leaders of those groups later became Prime Ministers. The assassins of Lord Moyne were interred on Mount Herzl with full military honors.

So what does it mean? It means the Israeli's will never answer to anyone's idea of morality because to them, everyone wants them dead and Palestine is the door to heaven as promised to Moses.

Here is what was said about Yitzhak Shamir (head of the Lehi):

You're cast stone, Isaac, unbreakable. Bearing on your shoulders the burden of this nation the past and the future. Remembering in your heart the ashes of the crematoria and the hope of redemption. Nothing could distract you out of your way. Iron tools and weapons of destruction could not touch you, could not threaten you. Flattery, bribery, and double talk—were never on your tongue, were not part of your language. Only one small weakness relentlessly gnawed at you. Only one small weakness managed to break through the solid rock to carve the stones, and build from them the foundations to establish the kingdom of Israel. It was love: Your love of this persecuted people; your love of the homeland of our fathers, of the land of eternity; your love of your children, your home; your love of your Shulamit. ... Sir, commander of Israel's Freedom Fighters, my man, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, my honored Prime Minister of Israel and an eternal soldier. On my behalf, on behalf of your friends and subordinates; on behalf of the congregation of Israel, on behalf of anonymous soldiers, in the service of the country and in the underground; in the name of the State of Israel, we bow our heads to you. You were dedicated to the people all your life, and now 'from duty be released only by death.' In a few hours we'll say our goodbyes, when you'll be interred in the ground of Jerusalem, the ground of this good land, for which you have lived and fought.

So are they deliberately killing innocent Palestinians? I'd like to think they're smarter than that. But they are so emotionally charged, and being only human, it's possible they are being reckless with rage. But, as I said, I thought they were smarter than that.

And possibly more moral.
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Gee Mona I don't know. MAYBE because the leaders of Hamas are hiding in luxury in other countries. And in the link you provided there was this.
"Other U.S. Officials said Hamas is not analogous to Al Qaeda or the Islamic state , and has a far deeper bench of experienced military leaders, making it harder to assess the impact of killing any individual commander"

So one "US official " said Israel has not come close to destroying Hamas senior leadership. Since Senior leadership is hiding in other countries. DUH

Interesting that NO one is denying Hamas is deeply embedded in civilian areas. What fool thinks there won't be civilians casualties? Whose fault is that??????

And BTW Hamas does want them dead.
War, no matter how moral your side claims, sucks. There has to be a better way. For the sake of humanity must we go through this again? Can we NEVER learn? Incredible.
War, no matter how moral your side claims, sucks. There has to be a better way. For the sake of humanity must we go through this again? Can we NEVER learn? Incredible.

"Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today"

Marvin Gaye

Many Germans and Japanese were killed in WWII. Many family members of those two countries were enraged by losing their loved ones. But somehow, peace emerged and we are allies with those two nations.

It doesn't seem that peace thru total destruction will ever work with the Arabs. I feel it's a different matter entirely. They are completely beholden to Allah. Just as the Jews are beholden to Yahweh. They are willing to die for their beliefs. It's as if their life on Earth is nihilistic and fatalistic. Heaven is all that matters and pleasing the doorman is their mission in life.

At the same time, there is the little matter of displacement. Were the Palestinians run off by the Israeli's? Do they deserve a homeland? If the answer to this is yes, then how do we get there?
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War, no matter how moral your side claims, sucks. There has to be a better way. For the sake of humanity must we go through this again? Can we NEVER learn? Incredible.

I agree with you. It is why, even though I know it is never going to be eliminated completely, I will always be on the side of restraint, patience, negotiation, measured responses, and methodological individualism, so that the death and destruction can be minimized.
I agree with you. It is why, even though I know it is never going to be eliminated completely, I will always be on the side of restraint, patience, negotiation, measured responses, and methodological individualism, so that the death and destruction can be minimized.

I want to be that way too.

How do we solve the problem though? Just let the two of them kill each other?
I agree with you. It is why, even though I know it is never going to be eliminated completely, I will always be on the side of restraint, patience, negotiation, measured responses, and methodological individualism, so that the death and destruction can be minimized.
But, haven't you pounded your fists around here that conservatives need to start doing the opposite in order to defeat the left?

Maybe I have misunderstood. But, I don't think so. And, frankly, I think you are just trolling everyone here for some reason. Maybe you are friends with Husker and Longest Horn and miss them.
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"Father, father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today"

Marvin Gaye

Many Germans and Japanese were killed in WWII. Many family members of those two countries were enraged by losing their loved ones. But somehow, peace emerged and we are allies with those two nations.

It doesn't seem that peace thru total destruction will ever work with the Arabs. I feel it's a different matter entirely. They are completely beholden to Allah. Just as the Jews are beholden to Yahweh. They are willing to die for their beliefs. It's as if their life on Earth is nihilistic and fatalistic. Heaven is all that matters and pleasing the doorman is their mission in life.

At the same time, there is the little matter of displacement. Were the Palestinians run off by the Israeli's? Do they deserve a homeland? If the answer to this is yes, then how do we get there?

Marvin Gaye used to dress up in women's clothing and was shot to death by his own dad. Can you come up with a more sane source for this stuff?
Marvin Gaye used to dress up in women's clothing and was shot to death by his own dad. Can you come up with a more sane source for this stuff?

I believe his father was the cross-dresser and I consider Marvin Gaye to be one of the all-time greats and his words are on a t-shirt that I own.
I want to be that way too.

How do we solve the problem though? Just let the two of them kill each other?

One thought is how do you stop them without starting a war yourself?

My main point is that the US government should not fund governments and militaries on the other side of the world. Especially not a rich one at the expense of refugees living within a walled area. Without US support and consistent US pressure against needless violence Israel wouldn't feel confident enough to do all this. That alone would work for me.
But, haven't you pounded your fists around here that conservatives need to start doing the opposite in order to defeat the left?

Maybe I have misunderstood. But, I don't think so. And, frankly, I think you are just trolling everyone here for some reason. Maybe you are friends with Husker and Longest Horn and miss them.

WE need to defeat the LEFT in OUR country. Not send money and weapons to a FOREIGN country. How hard is that to understand?

I also think the American Right could defeat the American Left by simply outlawing abortion, outlawing ESG & DEI, reducing government spending & taxes, establishing sound money, enforcing laws protecting private property, truly practicing equality under the law, and severely limiting immigration. Those things can be done within the system. Those things don't require violence, but they do require a muscular Right Wing that is pushing back on all societal degradation, influential, and in power. The Right Wing is none of these things right now.

Where I justify violence is in self defense and property defense against criminals only. Family members, whole races, or whole cities aren't to be punished for the sins of the few. This is traditionally how justice is maintained. That is all I am calling for.
Israel has destroyed 130 Hamas tunnels in Gaza thus far. That's a good start.

Israel paused the war for a 4 hour window to give Arab civilians more time to evacuate Gaza City.

The Israeli military has offered another four-hour humanitarian corridor window for civilians to safely flee Gaza City southward, warning that “time is running out to evacuate.”

Avichay Adraee, Israel Defense Forces spokesperson for Arab media, urged Palestinian people to “take advantage of the next time to move south beyond Wadi Gaza,” while saying the military will allow free passage south through the main Salah al-Din road between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. local time.

“The northern Gaza Strip area is considered a fierce combat zone,”
Images of Arabs evacuating Gaza City and moving South in the Gaza Strip:


(Now that's one Arab-Hauling ***)

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Too bad Hamas didn't give warnings before
OR allow Israelis time to leave that festival or the kibbutz before Hamas attacked
And here's Cori Bush, another Leftist Congresswoman who brays on and on--hating on Israel and Jews. Another modern-day Haman.

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simply outlawing abortion,
Well that’s going well.
Heck the CMA on now illustrate how crazy things are. What the heck is this crap? The only good thing is the tribute to Jimmy Buffett. On now. And man, even Kenny Chesney is beginning to look older.

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