3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

I've said it all along. Liberals (not Democrats) are mentally ill. In short, they are people who cannot control their emotions. It's that simple. My cousin is one of them. He is a vile, Trump hater. He's obsessed with Trump. (Not that I like Trump). It's all he talks about. But in his personal life, his children have nothing to do with him. We don't know why, but he is so intense, he did something that drove them all away (three girls). That's one anecdote, but he is the absolute epitome of the vile Liberal we all can recognize in an instant. Their political obsessions is much more than caring about the country. It is a cover for their personal hang-ups as they attempt to be seen as kind-hearted progressives.
I've said it all along. Liberals (not Democrats) are mentally ill. In short, they are people who cannot control their emotions. It's that simple. My cousin is one of them. He is a vile, Trump hater. He's obsessed with Trump. (Not that I like Trump). It's all he talks about. But in his personal life, his children have nothing to do with him. We don't know why, but he is so intense, he did something that drove them all away (three girls). That's one anecdote, but he is the absolute epitome of the vile Liberal we all can recognize in an instant. Their political obsessions is much more than caring about the country. It is a cover for their personal hang-ups as they attempt to be seen as kind-hearted progressives.
The husband of my wife's best friend is this way. It is sad, as when we get together all of the world's problems are/were caused by either, Trump, Jim Jordan, or Greg Abbott.
I think the ground invasion is what Hamas hopes for. I’d continue to turn the entire Gaza Strip into a mountain of rubble where they all suffocate in the tunnels.
Do you really think Palis "would turn on Hamas"? How? Who in Gaza has the weapons ? How would Palis control Hamas ?
And Why? They haven't for 20 years
Do you really think Palis "would turn on Hamas"? How? Who in Gaza has the weapons ? How would Palis control Hamas ?
And Why? They haven't for 20 years

It may be a pipe dream but in my view, killing a bunch of Palestinians won't do it. I can't advocate "killing everyone" (not that you're advocating that) because of the moral issues along with the sure incubator for a new ISIS and a possible Arab Caliphate. There's got to be some sort of middle-ground here.

But if they're all crazy then I have no answers.
I read it, and it's sick. Israel has to do this for the same reason Eisenhower required Germans to tour concentration camps after WWII - to force them to confront an evil that they would otherwise deny and in the case of the international media, are denying in the present.

It also gives everybody a picture of what the people cheering on the Palestinians are really cheering on and a picture of how evil and horrifically hypocritical the pro-Palestinian left really is. They've spent the last several years screaming that everybody who isn't a wailing leftist is a Nazi, and now they're cheering on the latter-day SS-TV. It's foul. It just shows that the thing they don't like about Nazis isn't what normal people don't like about Nazis.

In today's case it's only political football. People cheering on hamas are completely blind to fact, acting on impulse, emotion, and the laundry of their political leaning.

I wasn't around then but I bet there were Germans that were unaffected by the sights of concentration camps. Sick, sick people. They do exist unfortunately
It may be a pipe dream but in my view, killing a bunch of Palestinians won't do it. I can't advocate "killing everyone" (not that you're advocating that) because of the moral issues along with the sure incubator for a new ISIS and a possible Arab Caliphate. There's got to be some sort of middle-ground here.

But if they're all crazy then I have no answers.

1, Israel hasn't indicated what you stated. "Killing a bunch of Palestinians " is not their goal

2, there is no middle ground anymore

Wiping out Hamas is Israel's only safe option after 10/7
Gaza's population is very young.All most have known is to want Israelis dead.
Look at the many vids showing Palis not Hamas participating in and celebrating the murders and destruction.
Think those people want peace with Israel? They haven't for 20 years. For instance in 2005 Israelis gave 3000 greenhouses to Palis in Gaza so they could grow their own food.
Palis destroyed every one.
Gaza's population is very young.All most have known is to want Israelis dead.
Look at the many vids showing Palis not Hamas participating in and celebrating the murders and destruction.
Think those people want peace with Israel? They haven't for 20 years. For instance in 2005 Israelis gave 3000 greenhouses to Palis in Gaza so they could grow their own food.
Palis destroyed every one.

I looked up the greenhouse situation. Looks like they were financed by American Jews with $500K thrown in by the former President of the World Bank. They were looted, not destroyed per se due to a hatred of Israel. It says 30% of the green houses suffered damage.

Looters strip Gaza greenhouses
Really?? You don't consider taking pipes water pumps sheeting leaving the green houses unusable to grow food is not destroying them?

Do you think there are more peaceful Palis now than Palis who want Israelis dead.
Really?? You don't consider taking pipes water pumps sheeting leaving the green houses unusable to grow food is not destroying them?

Do you think there are more peaceful Palis now than Palis who want Israelis dead.

I took what you said initially as that the Palestinians destroyed them all because they came from Israel. Instead it seemed as if it was "just" looting and and they damaged 30%. I'm not taking up for them at all. They're idiots. It wasn't a political or ideological action (in my opinion).

Here's the comment I focused on for the drill-down on damaged versus destroyed:

This is what happens when you replace your brains with ****:

It's a combination of the unfortunate impact of propaganda, the advent of fake news, which effectively destroyed any shred of credibility left in the media (and this is the assumption that it's all fake) and the zealotry of weekend activists who believe in a moral imperative that proves/assumes the evil of the reporting against their sacred cow.
I am corrected. Only 30% of Jewish donated geen houses were made inoperable so no food could be grown there unless millions more were spent . Truly a case tearing off your nose to spite your face.
Do you think there are more peaceful Palis now than Palis who want Israelis dead?
Last edited:

Scary stuff. Leaders must figure out a way to respect 1A rights while also curtailing such threatening and violent behavior. I haven't read of anyone being physically assaulted but this is already crossing the line. People shouldn't allowed to act like this in public, especially not for events on the other side of the world.
This is the issue for me. Let's look at the bigger picture about what is going on in America.

We are in the middle of a "silent" civil war with nothing being done about it and individuals who defend themselves from the evil mob are threatened with jail (ex. Rittenhouse).

I am corrected. Only 30% of Jewish donated geen houses were made inoperable so no food could be grown there unless millions more were spent . Truly a case tearing of your nose to spite your face.
Do you think there are more peaceful Palis now than Palis who want Israelis dead?

I was just trying to see what was what on that. As I said, they are idiots. At a minimum.

I don't know the answer to that question. It's impossible for me to think that way (wanting the entire country dead). But, I wasn't raised to hate anyone. I will say this, I was raised to believe (know) that Castro was evil. My father was from Cuba and I heard it all the time as a child. I'm not a hater on that in the sense that I would kill all Cubans. Clearly not. I would not have shed a tear if someone had assassinated Castro though.
Sadly, I have heard far, far worse from the Hamas terrorists. I read that the leaders of each group said to "do what you feel like doing".
Some of these terrorists were much worse than others. At least these children are for now, alive. And the mother was killed by a bullet.
I've read many stories of women being raped while their husbands were forced to watch, children who were tortured in horrific manners (cutting fingers off, that's as far as I'll go) before being killed while their parents were forced to watch, the wife's breasts being cut off before being killed, and, gouging out the eyes of the father after he has helplessly had to watch his family go through all of this.
At this point, his death was probably a blessing.

i will never understand how anyone could be on the side of Palestine at this point.
And I hope the idiot college and high school students supporting Hamas (who probably couldn't find Israel on a map if you gave them 3 tries) suffer consequences. Lost jobs, public shaming, and, the University Presidents who remain quiet, lose millions from the wealthy pulling their funding.
And I doubt a Jew would ever vote for Trump, perhaps a more reasonable Republican, but at least stay home. When people, like the Squad, show you who they really are, believe them.
I am corrected. Only 30% of Jewish donated geen houses were made inoperable so no food could be grown there unless millions more were spent . Truly a case tearing off your nose to spite your face.
Do you think there are more peaceful Palis now than Palis who want Israelis dead?
Of course there are. But they (and I bet you too under the same circumstances) don't speak up because they prefer to live instead of being killed by their own so-called government.
This one may be a little dated, but still it's big news:


Judges 16:21-30
New International Version
21 Then the Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes and took him down to
Gaza. Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding grain in the prison. 22 But the hair on his head began to grow again after it had been shaved. 23 Now the rulers of the Philistines assembled to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god and to celebrate, saying, “Our god has delivered Samson, our enemy, into our hands.”
24 When the people saw him, they praised their god, saying,

“Our god has delivered our enemy
into our hands,
the one who laid waste our land
and multiplied our slain.”

25 While they were in high spirits, they shouted, “Bring out Samson to entertain us.” So they called Samson out of the prison, and he performed for them. When they stood him among the pillars, 26 Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” 27 Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. 28 Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” 29 Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, 30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.
A Cornell U. professor who praised Hamas' terrorist attacks and called them "exhilarating" has been removed from the classroom and is on a "leave of absence" as the university goes through its procedures regarding his employment.

To its credit, and unlike many colleges out there, Cornell had already rejected, and said no to, the BDS boycott Israel movement before these terrorist attacks.

Cornell prof who found Hamas attack 'exhilarating' now on leave of absence

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