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Wrote this when all this sparked off.
"No Good Guys"
Disgusting words of violence
Squelch peaceful words to silence
Call for bombs and death and gore
NBC news shouts war war war!
Dead moms, dead kids, Israeli bombs
Rich men tell lies to TV men
TV men tell lies to soccer moms
Dead babies in Gaza don't matter then
Neocons dehumanize every Arab mom
Leftist Republicans drown in sin
War pigs beat, war pigs beat war toms
When will the bloodshed end?
When Premill King Jesus descends
Makes Jews and sinners His friends
Sits on David's throne and wins
the whole world to His righteousness
I still hear words of violence
Squelch peaceful words to silence
Call for bombs and death and gore
Christian stand now, be anti-war
Protect moms and kids from bombs,
Holy God make armies of godly men.
Dear violent, ruthless terrorists
Release the hostages
End of poem