Coaching stuff.
Before the first pitch, as Tech coach Craig Snyder was heading to his position at third base, he stopped to talk to Texas assistant coach Kristen Zaleski. Then at the end, he gave her a big hug. And then as he was walking away, Molly Jacobson bounded out of the dugout and said something to the effect like, "What about me?" and he gave her a hug as well. Pretty friendly between the staffs.
Then sometime in the middle innings, between innings, I saw Steve Singleton talking to Zaleski and he started getting into batting stances and had his fists up holding an imaginary bat and then Zaleski started copying him. It was like she was asking him how he was instructing the girls on hitting. Kind of odd to be doing it in the middle of a game. Maybe she was asking him about adjustments he was asking the girls to make based on the pitcher they were facing that afternoon. So odd that this was happening in the middle of a game (we were on an LHN commercial break) that I had to snap pictures:
He's constantly, in between innings, giving the girls pointers and discussing batting with them out of the dugout. I really like that about him.