A few months ago, when the news of the new OU stadium funding came out, I wrote a letter to CDC asking if McCombs would get a facelift or a replacement because of the view of some that when Texas moves to the SEC, McCombs would rank in the bottom third of the conference in terms of quality of venue.
To his credit, CDC called me, leaving voicemail, and thanked me for the email and said cryptically that things will be considered.
Today at the WBB game, I was doing my walk around Erwin during halftime and out pops CDC from one of the gates. I stopped him and this is how the conversation went roughly:
"Hey, are we going to get a new stadium for softball?'
Well, I got them a new surface
"Yeah, but what about a replacement stadium?"
Well, yes. But I have to build a new indoor practice facility (football) and that's next Spring. And I'm not sure right now where a new stadium would go
"Oh, so is married student housing back on?"
Oh yeah. It's back on. We have to get that going so we can move them off Lake Austin. That's very valuable land
"Oh. Yes, I understand. So, new stadium in 10 years?"
No. No. Not that long
"New stadium in 5 years?"
No. Sooner than that. I think maybe 1 or 2 years into the SEC might be when