2021 Softball Season

Thoughts after the Kansas series:
  1. We're pretty much equal in pitching quality, except we're light years ahead of them in hitting
  2. Looks like JJ Smith has been promoted to catcher while Mary mans the DP job (most days). JJ's been the fastest catcher we've had in a while. I've seen her whip off her mask and catch a popup twice already.
  3. But. Have you noticed how many times she drops a ball that's not a wild pitch? A strike, a ball, it doesn't matter. They seem to slip out of her mitt. A lot!
  4. While they said on the radio that Alysa Washington had non-serious injuries, she had a big boot on her left foot and she was limping a little. Of course, I think she was limping a bit because of this giant boot. It looked almost like a ski boot!
  5. Some balls that hit the outfield fence could have been caught if we had more experienced players or faster or both.
  6. Looks like Parker's got her mental monkey off her back
  7. Ellsworth seems to have disappeared from the coaches minds as a hitter
  8. Adams has completely disappeared. Didn't see her blond hair anywhere today
  9. Cantu and her bunt that turned to be a pop-up. I HATE those type of bunts
  10. Burke = bat control. Wow.
Totally agree with everything you said racer. Okie lite should be an interesting challenge for us this weekend. We’ve been able to blast our way out of all the conference games so far, except ou of course. OSU should have better pitching than we have seen in conference. I expect this will be the fight for second place seating at the Big 12 tournament.

That's too bad. I thought at the start of the season she was our 3rd best pitcher. To be honest, I was surprised she came back this year. Maybe it was to finish off her degree? I expect to see her in announced in the transfer portal at the conclusion of the softball season. Best wishes to her.

fans are getting restless. I mean he’s not wrong, but still (read comments for this tweet)

I have to totally agree on the comments. Smith has played the outfield only once or twice in her career. She misjudged that ball. And Rhodes would have caught that ball in center field. I bet we see some changes in the lineup today.
Okie lite can flat hit the ball. Shea actually pitched a good game against them. I don’t think any of our other pitchers can hold them down unfortunately.
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Okie lite game 2: not sure I like Ellsworth in RF? And Washington on third has not proven to be a dependable hitter at all. I personally would rather see Ellsworth at catcher and Iakopo at third and K-Wash in RF.
One thing about the Cowgirls is that they Don’t strike out. We on the it hand....not doing so well!
Rhodes looks like she is in a daze!
Texas needs to hit the transfer portal hard after this season. We need a true Ace on this staff and some defensive players. These errors are just ridiculous
McKenzie Parker has 2 errors alone! Seems like we say it every year! We need a dependable shortstop!!
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I thought our game was better than this. This is not about Ok st being good, we are just not playing at all well. Situational hitting,Pitching,Defense and some coaching decisions just are not good. At this point in the season we should be better. Team was better in Conroe when I saw them than we are now. I dont understand but Im still all in....Hookem
Kid throws 9 straight balls then gets 3 outs in 5 pitches....sigh Why not make her show you atleast 1 strike before swinging???
Texas needs to hit the transfer portal hard after this season. We need a true Ace on this staff and some defensive players. These errors are just ridiculous
Coach White flipped Ryleigh White from Tennessee thinking she would be an Ace. And I hate to say it but up-to now she has been a bust.
Sophia Simpson is coming next year. Supposed to be the real deal.
I keep forgetting this is mostly not Coach White team. Seem like he has only had one recruiting class but I think it may be 2.. I know the next 2 classes are loaded so far...just gotta hold on help hopefully is on the way..
I was at the game yesterday. At the end of the game the team lined up and locked arms to sing “The Eyes”. I watched as only 2 girls were singing the song and just a few had the horns up as they leered up into the stands. This really concerned me! I felt deflated. Ok we lost but is this song so divisive? The reason I mention this is that I saw the other team doing there little osu thing at the end of the game and were jumping up and down and laughing. This attitude can’t be good for this team or any of our Longhorn athletic teams?? I don’t know where we go from here?
I was at the game yesterday. At the end of the game the team lined up and locked arms to sing “The Eyes”. I watched as only 2 girls were singing the song and just a few had the horns up as they leered up into the stands. This really concerned me! I felt deflated. Ok we lost but is this song so divisive? The reason I mention this is that I saw the other team doing there little osu thing at the end of the game and were jumping up and down and laughing. This attitude can’t be good for this team or any of our Longhorn athletic teams?? I don’t know where we go from here?
I wouldnt put too much stock into that Ellis...I think you were seeing the dissapointment of losing a game/series that we clearly should not have. I think the "eyes" thing is what it is since the review was released.
Coach White flipped Ryleigh White from Tennessee thinking she would be an Ace. And I hate to say it but up-to now she has been a bust.
Sophia Simpson is coming next year. Supposed to be the real deal.
I've given up hoping next year's "next best thing" will be the next best thing to fix Texas pitching.

Grace Green and Ryleigh White fixed me on that type of thinking
I've given up hoping next year's "next best thing" will be the next best thing to fix Texas pitching.

Grace Green and Ryleigh White fixed me on that type of thinking
Sophia Simpson is actually the type of pitcher that has the characteristics to be an Ace. She can hit the strike zone and her change up is the best I have seen from a high school pitcher in quite a while and she can throw heat! This team needs a reliable shortstop and unfortunately, the best shortstop I have seen isn't coming until 2022. I do expect Mike White to hit the portal very hard this off-season for pitchers and infield players. Some of our covid juniors won't use the extra year and will move on along with our seniors.
Sophia Simpson is actually the type of pitcher that has the characteristics to be an Ace. She can hit the strike zone and her change up is the best I have seen from a high school pitcher in quite a while and she can throw heat! This team needs a reliable shortstop and unfortunately, the best shortstop I have seen isn't coming until 2022. I do expect Mike White to hit the portal very hard this off-season for pitchers and infield players. Some of our covid juniors won't use the extra year and will move on along with our seniors.
Right as
Sophia Simpson is actually the type of pitcher that has the characteristics to be an Ace. She can hit the strike zone and her change up is the best I have seen from a high school pitcher in quite a while and she can throw heat! This team needs a reliable shortstop and unfortunately, the best shortstop I have seen isn't coming until 2022. I do expect Mike White to hit the portal very hard this off-season for pitchers and infield players. Some of our covid juniors won't use the extra year and will move on along with our seniors.
Something I've never noticed before that is a little humor after the crappy series we just got swept.

Here is the weather reported from each game in the box score.

WEATHER Dry now. Rained earlier.

WEATHER The rain didn't show after all

WEATHER What a difference 24 hrs makes
What is up with Jefferson this year. She has been a reliable fielder but not this year. I check the box score after every game and I see Jefferson’s name a lot in the error column.

Errors and missing a lock down pitcher are killing this team.
What is up with Jefferson this year. She has been a reliable fielder but not this year. I check the box score after every game and I see Jefferson’s name a lot in the error column.

Errors and missing a lock down pitcher are killing this team.
She didn't put a lot of effort into going after balls in her direction today.
Whew! What to say about this series with Okie-lite. Maybe the biggest thing was that they've become the top team I despise in the Big 12. OU, they're just good. Okie-lite, they're good. They're better than us, but totally classless as a team.

Today 30 minutes before the game, the OSU players were playing hacky-sack with each other, then got in a big circle and played some silly guessing game and laughing with each other. I look across the field into the Texas dugout and you see the team lined up across each other. There is no chatter. There is no activity other than some talking to each other, but to be honest most of them looked like they were lost in their own thoughts. Just staring into nothing. Wow. I thought, "They've lost the game even before the first pitch".

General thoughts:
  1. Our pitchers, except Shea, are pretty mentally weak. Day hits a player and the suddenly she's everywhere but the strike zone
  2. Still on a lookout for a SS. It's been what? The last year of Devin Tunning that we've had a decent one?
  3. My wife said, "Their pitchers weren't anything special". I think our hitting was, mentally, in the tank
  4. I don't know who really is responsible for infield play, but....they need a new coach. If it's Singleton, then it needs to be assigned to a new coach with a new perspective.
  5. Coach Bartlett did NOTHING wrong. I could barely figure out she was protesting to the ump because she didn't scream or raise her voice enough for me to hear. Basically, they wouldn't throw out Mike so made her the proxy ejection
  6. Tired of opponent fans sitting all around me. Our regular season ticket holders don't often show up and then the fans migrate down or just sit there until they're shooed away. Why buy tickets when you only show up like 20% of the time?
  7. After all this still experimentation with the lineup, Mike won't make any definite changes to address the errors. I guess he wants to go into the post-season with this lineup
  8. I'm dreading the post-season with this crew. On paper, we're a top 15 team. But unless we pick it up with a Baylor sweep, I see us not getting out of regionals
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