2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

More video on what the Bernie Campaign wants to do to you
(including some good info on Stalin's gulags for those of you who think they were pillow fights)
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Damn. I always thought Bernie's nice schtick was a farce. That is most people's view of him anyway, despite his angry rantings during the Democratic debates.
If you are a Democrat, how do you support a party who could care less who you want to vote for? They are killing Bernie again and already squeezed out all minorities.
I dont recall any of the Dem candidates every bringing up the fake Indian stuff with Warren. Did I miss it?

That's easy. The fake Indian stuff is a Trump talking point. If any candidate uses it, he'll be accused of pitching a Trump narrative, and it'll hurt him more than it helps. It's a little like the Hunter Biden stuff. If Trump wasn't involved in that issue, his opponents would surely be exploiting it, but because it lends credibility to a Trump allegation, they can't.

Meanwhile she has been dumpng on Bernie (hates women), dumping on Biden (naiveté), dumping on Mayor Pete (wine cave)
Why do they just let it slide?

They let it slide, because Warren is obviously the media's favorite candidate. She's far left and woke, and she isn't culturally associated with the working class. She's a big city elitist like they are. Bernie still makes overtures to working class whites, and though he tries to fake it, everybody knows he isn't especially woke.
That's easy. The fake Indian stuff is a Trump talking point. If any candidate uses it, he'll be accused of pitching a Trump narrative, and it'll hurt him more than it helps. It's a little like the Hunter Biden stuff. If Trump wasn't involved in that issue, his opponents would surely be exploiting it, but because it lends credibility to a Trump allegation, they can't.


Even if that's true (which it may or may not be) what about the media?
Isnt this the job?

I think the whole "a woman cant win" is made up. Or maybe he did say it but it was 30 years ago. Many people did hold this view 30 years ago, perhaps 20 years ago. But I makes no sense Bernie (or anyone else) said it since Hillary at least. CNN pimped it anyway since Warren is their guy and her campaign is sagging. The 'behind the curtains' Dems seem to really fear the taint of running an open socialist at the top of their party. Go figure.
If you are a Democrat, how do you support a party who could care less who you want to vote for? They are killing Bernie again and already squeezed out all minorities.

The debate questions are a pillow fight.
They should let me be the mod. I would do it for free. It would be way better, more entertaining, with much higher ratings, filled with more questions that Americans care about. It would be so easy I could do it blindfolded, hanging upside down.
Why would anyone vote for any of these Dems who do not want the job enough to fight for it? Whoever wins is going to be completely unprepared for going toe-to-toe with Trump in a debate.
I so hope this doofus.is their nominee.
Frankly tho anyone they choose will only help Trump.
With all his faults he has made life so much better for so many millions it is hard to see how Orange man bad connects with the hundreds of millions who know he improved their lives.
I so hope this doofus.is their nominee.
Frankly tho anyone they choose will only help Trump.
With all his faults he has made life so much better for so many millions it is hard to see how Orange man bad connects with the hundreds of millions who know he improved their lives.

There was something out today about his brother too, because of course, why not?
That oped is absolutely insane.
for instance this
"When voters go to the booth, they're not expressing a mere personal preference," Smith told me. According to Smith, voters who pull the levers to harm black people are violating the Constitution. "
That oped is absolutely insane.
for instance this
"When voters go to the booth, they're not expressing a mere personal preference," Smith told me. According to Smith, voters who pull the levers to harm black people are violating the Constitution. "

What does the oped say about black voters voting for Trump? Sorry not going to read the piece of **** article.
It's going to be gaffe-a-palooza

Is Biden really the best they got?

Makes you realize --
(1) How lucky they got when Obama fell in their laps and why they still cling to him so bitterly, and
(2) This pathetic field is why they have such group myopia for impeachment - there really is nothing else for them

as you can guess Terry Smith a "visiting" Prof at Baltimore U who is the one quoted in the op ed never mentions that any black could possibly vote for Trump
only us bitter gun clinging bible loving deplorable redneck ignorant racists.
He can still pack them in

Red State claims "58% Of Attendees at Trump’s Wisconsin Rally Were NOT Republicans, Up from 43% in Ohio"

This is a pretty crazy stat if true -- not sure I can remember anything like that in my lifetime.
"The Reagan Democrats" maybe?
Perot drew his support from Republicans (which is what gave us Bill Clinton who became president with 43% of the vote, thanks again for that HRoss)

Can see their alalysis here Mind-Blowing! 58% Of Attendees at Trump's Wisconsin Rally Were NOT Republicans, Up from 43% in Ohio

Several days ago, Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale posted statistics from last week’s rally held in Toledo, OH, which showed that 43% of attendees identified as either Democratic or Independent. I called that figure “stunning” in a recent post.

But the same statistic from Trump’s Tuesday night rally in Wisconsin can only be described as staggering. 57.8% of registrants identified as either Democratic or Independent.

Obviously, as a conservative, I am overjoyed at these numbers. I take them to mean that this group is looking for an alternative to the current field of candidates running for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Parscale’s past rally reports have always identified the number of Democrats who show up, which has averaged between 22-23%.
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? The brother that died when Trump was a teenager ?
Biden's bro

Joe Biden’s brother James, who had zero construction experience, was named EVP of a construction company that then won tens of millions in Gov contracts. An executive told investors: “It really helps to have the brother of the vice president as a partner”
Sound familiar?
The Biden's sort of remind me of that Hank Williams Jr song

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If you are a Democrat, how do you support a party who could care less who you want to vote for? They are killing Bernie again and already squeezed out all minorities.
Bernie is not now and never has been a Democrat. He just runs for president on our ticket because if he ran as a Socialist or Communist he would be lucky to get 10 per cent of the vote

but thanks for the thought
Bloomberg pledges $70 billion to bolster black America in new plan

This is absolutely unconstitutional and a cynical vote buying scheme. He's the President. He can't do this. But this is how Liberals work. They buy their way to power and if that doesn't work then they impeach or destroy you with accusations of racism, homophobia, etc. If you fall for this anarchistic and unlawful scheme then you officially are weakening this country. That is exactly what MAGA really means. It's a call to fight against the degradation of the human mind and personal effort in America. And that degradation is seen in the shrill, emotionally impaired supporters of Beto, AOC, Kamala, Warren, Sanders and now Bloomberg. He is a white billionaire yet people are supporting him. It's hypocrisy of the highest order born of those who are pathologically full of hatred.

Think about it. The type of person they absolutely hate comes in, will spend more money than possibly any other candidate ever, pledge taxpayer dollars to the beneficiaries of the Liberal Industrial Patronage complex and he'll attract voters!.
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