2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Who on here was it who said Georgia was able to recount and got same results?
"Coffee County Georgia officials sent out a letter last week to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. County officials told Raffensperger they were not able to duplicate the election night results on their voting machines. The Board is asking for help to certifying the patently inaccurate results
In all seriousness, Husker get some experts on your side that you can quote or just keep quiet. I'm sick of your uninformed opinions about things that are obviously way above your head.

I think you're really sick of avoiding obvious inconsistencies in the "expert" affidavits but that's par for the course. You clearly want to debate in the kiddie pool where you can scream "I won" without any evidence. Screaming "THE EXPERTS" without ever evaluating their arguments is not an argument. Exclaiming "I'm right, you're wrong" without ever actually demonstrating more evidence than your average paperweight is not an argument but rather an abdication of a winning position. Our debates always result in a post from you equivocate to nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. That is tiring.
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I think you're really sick of avoiding obvious inconsistencies in the "expert" affidavits but that's par for the course. You clearly want to debate in the kiddie pool where you can scream "I won" without any evidence. Screaming "THE EXPERTS" without ever evaluating their arguments is not an argument. Exclaiming "I'm right, you're wrong" without ever actually demonstrating more evidence than your average paperweight is not an argument but rather an abdication of a winning position. Our debates always result in a post from you equivalent to nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. That is tiring.
The Hyatt Regency Asphalting Service will be hosting something soon with all of the "experts".
I think you're really sick of avoiding obvious inconsistencies in the "expert" affidavits but that's par for the course. You clearly want to debate in the kiddie pool where you can scream "I won" without any evidence. Screaming "THE EXPERTS" without ever evaluating their arguments is not an argument. Exclaiming "I'm right, you're wrong" without ever actually demonstrating more evidence than your average paperweight is not an argument but rather an abdication of a winning position. Our debates always result in a post from you equivalent to nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. That is tiring.

Obvious inconsistencies? The only one I can think of one was the Minnesota/Michigan guy who screwed up but I don't know if that was the stathead's fault or the team's fault. What's tiring is your total ignorance of anything that falls out of the MSM zone. If it falls out of that zone it has to be a conspiracy or wrong. The silliness that we've had to put up with you over the last few years has been mind-blowing. **** hearsay witnesses are great but direct witnesses are clowns/drunks. Some of the best experts using science to prove fraud are wrong/nuts but all of these anti-Trump conspiracies are real or at least need to be looked at when when the average person knows it's crap. Before you talk smack try to be right about so something instead of regurgitating MSM talking points.

Btw, i love how you criticize "Twitter experts" then salivate over what NJ said. If you were consistant for once I would take you seriously.
Obvious inconsistencies? The only one I can think of one was the Minnesota/Michigan guy who screwed up but I don't know if that was the stathead's fault or the team's fault.

The "statheads" signature is on the affidavit so does it matter whose fault it is? It still makes the argument un-credible. That same dude submitted affidavits in GA which had glaring problems and then again in Michigan which had equal amount of problems (charts with the same township listed multiple times with vastly different claimed voting rates). Remember, I posted the Detroit Free Press takedown of his Michigan affidavit which you conveniently skipped answering.

I posted a point by point rebuttal by one of the experts (hyphened last name) who only had 2 statistics of county overvoting and the rest of the affidavit was devolution into a vast conspiracy referencing news stories, Dominion, stolen "keys" and claiming that as conclusive evidence that someone had hacked the voting system even though he admitted this is not provable without a forensic examination which he had not done.

Finally, @NJlonghorn countered this most recent expert with a fairly persuasive argument. When 25% more people vote in a state how do you apply a prior demographic breakdown from 2016? The assumption that a similar voting pattern of in-person ballots to mail-in ballots which we've seen all around the country is absurd.

Are there more experts that have submitted publicly available affidavits? If so, I'd love to read their analysis because so far they are bubkus. Not a single court case has been won with the first 2 "experts" affidavits included and time will tell on this 3rd. Just looking at their affidavits though their argument have Mack Truck sized holes and or are pure conjecture.

What's tiring is your total ignorance of anything that falls out of the MSM zone. If it falls out of that zone it has to be a conspiracy or wrong

What MSM? I've linked DIRECTLY to those affidavits, quoted them and responded with my own thoughts. Still waiting for you to respond with more than "but their experts".

Experts using science to prove fraud are wrong/nuts but all of these anti-Trump conspiracies are real or at least need to be looked at when when the average person knows it's crap.

Just because someone submits an affidavit doesn't make it accurate. The claim of using "science" is laughable. The first expert is an idiot void of any semblance proofreading their own material. The second didn't actually provide any science but rather wove together some facts into a conspiracy theory that his own affidavit said he couldn't prove. This 3rd expert states their assumptions in the affidavit, assumption that on the surface you, me, NJLonghorn and every sane person know to be false. I'm asking you to DEFEND those affidavits. If you want to stand behind the "experts" you must be willing to defend their arguments unless you like walking around with your willy hanging in the breeze.
Texas now joined by Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota. I personally love the legal issue here (see long post above). But I doubt John Roberts feels the same way. Hopefully there are now enough votes to overcome his social posturing.

As of this moment (12/9/20 3pm EST), none of those states have actually joined the case. They may have tweeted out support for the TX case but that's akin to "thoughts and prayers for TX".
TX case SCOTUS.png
Georgia, Michigan, Penn and Wisc were given until Thurs @ 3pm to respond to the filing by Texas

I would like to see all states Trump carried join this suit as plaintiffs (which was over half the states). At least make it clear to Roberts who he would be rejecting.
I would like to see all states Trump carried join this suit as plaintiffs (which was over half the states). At least make it clear to Roberts who he would be rejecting.

Then all the progressive states could sue Texas for voter suppression and gerrymandering. Wouldn't it be grand if one state can tell the others how to operate their elections?

Just another example that "States Rights" only matter when they support your own desired outcome.
How could a guy who lost the popular vote by 7 million also lose the electoral vote? It makes no sense at all!!!

Just look at it as a meeting for the people who have better sense to realize that 100k+ drops at 90%+ don't happen in reality. ;)
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Filing of an amicus would not require them to 'join' the case.

Are you correcting @Joe Fan ?
Texas now joined by Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota. I personally love the legal issue here (see long post above).

As I understand it, joining as the Co-Plaintiff vs. Amicus brief shows an other-worldly difference in commitment for the case.
Are you correcting @Joe Fan ?

No. Simply correcting your position.

As I understand it, joining as the Co-Plaintiff vs. Amicus brief shows an other-worldly difference in commitment for the case.

Then you would understand incorrectly. There can be a number of reasons why amici can be just as strong as being part of a plaintiff class, not the least of which is the bogging down that could easily occur in a case such as this. But people like you would LOVE to see it get bogged since that precludes an effective review of the issues.

What really puzzles me is how the left can ignore that there are clear irregularities that occurred and that SHOULD be reviewed. Even if they don't impact THIS election and the final tally, they are irregularities that should NEVER have occurred or had the ability and opportunities to have occurred.
There are serious people in the Criminal Section
Hunter Biden says he's under tax investigation - CNNPolitics

" .... Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said...."
There are now 19 states who have announced publically they are joining Texas.
I do not know the logistics but I am guessing there is a procedure.
Ohio announced this afternoon

Husker it is not like joining a porn site. A little more involved
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There are serious people in the Criminal Section
Hunter Biden says he's under tax investigation - CNNPolitics

" .... Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said...."
I am not sure when I hear this if they are investigating him or covering up for him.
"Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said...."

Yeah, amazing how finding out someone is lying, guilty of cronyism and corruption could impact an election. Guess we ought not do that.
There are serious people in the Criminal Section
Hunter Biden says he's under tax investigation - CNNPolitics

" .... Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said...."

“At least one of the matters investigators have examined is a 2017 gift of a 2.8-carat diamond that Hunter Biden received from CEFC's founder & former chairman Ye Jianming after a Miami business meeting.”

That diamond also involved "the Big Guy."
No. Simply correcting your position.

I'll never understand the tribe mentality. Even when I quoted @Joe Fan 's post, you still attribute his position to me. WTF? It's a complete alternate reality.

Then you would understand incorrectly. There can be a number of reasons why amici can be just as strong as being part of a plaintiff class, not the least of which is the bogging down that could easily occur in a case such as this. But people like you would LOVE to see it get bogged since that precludes an effective review of the issues.

I fully understand bogging it down. So what are the benefits of being a Co-Plaintiff which would fall under permisible joinders, right? After all, the claims would fall under a common question of law or facts, right? Would the benefits be more resources, the weight and perception of many plaintiffs, each of the parties having a common cause in the outcomes?

For amicus briefs, you and I could submit them. This relegates the State of Louisiana's brief to our level. It's up to the court to weigh amicus briefs differently.

What really puzzles me is how the left can ignore that there are clear irregularities that occurred and that SHOULD be reviewed. Even if they don't impact THIS election and the final tally, they are irregularities that should NEVER have occurred or had the ability and opportunities to have occurred.

I don't speak for the "left" and would readily admit this election wasn't perfect. I'm not sure any election has ever been perfect. For something that occurs every 4 years after action reports from Secretary of State's should be the norm, if they aren't already.

That's not what's being proposed when talking about irregularities though. One Trump Campaign lawsuit cited 2 voter in rural Pennsylvania that weren't given the option to cure their ballots. The remedy? Throw out the election and name Trump the winner. Seriously? Why not figure out why the rules were implemented differently and make them uniform for the next election? That's a rational viewpoint but overturn the election based on 2 disenfranchised voters? Crazy town.

I could get on board with trying to evaluate and fix "irregularities". Unfortunately, so much literal ******** has been thrown out in hopes to overturn the election that we've lost site of any true "irregularities". Not a single claim of voter % rate above 100% has held up to even the most miniscule amount of scrutiny. Dominion changing votes or adding thousands of votes? Come on! That's not irregularity but fantasy.

Mixing facts with ******** deteriorates the credibility of the facts. If we could have simply said, yep...democracy shows Trump lost even after recounts now lets look at fixing any election problems for the next election then we'd all get on board. Instead, Trump started with the "FRAUD" months before the election even started. Then his supporters picked up on the Roger Stone created meme "Stop the Steal" before any actual irregularities were known. With that, you should be able to see why most on the left don't think Trump and his supporters genuinely care about fixing irregularities but simply see it as a route to overturning an election.
There are serious people in the Criminal Section
Hunter Biden says he's under tax investigation - CNNPolitics

" .... Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said...."
Hunter Biden Says U.S. Attorney Is Investigating His Tax Affairs
Remember Manafort is in jail for rather simple false tax filings over a 4-6 year period. He was acquitted on the more complex and serious counts (as I predicted, since the government was way overboard).
There are now 19 states who have announced publically they are joining Texas.
I do not know the logistics but I am guessing there is a procedure.
Ohio announced this afternoon

Husker it is not like joining a porn site. A little more involved

Not really because you are bastardizing an misusing the term "joining" in a legal sense. @Joe Fan claims he's in the legal profession thus should know better. @mb227 corrected him but claimed she was correcting me. Alternate reality and all...

These states are filing supporting briefs for Texas. Know who else can file a supporting brief? You, me, and Ted Kaczynski. Filing a supporting brief is akin to a member of the gallery making a legal argument to help educate the court. If this got to a hearing (doubtful), none of those states would be sitting with Texas nor be represented in the court. It's a good PR stunt though. Heck, it has some claiming they've joined the case, even my good pal @Joe Fan
Not really because you are bastardizing an misusing the term "joining" in a legal sense. @Joe Fan claims he's in the legal profession thus should know better. @mb227 corrected him but claimed she was correcting me. Alternate reality and all...

These states are filing supporting briefs for Texas. Know who else can file a supporting brief? You, me, and Ted Kaczynski. Filing a supporting brief is akin to a member of the gallery making a legal argument to help educate the court. If this got to a hearing (doubtful), none of those states would be sitting with Texas nor be represented in the court. It's a good PR stunt though. Heck, it has some claiming they've joined the case, even my good pal @Joe Fan
I haven't read the pleadings and, quite frankly, don't have the time or energy to do so much less worry about looking at hourly updates to the SCotUS docket information for the case.

You claimed other States were not shown. I discussed the issue of amicus filings as one potential reason why. But as usual, you choose to make mountains out of small piles of spilled salt.
You really really need to read most closely
The use of the term "join" was used by nearly all the states that have joined Texas.
WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said West Virginia will join a 16 other states in filing a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court today. They argue that four swing states took actions outside their Legislatures to change the voting process, allowing fraud possibilities.
Ms JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch announced she will join Texas in a lawsuit that was filed in four election battleground states.
Loisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry confirmed in a statement Tuesday that his state will be joining Texas in a voter fraud and disenfranchisement lawsuit filed before the Supreme Court that aims to seek justice for election shenanigansL in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

KS Former Kansas governor Dr. Jeff Colyer tweeted Wednesday, encouraging Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt to join a new lawsuit filed by the state of Texas at the U.S. Supreme Court. President Donald Trump has said that his campaign will join the suit challenging election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. ( Kansas joined)

How many do you want? You accused me of "bastardizing" the term.
Maybe you in all your faux indignant glory should contact all the Attorneys General and chastise them
And while you are at it go after NBC too
NBC headline
17 states and Trump join Texas' lawsuit.

You gonna be busy
“At least one of the matters investigators have examined is a 2017 gift of a 2.8-carat diamond that Hunter Biden received from CEFC's founder & former chairman Ye Jianming after a Miami business meeting.”
That diamond also involved "the Big Guy."

5 weeks after the election, and CNN finally mentioned Hunter Biden today
go figure

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