People are self-segregating (in my opinion) based upon the past.
This is tribalism at work. We align with our various tribes - racial, ethnic, religious, etc., because we feel like we can trust those within our tribes more than those outside of them. However, a key principle of American success as a multiracial, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society is the ability to set aside or at least subordinate traditional forms of tribalism to a much broader tribe organized around common values, principles, and culture. (By the way, that also illustrates the difference between patriotism and blood and soil nationalism.) Our system works when we encourage this. It falls apart when we go the other direction. That's why things like multiculturalism and resisting assimilation of immigrants are dangerous.
And the horror of what white people did to black America is, without question, just that: horrifying. There are no punches to be pulled in assessing our past.
It is horrifying, but we don't do anybody any favors when we don't look at context and what we've done to try to fix the situation. We practiced slavery, and it was terrible. However, was it uniquely bad in human history? No. Nations and tribal groups have enslaved each other and killed each other for conquest and economic benefit for millennia. However, most who commit such atrocities don't give a crap and never try to make things right. That is what is unique. Sadly, slavery and oppression are normal. Freedom and reconciliation are unique. We lose sight of that a lot when our people self-flagellate.
And there are many people who want to atone and are ashamed of that even though they had nothing to do with it.
But there is an awareness now of the past that is fully blossomed and it is seems to me that this generation is going through a latent form of outrage and desire to make things right.
I don't believe they truly want to atone, and they can't atone. The wrongdoers and the victims are long dead, and trillions have been redistributed over the years anyway. Nobody is atoning for anything. However, they are holding themselves out as morally and intellectually superior. In other words, it is a form of selfishness.
And when I think of what Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?" I begin to wonder if anybody really does. It seems that the black youth of America are being inflamed about our past and that it is by design. Ensuring that they are angrily passionate about what happened to their forbears will ensure a vote for the Democrats.
Two reasons for this. First, the Democratic Party has learned a lesson from its past. Assimilation kills party loyalty. They held a firm grip on Italians and Irishmen. However, as those groups assimilated, that grip weakened, and now it is mostly gone. That's why it is in their interests to make sure blacks and Latinos stay as culturally unassimilated as long as possible. The last thing they want is them identifying as Americans first.
Second, tribal anger is a very effective diversion. When black voters and other groups that are loyal to the Democratic Party are angry, they ignore areas in which the party is failing them or opposing their beliefs. Keep in mind that blacks are largely religious, but they embrace a party that ridicules their faith and views it as a crutch for stupid people. School districts and cities where blacks have substantial populations are almost universally run by Democrats, and most of them are a mess if you're not wealthy. And all of that is overlooked because of rage.