Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
I think most people would be fine with this except that at this point, it appears that it's almost impossible to keep those systems secure. Target can't keep people from hacking its data. So do we think local voting websites would be able to ensure secure, private, and legal voting? I'm not convinced it's possible, but would certainly be open to trying to create a hack-proof system.
I predict if/when that happens, a push will begin to bring down select sites which are deemed to be in violation of "electioneering" near polling locations, since that location is now your desktop. Social will also be impacted. The irony is that the left has been screaming over alleged (and ridiculous) claims that Russian social media bots influenced voters. This would - if anything - make it much easier for them to succeed in this realm, since you'd have a chance to get people fired up and tell them - "don't wait, send a message and go vote RIGHT NOW!!!"
Ultimately, I'd rather have a secure election process than a convenient one.
Just to be clear, I'm not advocating online voting yet as I share the same hacking concerns. In Washington state I get a pamphlet and ballot (think scantron) that I complete and stick it back in the mail postage free. Washington State has zero polling stations. There are a very limited number of ballot dropoff points (2-3 for Seattle and suburbs) for those concerned about tampering. If there are any problems with my ballot OR it's being challenged (ie. signature mismatch) I get an email with an appeal process.