2018 Senate (& House)

Crock, you're a little like a senile person. You have moments of lucidity, but sometimes you'll surround it with gibberish. lol

It's amazing how many Republicans take up and repeat the party line. On Blacks not joining the Republicans … have you seen how Blacks are portrayed in Republican Partisan news (Fox has them killing each other, playing the knockout game, and meanacing at the Polls in most portrayals.) Donald Trump, yes by God he really did, made a great big deal about Obama's supposed Kenyan birth … trying to delegitimize a Presidential elections that Blacks took a lot of pride in. And Fox News was right there with him...

I don't watch much Fox News, so I'm not a position to argue this point. However, when I did watch Fox News (10 - 15 years ago), this would have been a very wild exaggeration. Maybe they've gotten worse since then. I don't know. However, to suggest that this is a factor in blacks not supporting Republicans is laughable. Blacks have been heavily Democratic since the New Deal and almost unanimously Democratic (over 80 percent) since 1964. Fox News isn't why blacks don't vote Republican. At this point, it is a reflexive cultural and borderline religious phenomenon. If David Duke won a Democratic primary, he'd win the black vote.

If you really want to know why Blacks have the political views they do, and why educated White suburbanites are deserting the Republican Party in droves … well you are sure as hell aren't going to find a plausible answer in message boards bereft of liberal input or Fox News. You can speculate that people voting Democratic are behaving in a hateful, idiotic manner if you want, but it's intellectually lazy. If you want to know the real reasons, you're going to have to move out of your comfort zone, engage with people who don't think Donald Trump is exceptionally insightful, honest, nor appealing to what's best in us..

Republicans are frequently outside their comfort zone when it comes to politics. All they have to do is turn on the TV, look at a news website, watch a TV show or movie, attend a public school, or go to college, and they're immediately confronted with very vocal and confrontational liberals and Trump-haters. If anybody is in a bubble, it's political liberals in urban areas who are surrounded by other liberals and rarely, if ever, see a conservative and even less often see one who's vocal. (I do recognize that this isn't you, but you're a bit of a rarity.)

This doesn't mean the white suburbanites who voted Democratic did so solely out of hatred. The factors are much more varied and complicated than that. Some of that is the fault of the GOP in how they market themselves and their brand. Some of it is Trump's absurdity. A lot of it is a change in the environment of modern suburbanites and how they grew up. The suburbanites of today are different than the suburbanites of the '70s, '80s, and '90s.

By the way I'm sure you Republicans are proud of Ken Paxton's reelection as Texas Attorney General … a man so ethically compromised I wouldn't trust him to be an elementary school PTA treasurer. And we knew all of this before we elected him the first time. With all his extraordinary legal powers … poor guy still can't shake the white collar crime indictments in time for his second election to statewide office. Well, at least Paxton's dishonest antics, in the hands of John Oliver, have the power to make us laugh.

This is tribal voting, and I'll admit that I roll my eyes when Democrats get righteous about it, because they would do and have done the same kind of thing. Hell, everybody in the country knows Bob Menendez is as crooked as a dog's hind leg, and he still won by 10 points. That doesn't mean people should have voted for Paxton (I didn't.), but the Republicans who voted for him are no worse than the Democrats who were willing to overlook Menendez.
I'm not the person to answer you bystander. I always leaned left of you guys and from the start have seen Trump as shallow, dishonest, acquisitive, and appealing to our fears and prejudices and most of my political interactions are with people who buy and repeat whatever ******** the get from Trump, Hannity and Fox & Friends.
While we are at it, I have always seen Democrats as lacking understanding of history and economics, pandering to the repeatedly failed system of socialism, intellectually dishonest, rooted in the politics of division, lacking individual accountability, willing to lie about anything in order to gain political positions, and guided by a false sense of superior moral conviction and awareness. As a good example, just watch the news any day at anytime.
"Trump was the first to do it.

It's amazing how many Republicans take up and repeat the party line. On Blacks not joining the Republicans … have you seen how Blacks are portrayed in Republican Partisan news (Fox has them killing each other, playing the knockout game, and meanacing at the Polls in most portrayals."

So let us be clear you are asserting Obama DID NOT separate illegal children from parents?

As far as Fox news reporting on blacks killing each other etc are you saying those incidents did not happen and no other news org reported them?
For instance are you saying BP did not show up at polls with weapons? and No other news media reported it?
Come on
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Tuesday: The week started off well enough for the Left, with victories in the House. At long last, they won something, and were all thinking "this is fine."

Wednesday: But then on Weds, Sessions retired and was replaced by a hard-charger. And then one of their spokesman, Jim Accosta, accosted a girl and got the boot from the WHPC for it

Thursday: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was back in the hospital with broken ribs for the second time in 6 months

Friday: Things seem to have escalated quickly. What next? Trump for the Nobel? Maybe Hillary will announce for 2020? That should make them smile
People keep saying that Republicans have to reach out to women, highly educated and minorities. But I don't see how they can do that unless they start promising hand outs like Democrats. The Conservative message is to everyone and is mostly color blind. To start talking about privileged groups and restoring power to under privileged groups is to assume Cultural Marxism is true and then the war is lost.
In a new poll, Dem voters were offered the following choices for 2020 --


Can you guess the most popular choice?

The most popular choice among liberal voters was "none of the above"
‘None of the above’ tops list of potential 2020 Dems, poll shows

Tuesday: The week started off well enough for the Left, with victories in the House. At long last, they won something, and were all thinking "this is fine."

Wednesday: But then on Weds, Sessions retired and was replaced by a hard-charger. And then one of their spokesman, Jim Accosta, accosted a girl and got the boot from the WHPC for it

Thursday: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was back in the hospital with broken ribs for the second time in 6 months

Friday: Things seem to have escalated quickly. What next? Trump for the Nobel? Maybe Hillary will announce for 2020? That should make them smile

Ginsburg is practically unable to do anything anymore. Saw her give a panel speech recently online and she could barely talk. I'm not sure how she hasn't retired already. Shes not well.
none of my neighbors removed their beta:fiestanana: signs
but they did steal mine for the second time last night.
I was going to leave up until tomorrow.
If you see yourself as disenfranchised or just being insulted (identifying with people from Mexico for instance instead of Americans) then you need a friend. Beto becomes your friend. Suddenly you are worthy of something because Beto the rock star says you are.

This is not new:

15 After this Absalom got himself a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him.2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, “From what city are you?” And when he said, “Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,”3 Absalom would say to him, “See, your claims are good and right, but there is no man designated by the king to hear you.”4 Then Absalom would say, “Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice.”5 And whenever a man came near to pay homage to him, he would put out his hand and take hold of him and kiss him.6 Thus Absalom did to all of Israel who came to the king for judgment. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel." - 2 Samuel 15:1-6
Republicans are frequently outside their comfort zone when it comes to politics. All they have to do is turn on the TV, look at a news website, watch a TV show or movie, attend a public school, or go to college, and they're immediately confronted with very vocal and confrontational liberals and Trump-haters. If anybody is in a bubble, it's political liberals in urban areas who are surrounded by other liberals and rarely, if ever, see a conservative and even less often see one who's vocal. (I do recognize that this isn't you, but you're a bit of a rarity.)

I'm convinced this is why you can find plenty of rational conservatives who can articulate an accurate version of why liberals believe what they believe, and it's so rare that you can find a progressive who can articulate why conservatives believe what they believe.

I've heard the liberal pro-choice arguments ad nauseam. I know why they want "common sense gun laws" (although I don't know what those actual laws are.) I know why they think the Christian baker should just bake the cake. And I understand their arguments, and believe them to be flawed for specific reasons.

I can probably count on one hand the times that I've heard/read a coherent piece by a leftist that explains exactly why conservatives supported the baker (for example), and explains why those reasons are wrong or misplaced. They don't know, don't care, or some combination of the two. And frankly that's generous because I don't remember EVER having read one.
Republicans are frequently outside their comfort zone when it comes to politics. All they have to do is turn on the TV, look at a news website, watch a TV show or movie, attend a public school, or go to college, and they're immediately confronted with very vocal and confrontational liberals and Trump-haters. If anybody is in a bubble, it's political liberals in urban areas who are surrounded by other liberals and rarely, if ever, see a conservative and even less often see one who's vocal. (I do recognize that this isn't you, but you're a bit of a rarity.)
I'm convinced this is why you can find plenty of rational conservatives who can articulate an accurate version of why liberals believe what they believe, and it's so rare that you can find a progressive who can articulate why conservatives believe what they believe.

New York University psychology professor Jonathan Haidt, who used to consider himself a liberal, conducted a study where he asked people who identified as liberal or conservative to answer a list of ethical questions as if they were of the opposite belief system. For the most part, to his complete surprise, conservatives could accurately answer questions like a liberal would, but liberals could not do the same for the conservative position. Haidt now considers himself a moderate, FWIW.

And then one of their spokesman, Jim Accosta, accosted a girl and got the boot from the WHPC for it.

That's simply not what actually happened.
Acosta has been acting like a dick for two years and has been pushing the envelope the whole time. The act of "accosting" the young woman probably would have passed without much issue had anybody else done it, but he has been building up to this moment for a long time. I for one am glad they pulled the trigger and got rid of him. It's not as if he was adding any value to the room after all.
That's simply not what actually happened.

Please do explain what actually happened, then. What I saw was this:

1) Acosta asks a question, which the POTUS answered
2) Acosta tries to then start making a speech disguised as a follow-up question
3) POTUS says I already answered your question and calls on another reporter
4) WH aide attempts to take mic from Acosta so she can give it to the reporter the POTUS has called on
5) Acosta pulls the mic away from her and pushes her away

I can agree that "accosts" is probably too strong a word, but the left used "rape" and "sexual assault" against Judge Kavanaugh with considerably less evidence. Certainly Acosta did not follow proper decorum, and he got mildly physical over it. I am fine with yanking his credentials in response. Jim Acosta only cares about what is best for Jim Acosta.

Change My Mind.
It's amazing how many Republicans take up and repeat the party line.
Good thing you guys don't do that. Y'all are great.
On Blacks not joining the Republicans … have you seen how Blacks are portrayed in Republican Partisan news (Fox has them killing each other, playing the knockout game, and meanacing at the Polls in most portrayals.) Donald Trump, yes by God he really did, made a great big deal about Obama's supposed Kenyan birth … trying to delegitimize a Presidential elections that Blacks took a lot of pride in. And Fox News was right there with him...
Don't watch a lot of tv, but I've noticed Fox News is a little less hysterical than the others. I've never noticed that Fox has a racist bias. But maybe I have a racist bias? All that white privilege has made me numb I guess.
If you really want to know why Blacks have the political views they do, and why educated White suburbanites are deserting the Republican Party in droves … well you are sure as hell aren't going to find a plausible answer in message boards bereft of liberal input or Fox News. You can speculate that people voting Democratic are behaving in a hateful, idiotic manner if you want, but it's intellectually lazy. If you want to know the real reasons, you're going to have to move out of your comfort zone, engage with people who don't think Donald Trump is exceptionally insightful, honest, nor appealing to what's best in us.
Do you believe any of that? Really?
By the way I'm sure you Republicans are proud of Ken Paxton's reelection as Texas Attorney General … a man so ethically compromised I wouldn't trust him to be an elementary school PTA treasurer. And we knew all of this before we elected him the first time. With all his extraordinary legal powers … poor guy still can't shake the white collar crime indictments in time for his second election to statewide office. Well, at least Paxton's dishonest antics, in the hands of John Oliver, have the power to make us laugh.
I voted for Paxton. Dems are good at throwing ****. But it usually doesn't stick.
I can't understand how ballots are still coming out of the wood works 2 days after the election. Shouldn't there be a time limit for when all ballots can be counted? Seems a bit fishy to me.
5) Acosta pulls the mic away from her and pushes her away

He resisted giving it back to her, but she never got the mic into her hands for him to take it from her. He also didn't push her. He did push her arm down, but it doesn't look like he even did that on purpose. He didn't use his palm, and he wasn't even looking at the woman. He was looking at Trump and "talking with his hands," and it was part of that hand gesturing that pushed her hand down almost surely inadvertently.

I still don't have any sympathy for Acosta, because he's an unprofessional *******. His job is to question, but he's not supposed to stand up there and argue. And once another reporter is called on, he's supposed to hand over the mic over and shut his mouth. If he thinks more should be said, he's free to go on his network and rip the President as he often does. He's not free to take over the conference and grandstand.
I can probably count on one hand the times that I've heard/read a coherent piece by a leftist that explains exactly why conservatives supported the baker (for example), and explains why those reasons are wrong or misplaced. They don't know, don't care, or some combination of the two. And frankly that's generous because I don't remember EVER having read one.

Judging the motivations of their opponents is what makes them feel righteous and virtuous. That's why they argue that conservatives are motivated by racism, sexism, bigotry, controlling women's bodies, etc. If you can frame your opponent not only as incorrect but as morally depraved, it becomes much easier to rally people to your cause, shame those who don't embrace your view, dismiss flaws in your position, and justify bad behavior by your side.
I can't understand how ballots are still coming out of the wood works 2 days after the election. Shouldn't there be a time limit for when all ballots can be counted? Seems a bit fishy to me.

Overseas ballots aren't even due yet in a lot of states.
People keep saying that Republicans have to reach out to women, highly educated and minorities. But I don't see how they can do that unless they start promising hand outs like Democrats. The Conservative message is to everyone and is mostly color blind. To start talking about privileged groups and restoring power to under privileged groups is to assume Cultural Marxism is true and then the war is lost.

If we accept that dilemma, then we may as well give up and go home. There are some communities we can't reach. We'll never win or even get within striking distance of the black vote. We'll never win the Muslim vote.

We'll probably never outright win the women's vote, but we don't have to because we have an advantage with men. We DO need to figure out how to regain married women. They've generally voted Republican. (Of course, the Left claims it's because their husbands are storming the house like drunken cave men, smacking them in the head with clubs, and forcing them to vote GOP.) This election, they voted much more Democratic than in the past. We need to reverse that. Acting like dicks doesn't attract them. We need to stop acting like dicks. And before anybody says it, yes, it shouldn't matter. But it does, and there will never be a time when it doesn't.

Also, the whining about college educated and younger voters voting Democratic gets old. Yes, the conservative message is to everybody, but not everybody understands why that would be. Furthermore, messages don't resonate with everybody the same way. We need to figure out how to tailor our message to younger voters. Acting like we don't give a crap about their concerns (which is largely what we do) isn't working.

We also need to step back and ask ourselves what went wrong with college-educated voters. They used to lean Republican. They now don't. Why is that? What can we do to fix that?

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