2018 Recruiting - WBB

I was waiting to the side of Gregory waiting for friends to join me for the Stanford volleyball game. Sedona walked past me slowly (she's got a slight limp) and for the 3 second window I was looking directly up to her, I thought about asking for a picture. But then, I didn't want to be stalker-fanboy, so I let her go by. Here she is waiting in line:
Two things after the game.
1) As I was leaving, there was a UT guide talking to a group of young girls and their parents. I thought, "Recruits? And if so, what sport?" I didn't see any tall giants that stuck out from that group. The reason I thought it was recruits was the guide was giving instructions on when to meet and where for the next day.
2) My friends that went to the game and sit next to us at WBB ran into the team leaving Gregory. She saw them next to one of those scooters and started joshing with them about not to ride those things and break a leg. She then joked with them that they should be back in the dorms under curfew. Joyner joined in joking with her. And then my friend asked where Sedona was - I had sent her a text of the picture above. Joyner said, "Oh she's already gone home. SHE has a curfew."
Thanks, racer. One of the more interesting posts on here in a long time.
This is the worst - Lolo tore her ACL and will sit her first season at Delaware. Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Her mother was always very helpful and gracious when contributing here.

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