2016 recruits

Who said anything about a long term problem? This is just something that you don't do. There are scouts watching you and head coaches, every time you take the floor. If your doing these kind of things at all, you may have very well done it before.

My description was this is not the right attitude and it isn't and yes Coach Smart would help to make sure he stops, from ever doing it again.

Allen is very big fish in a small pond at St. Stephens, look at the other kids on the floor. If you get mad at these players for something like this. What are you going to do in a physical college conference like the Big 12? A silly technical can get you beat in Big 12 play.

This will be a big adjustment for Allen going from this level to the major college level.

Coach Smart attended this game and I bet he took note of it. Coach Smart keeps this aspect of the game as a high priority. He will get this point across.

This is all part of the rawness I speak of, he hasn't been pushed hard with this kind of competition. He just overpowers them with his size.

He needs to develop a better inside game and an outside shot, with range to the free throw line. Then learning how to play team defense against much better players.

Coach Smart does take all these aspects of the game to heart, no matter who you are. He gets the most out of his players and he hates mental mistakes more than physical ones.

Smart is building something special at Texas, he wants players that will be willing to do what is best for the team and not individuals.

I did not say Allen would be a player that will cause headaches on a constant basis. I can tell you that Coach Smart will make sure he doesn't ever become that type of player. If he or any player on the team did that, he most likely wouldn't be on the team, for more than one season.

Who said anything about a long term problem? This is just something that you don't do. There are scouts watching you and head coaches, every time you take the floor. If your doing these kind of things at all, you may have very well done it before.

My description was this is not the right attitude and it isn't and yes Coach Smart would help to make sure he stops, from ever doing it again.

Allen is very big fish in a small pond at St. Stephens, look at the other kids on the floor. If you get mad at these players for something like this. What are you going to do in a physical college conference like the Big 12? A silly technical can get you beat in Big 12 play.

This will be a big adjustment for Allen going from this level to the major college level.

Coach Smart attended this game and I bet he took note of it. Coach Smart keeps this aspect of the game as a high priority. He will get this point across.

This is all part of the rawness I speak of, he hasn't been pushed hard with this kind of competition. He just overpowers them with his size.

He needs to develop a better inside game and an outside shot, with range to the free throw line. Then learning how to play team defense against much better players.

Coach Smart does take all these aspects of the game to heart, no matter who you are. He gets the most out of his players and he hates mental mistakes more than physical ones.

Smart is building something special at Texas, he wants players that will be willing to do what is best for the team and not individuals.

I did not say Allen would be a player that will cause headaches on a constant basis. I can tell you that Coach Smart will make sure he doesn't ever become that type of player. If he or any player on the team did that, he most likely wouldn't be on the team, for more than one season.

You're going overboard fella. It actually looks as if he was going to try and throw the ball off the other player, so it would go out of bounds on him. He had enough time to pull up, but he followed through with it.
No, if you can't see that both feet had already come down out of bounds, I can't help you.

Also a foul had been called well ahead of his action. There was no reason to try and save the ball. The whistle had already sounded.

If he had time to pull up, why did he follow through with it?

There was no reason for it.

I didn't call the technical, the refs did. They saw exacty what is clear on the video and called it.

Why is this so hard to understand?
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So back to the topic of the thread: Any chatter about where Mr. Allen leaning? I want him here, along with another big body or two to throw out there. Another lamarcus A; Or Maybe a Euro guy who can pop the jumper. You know, like the next Dirk. :)
We get one more bigun and Taylor coming back, our squad will be MNC capable.
I love the optimism. I'm not sure we could do it with true freshmen big men. But who's to say we couldn't? With the freshmen all coming back, and like you say, if Taylor comes back, that is an awfully big upside.
No, if you can't see that both feet had already come down out of bounds, I can't help you.

Also a foul had been called well ahead of his action. There was no reason to try and save the ball. The whistle had already sounded.

If he had time to pull up, why did he follow through with it?

There was no reason for it.

I didn't call the technical, the refs did. They saw exacty what is clear on the video and called it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

You went overboard, it's as simple as that.
No, you won't see the call, it's that simple and the refs and video back me up.

How about you give something substantive to back up your claim. Tell me why a technical was called. I guess the refs went overboard too.
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No, you won't see the call, it's that simple and the refs and video back me up.

How about you give something substantive to back up your claim.

Calling a technical foul does not mean you didn't go overboard. The video showing the play, doesn't mean you didn't go overboard. It just means it was a technical foul. You still went overboard...for proof, go back and read your overboard post, in this thread. Stop crying about something so meaningless. Oh the horror.
No, it's my nature to state things that are factual. You can't refute anything I said, so you just resorted to words like overboard and crying.

All I said he was made a mental mistake and Coach Smart could help him to not do that in the future.
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Because I always have used it, since we saved this site, not just this thread. I even explained it on day one of the new site.

What would I know about keeping things civilized, I'm just a Moderator. I just look at nearly every word posted on this site, to help keep things civil.

If you really think this isn't civil, you must not read many threads on here. This is pretty tame stuff.

No it's not Texags or Shaggy(whatever name they use now to avoid copywrite infringement,) but it's also not Xanadu either.

Disagreements are fine, just no name calling.
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I guess I expected the video to be worse from your description. That one incident doesn't really show me some kind of long-term character issue. He didn't (1) hit someone or threaten them or get in their face; (2) argue with the referee or coach; (3) throw the ball at the other player's head or face--instead at his legs; (4) whine, cry, call attention to himself, act the clown, act all gansta, play to the crowd, gloat, etc.

I would definitely say, "cool it, man," but even right at that moment I wouldn't say, "this is going to ruin you if you don't get it under control."
Yeah, as much as I respect NBHorn7 and his posts, I have to agree more with your analysis of the play. While I have never seen this kid play in person and I would not have any kind of feel for his character, from the video, you could easily say he was simply trying to throw the ball off of the other player. It is quite possible he did not know he was out of bounds even though he clearly did it after the whistle blew. As you said, he did not try to hurt the other kid with the ball by throwing it at his head or face. No need to judge a kid from a single video unless you have seen this type of behavior previously or it continues.
Why do people keep saying this? Who is judging him from a single play? He made a mental mistake, which I said was part of him being a raw prospect. What is wrong with that?

He may very well never do it again, but then again he could also. I could see Coach Smart talking to him about it, because he is a teacher of all aspects of the game. It's not like it's a deal breaker for his recruitment.

I trust Coach Smart to make any decisions on recruits. He has proven to be a great coach, teacher, and recruiter. It doesn't really matter what anybody posts on an internet forum.

I could say that some posters are reacting so strongly because he is a big time recruit, that is favored to come to Texas, that it would be different if he was an A&M recruit. That wouldn't be a fair thing to say either would it?

I never said there "would" be a long term problem, that is other people's words. Just that Coach Smart could help prevent any future problem. It was pointed out that he did it on purpose, it doesn't matter where he threw the ball off the other player.

People are acting like I said never try to recruit this kid because he has major problems. That isn't so. Just that Coach Smart would make sure there never was a problem, because he is that kind of coach.

Also that video was shot by someone who was at the game and he said the same thing I did. That he came down after a whistle, with both feet clearly on the floor, so out of bounds, then turned completely around to fire the ball at the player that had fouled him. The screenshot picture shows that very clearly, the back foot had already come down out of bounds first.

As a result, a technical was properly called, I see the play as the refs saw it. If they didn't see it that way, they wouldn't have called it. There is nothing wrong with pointing this out.

I didn't say it would ruin him, that is other people's words. You say you can't see what is there, but people are sure seeing words that I didn't say. Did you read all the posts?

Read the last paragraph of post #61. It seems nobody has or mentions it, just taking a premise that I think this kid is a long term trouble maker and running with it, because I pointed out this play, as something he shouldn't do.

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Also that video was shot by someone who was at the game and he said the same thing I did. That he came down after a whistle, with both feet clearly on the floor, so out of bounds, then turned completely around to fire the ball at the player that had fouled him. The screenshot picture shows that very clearly, the back foot had already come down out of bounds first.

He actually turned in the air while coming down, but he did throw the ball after coming down and clearly after the whistle had blown. I just don't think it had anything to do with attitude as you stated in your original post.
I never said anything about not recruiting him, just that it was a foolish mistake, that if it was ever a problem that Coach Smart could help fix it.

People get worked up by Texas recruits, it shows.
what about his attitude

I'm hoping that improves shortly after getting on the 40 and diving right in with Shaka and Co. They have big plans for him.

Watching him in the McD's AA game, he came out extremely fired up in the first half and dominated in the paint. 90% of his production came in the first 8 minutes of the game. Then he seemed to just sort of, check out. He got as much playing time as the rest of the top #20 kids so, not sure why he got down. His posture, attitude, energy level, tempo, overall participation, just very noticeably dropped off completely in the 2nd half.
Watching him in the McD's AA game, he came out extremely fired up in the first half and dominated in the paint. 90% of his production came in the first 8 minutes of the game. Then he seemed to just sort of, check out. He got as much playing time as the rest of the top #20 kids so, not sure why he got down. His posture, attitude, energy level, tempo, overall participation, just very noticeably dropped off completely in the 2nd half.

Sounds like Myles Turner 2.0.
Really glad to see Jarrett Allen is waiting until the absolute last possible moment to make his decision on where to play college basketball for one year. It's certainly his right, and nothing wrong with wanting to make the most well informed decision considering the gravity of the potentially life-path-altering consequences of his choice, but jeez.

Is there really that much mystery remaining in the league that would materially affect the outcome of his decision one way or another? Everyone that matters has pretty much already committed or declared. No more coaching changes left. No looming transfer prospects looking to shake things up at any of his top 8 schools.

At this point it feels like it's just opportunity to bask in the media glow before the big dramatic finish. I'm just not that into this kid anymore to even care if he comes to Texas or doesn't.

With all due respect, sir.
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Houston is considering hiring his AAU coach as an assistant coach.

Kentucky wants him if they don't get Bolden.

Kansas is hard after him now and last reports were that it's probably a 50-50 choice between the Jayhawks and Texas.

Supposedly Smart visited him on Monday and then Self on Tuesday.

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