Those schools have to cast a wide net.

We have a great fishing hole right here.
And most of them are diehard Texas.

If we had a polyglot class of 5 star out of staters we would have lost so many more this year. Look at how the arrogant few that are left are behaving.

I think they are doing it about right, hit the border states and any who show a serious interest. Anything more is probably wasted constrained resources.
we absolutely do not make oos kids pay their own way. Hopefully no one actually told you differently. If they take more than the one official visit they are required to pay their own way. Maybe Aub or bama would disagree. Also, is junior day this coming weekend with all the crappy weather around the state and Super Bowl going on?
We had a decent pipeline to San Diego in the 90s. People always say that San Diego has a lot of similar qualities to Austin (we definitely have a volleyball pipeline there).
With 14 Srs. leaving IMO 2RBS, 1 WR, 3OL for 6 on offense. 2DES, 1 DT, 2LBS, 2DBS and 1K/P. Any player that leaves fill the position he left from. Keep balance and depth at all positions.
the 2012 class will have more than 14 and prob close to 20. the new coaching staff will provide mack the opportunity/leverage to trim the fat, particularly at TE and WR. we'll see alot of transfers. with one scholi kicker on the team, we will not add a second, imo. we need to focus building the depth on the OL and DL. as it stands, we don't have the luxury of redshirting everyone, which is the right thing to do at those positions. here's how i think it will shake out, alot will depend on how the new coaches evaluate the current talent on the team and the quality of talent available to recruit. sometimes you need a handful of CB's and there aren't enough out there at the quality you need.

QB - 1
RB - 2
FB - 0
WR - 2
OL - 4
DE - 3
LB - 3
DT - 4
S - 0
CB - 4
KR - 0
Interesting... The Link

Texas is absolutely a basketball "hotbed." That Barnes recruits nationally--internationally, even--is irrelevant.

Come next year, the Longhorns men's basketball team might have three Ontarians in the starting lineup, but that fact wouldn't make Ontario a basketball "hotbed." The scope is much larger than that.

EDIT: By the way, Dr. Spot, I'm guessing you don't follow Texas hoops in general or the Longhorns men's basketball team in specific. I say that because one of the players you listed (Melchionni) is a walk-on.
Early commits is not the end of the process. I predict that we will be able to persuade some early commits elsewhere to decommit and come to UT. The excitement over this coaching staff is only going to grow with time, including spring practice.
My point. Barnes wins by recruiting nationally.

Mack has done well and should focus first on Texas. But, when we have a year when we need to fill certain positions and Texas guys are not top notch, we should work a bit harder and go outside of the state.

Putting your head in the sand produces 5-7 seasons!
THere is no doubt that Mack should recruit Texas 1st. But, he should recruit OOS a little more as well.

Comparing Football to Basketball is not really a good comparison IMO. There are certain basketball players that Barnes can not/ will not recruit because of AAU handlers. While there is enough talent in Texas to win big (our Final 4 Team was mostly Texans) it is very difficult to land all the top talent because of the players "connections". Hell, look at Baylor if you want an example. They have landed some bigtime talent the past few years, from TX, that UT didn't really have a chance with.

That's not really the case in football. More of the recruiting is done by HS coaches and parents.
Agree with 3ball. Football and basketball recruiting are different animals. The "handler" issue is what is sicking about basketball. If the NCAA had any balls they would address that situation, but then when family members can shop their football playing kids one sees nothing will be done.
My point is: Barnes gets his guys and is not adverse to going to Nevada, for example.

The concept of "we must get them all from Texas because" is not ready for prime time. If Mack takes 20 of 25 from Texas, the HS coaches have nothing to complain about. If the 5 OOS are 5 or high 4 star in need positions we will win more games ... truly.

And, the crap about wanting to be at Texas (presumably only possible if you were born in Texas) is BULL!! How many guys who want to be pro players don't play hard because they we not born in he state they are playing for? Ingram? The Bama QB a
wanted to go to Texas. Did he crap out on them? How about the Auburn WR we told had to gray shirt?

I think the coaches haven't worked as hard as they should have. Muschamp worked OOS Harsin is already doing so.

Wake up Hornfans!!
I was waiting for this post. HA HA We just signed a $300 million deal for our own network. We want to be a national brand. Maybe an independent, a la Notre Dame.

We could endear ourselves to more of the country (and would probably win even more games) if we recruited carefully on a national basis. Get 3 to 5 top 50 players from other states.

Good example: The other TEXAS top 10 team which is called Oklahoma for some reason. Stoops has outperformed MAck during their shared tenure. He gets his usual 75% from Texas and then goes national an gets top guys on a national basis.
Stoops busted? When? How did it set then back?

I like Mack. he makes me proud to be a Horn alum. Has nothing to do with smart recruiting.
I'm well aware that Mack has cherry picked a few, very few, guys. Usually when he a has a relatively new coach who is working on a guy he was recruiting at his last job.

Muschamp appeared to be trying to change that and I hope we will do it as part of a consistent plan in the future. That has not been the case.

I trusted Alan Greenspan and it turns out he didn't know everything.

Texas should be able to get most of the guys we want in-state and 3 to 5 (many more than we have averaged over the last 10 years) top top OOS guys every year. Get 3 to 5 a year for 5 years, you will have 7 or so all-star starters. That's 5 more than Mack has ever had.

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