There was a very good guest on 1530 yesterday afternoon. He discussed the state of tennis, the Nadal/Fed match, and the future of tennis. He said that it was hands down the best match ever, that the rivalry has helped tennis and bring in the more casual fans, pointed to the upcoming master series, Olympics, and US Open as a great home stretch to see some more Nadal/Fed and other top players. He also mentioned that in his mind there hasn't been a change of the guard just yet and that Nadal and Federer basically rule over tennis right now with Djokovic a distant 3rd. Says that Nadal needs to win a few more tournaments after this big win in order to be solidly the #1 guy.
Nadal has definitely pulled even with Federer in my mind if not ahead. What I really want to see now is a face off at the US Open. Nadal has never made it to the final there but he obviously has it in him. His serve hasn't been big enough in the past to get him to the final but this year may be the changing of that. Since we have seen them face off on clay and grass I almost feel like we are all missing that at least one match on hard court.
Other interesting comment the guy made was that Nadal and Federer are 2 polarizing guys. Many like Nadal b/c of his gritty play, his fighting style, his athleticism, etc, while they tend to not like (or hate) Federer b/c of his metrosexual style, his quiet sometimes boring play, etc. On the flip side many like Federer b/c of his classical tennis style of play, the grace at which he plays and wins, etc, while they tend to not like Nadal b/c of his ugly style of play, his odd non graceful actions (*** picking, etc), his odd non-american style of attire, etc.
Interesting that these 2 guys have such a rivalry and are also so polarizing. Take the Williams sisters for instance. They can play each other every final for the next 2 years and they just aren't that interesting to watch b/c there is no real rivalry there that fans can grab on to. This polarizing rivalry is going to be good for tennis. It is also going to spur some discussions such as this one on here. Unfortunately not every poster can contribute intellectually, provide solid discussion points, and show some respect for the viewpointws of others. Nadal and Federer themselves though seem to show each other the respect they deserve. They respect each other's game and the fact that each other exists to challenge them.
I for one have come to completely respect Nadal's game and place in tennis now. He has proven he has improved service game to win on grass against the best and I think the only thing he has now to prove is that he can win on hard court against the best. Yes he has won hard court tournaments but he needs to make it to the final the US Open to really get that full respect on that surface. Previously I had said that I respected Federer gettingo the 3 straight clay court finals more than Nadal making 2 straight at Wimbledon. Well not that Nadal has not only made a 3rd straight final at Wimbledon but won it as well I give him more respect for his accomplishment than I do Federer's. I do think viewpoints can change b/c the circumstances change. Mine have. They evolve with the times. For instance I have said that Federe is the best of his generation and top 3 all-time. Hard to go further than that b/c hard to compare generations.
I think I had a hard time giving Nadal the full respect until he actually WON Wimbledon against Federer b/c of the effect this win would have on Federer's legacy. Before you could say Federer is completely dominant overall, goes to just about every final, and wins them on grass or hard court surface, but just that there was this blip on clay b/c of Nadal. This blip was preventing Federer from becoming the best all-time as he could have had 2 grand slams under his belt. But now this blip has grown and become a challenger on his best surface. Now I have had to reevaluate and say that he may not necessarily even be the best of his generation. It could very well go down that Nadal and Federer are both going to be considered the best of their generation. One guy was just a little older and got an earlier start to his career. Who is better overall we may never know b/c you could also argue that as Nadal becomes the best player he can be that Federer is going to start to age and his game and consistency will start to decline some. What we do know is that both of these guys currently are playing great tennis and that it is a rare thing in sports to get to witness a rivalry such as this.
Unfortunately some choose to harbor ill will cultivated in private messages from discussions that started 1 to 2 years ago before they were even a member of hornfans. But hey, that is the nature of this polarizing rivalry.