2006 Rose Bowl NOT best game ever

I am so freaking tired of ****-**** sportswriters who crap **** like that story simply because they need to come up with some copy.

I never go to espn, SI.com, et al because the majority of their content is aimed at manufacturing controversy. What happened to thoughtful analysis and insight?

Do these hacks even believe the crap they are spewing, or are they laughing inside, knowing the reaction they are going to get?
I wasn't aware that 2005 ohio state (hint lost to penn st later on, nor was the texas vs ohio state a 1 vs 2 game) was a top 200 team. I hate to defend arkansas but their 69 team was more of a top 200 team than 05 ohio state.
This man had an agenda from the start. You could tell where this was going from the very first line. His slanted opinion is not news, but bitter ranting. If it were news it would have come out the day after the game and not years later.

He gives a long list of criteria for what would make the perfect game. He picks and chooses singular great moments from other games, then fails to scrutinize that game’s entirety as he does the Rose Bowl. What he doesn’t do is point to a specific game which displays them all.

What this man is unable to comprehend is that one single great moment cannot take the place of many. He fails to see any value because his emotions cloud his judgment. Vince jogged into the endzone… Usain Bolt jogged to a new world record, nothing can take away from what they did.

For me, the Rose Bowl finish was a perfect ending. All the dreams, all the hopes did come down to that final play. Having said that, there is one truth that remains, the worth of a game is not measured by just the best or worst play in that game.
maybe college football fans could get their very own reality mythbusters show.

It would be titled "Mythbusters: The talented sportswriter" and you could be the first one we debunk.
Who gives a crap. I have neither the time nor the energy to argue moronic things like this. I know what I think. That's good enough for me.
I wouldn't trade that game or that season for any other played at any time in history. Let others say what they want. They'll never get to experience what we experienced.
those were two of the greatest offenses ever assembled. both teams were held below their averages in points scored. there were also several defensive players that were drafted in the nfl--some quite early. to say that the game was missing defense just isn't accurate. then again, i wouldn't expect something accurate from a writer trying to tear down that game. my ou and aggy friends even admit that tx-usc was the greatest game ever.
I know what you mean borna! It was great. I saw the 1969 Texas vs Arkansas Game that was great and it is the next best thing to the 2006 Rose Bowl but I give the edge to the Rose Bowl game since it was the last game to be played. The other game was at the end of the regular season and there was still some bowl games to be played before everything was settled.
Seeing the Rose Bowl game live (whether on tv or if you were fortunate to be at the game) was a great experience. Sure there are copies of the game shown regularly and you can watch it on ESPN Classics or order a copy and enjoy it but nothing will ever take the place of the greatness and enjoyment and the amotions felt when you watched it live. The best indeed in my opinion. Would that BCS could get it right every year like that but that is not possible.

That jackhole is incredible. Also, one of the most iconic plays in college football, the play, he butchered. The football player for Cal ran into a trombone player.. Not a tuba player. Minute detail yes.. But any excuse to wanna beat this man with his ergonomic keyboard.
If I could go to football games for the next 1000 years, I'd never see another one as good as that game was. I don't care what anybody else thinks.
Hasn't virtually every starter from that game on both sides been drafted? i am too lazy to look it up but I imagine 80% or more were are will be.