Any such list is subjective, and they mention some of the other "greatest ever" games, but don't take a stab at ranking them. No, we didn't finish by running through a marching band which had taken the field.
I have a problem with calling USC's defense poor because Texas was able to move the ball and score on them. I have a problem with Keith Jackson whining about the official's call on VY's pitchout, like that would have decided the game. It would have still produced a first down inside the ten yard line, would it not? Texas was rolling down the field, and there was every reason to expect a score there, even if it did not occur on that particular play.
The game goes in the handful of games considered as the best college game ever, and no one should argue with that.
No game was for more marbles, in a better venue, or featured higher ranked teams. The game didn't end on the very last play with a hail mary, and Notre Dame wasn't playing, so some people won't find it too notable, but what do they know?