100 days, til kickoff!

Yeah, with the start of media days, the countdown seems to go a lot faster. The first 50 days are brutal.
Good morning,
Today we have #45 Bo Robinson greeting Cale Gundy.
#43 Kalen Thorton takes down Nate (buy a vowel) Hybl in 2001 in an otherwise forgettable game.
Paired with Corey Redding, he was part of one of the better defensive end tandems in Longhorn football histoire. But that discussion is a topic for another thread.
Marcus Dupree's last play at OU and in D-1.

Broke both helmets. Better than the hit was Barry running out on the field telling Marcus to get back in the huddle, About Barry's fourth step into the field he ran out of cord and got a serious case of whiplash from his head being snapped back.

His comment, "I can't believe you saw that"
Randy Peschel.

Jim Bertleson scored the touchdown but Peschel made it possible. I was 11 when I watched this game in black & white. I knew after this game where I wanted to go to college. Didn’t know what I wanted to do there, but I knew where I was going.
Randy Peschel.

Jim Bertleson scored the touchdown but Peschel made it possible. I was 11 when I watched this game in black & white. I knew after this game where I wanted to go to college. Didn’t know what I wanted to do there, but I knew where I was going.
Street to Peschel; Street to Speyrer (1970 CB and UCLA 1970) and Brown to Lewis (1996 Big XII CG) are three memorable Texas pass plays that have stood the test of time.
1970 was Eddie Phillips to Cotton
That was my freshman year at UT. The ticket I drew for that game was in the south end of the stadium, 3rd row up from the bottom. I leaned back against the wall at the end. You couldn't get any farther behind the endzone than I was. I couldn't see s**t for most of the game. However, when Speyer broke open he was right in front of me. I couldn't see Phillips at all, but I saw the ball come out of the mass of players. I knew right away Cotton was going to catch it. It made it all worth while to sit in that lousy seat in the boiling sun just for that special moment.
#39 Brian Robison.

I need to admit here that I thought he made a huge mistake playing college football and not concentrating on track and field. He could have been an Olympic medalist in the shot or disc and an all-time great if he chose to go that direction.
As for his football choices, a natty in college and 11 years in the league; not too shabby. One of my all-time favorite Longhorns.
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