There's many issues being tossed about on this thread, but the development of these electric cars overall is a good thing.
a) It is much easier to control pollution and emissions from one power plant than from millions of poorly maintained vehicles sitting in people's driveways. Even coal plants can have emission control devices, or can be built somewhat cleaner burning from the onset. Coal is terrible from mining, to transporting to burning, but it can be gradually replaced with renewable power plants over time.
b) Most people drive limited distances for the vast majority of their trips, and electric commuter cars would serve their purposes just fine.
c) The home recharging station could automatically recharge the car overnight, choosing the lowest cost electricity during late hours. Smart meters can be programmed to do this very easily and painlessly, and most homes are getting this type of meter already. We have one.
d) If there aren't a critical number of the electric cars out there, the demand for improved batteries and for inexpensive replacement batteries at the end of their useful life won't cause the free market to develop solutions.
e) Same with cost of the first couple of cars, once these are popular, the costs will come down, the designs will be more interesting, and more bubbas will consider owning one. OK, scratch that last thought. There can still be Suburbans and Expeditions for them.
f) Anyone who doesn't think our current dependence on foreign oil is strangling our economy, environment, and human resources (wars) is not looking clearly at the big picture. We need to support a big change in our daily transportation energy use.
g) I would love to have a Volt or a Leaf. I could cruise on over to Starbucks in style for a double latte and a scone on my way to the Sierra Club meeting.