
Having a birth requirement is not a bad thing. I dont want some Spanish or French billionaire moving here, getting into politics and then running for office here. Where is their allegiance? The U.S. is still an autonomous country, or at least it is suppose to be.
That nationalism is politically incorrect is completely F__d up. Who says it is?

We still have living people who remember World War II and Nationalism is already going out of style?

If Americans are so out of touch to not realize that everything they have, that every right and privilege they own, is the direct result of Nationalism, then God help us.
Now Now 123

That has already been explained by his supporters. Unlike every other egotistical author who wants to make sure his book sells BO apparently never ONCE offered any personal information so his " agent" wrote the whole thing herself and made an " Error" ( wink wink)
an Error BO either never once caught in 16 years ( remember this is the same man who set in Rev Wrights pew for 20 years AND had Wright's sermons sent to him while at harvard but NEVER heard Wright express the hate and vitriol)

So I guess it isn't that hard to imagine that BO never once in 16 years read his own Biography and corrected the error.

It is simply amazing the strange things that happen that surround BO
that get explained away by his supporters.

The funniest one is that the reason BO has a Conn SSN is BO when he filled out the request was so sloppy or left handed or something that the zip code was one digit off from HI
was instead the one for Conn
so wouldn't you know it the Clerk in the SSN had it entered as CONN
BUT( stay with me here ) luckily the people at the post office caught the error and were able to send it back to HI to young Barry
because we all know how efficient the USPS is.

Supporters already have their excuse for BO letting his BIO contain a lie for 16 years.
Obama's bio, at least the book version, was correct. The news release written by the press agent and circulated to a limited number of folks in the book buying business was incorrect. And if you guys have never run across an incorrect summary bio, I'm glad for you.
Stop digging
Unless you can offer proof that BO was so sloppy in his filling out the SSN form ( or too lefthanded or something) that the actual ZIP Code on the form looked so much like the Conn Zip code that the stupid Federal employee entered the entire address as being from Honolulu Conn and never once gave it a thought
BUT the postal employee was so much smarter?
Unless you can offer proof all you are doing it taking a whacky defense and working as hard as you can to make it the truth.

Do you keep Unicorns in your bathroom?

BTW It is funny to see people actually defending BO and his errant bio. a errant bio that existed for 16 YEARS.

Serioualy do any of you supporters honestly believe BO never looked at what was his first professional BIO as an author and did not once in 16 years look at it?

Sometimes you just have to shake your head at the blind adoration.

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