America supports our good ally Israel!

Sounds like racism to me...
Sounds like reality. As they brutally murder kidnapped civilian captives in terrible ways, they are barbarians literally, and Phillistines figuratively. They’re also literally Phillistines and living in Gaza tha capital of Phillistia. Gaza is where Judge Samson was filled with G_d’s power and brought down the Gazans biggest pagan temple killing thousands. Samson prayed for the power to it it, and it was granted, and therefore must have been authorized on high.
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When you dig deep down, you find that those who hate Israel and Jews so much have a much deeper root cause of such hate—they often hate the God of Israel.
The beasts of Gaza brutally murdered these siblings in captivity---with their bare hands per forensic examinations.


"... forensic examinations have revealed that Palestinian terrorists murdered children Ariel and Kfir Bibas “with their bare hands”

“We can confirm that baby Kfir Bibas, just 10 months old, and his older brother Ariel, aged four, were both brutally murdered by terrorists while being held hostage in Gaza no later than November 2023. These two innocent children were taken hostage alive, along with their mother, Shiri, from their home on October 7, 2023,”

“The terrorists did not shoot the two young boys — they killed them with their bare hands. Afterward, they committed horrific acts to cover up these atrocities.”

“This assessment is based on both forensic findings from the identification process and intelligence that supports these findings. We have shared these findings, intelligence and forensics with our partners around the world so they can verify it,”

What kind of rabid animal murders these two with his bare hands. Look at them—if you have a soul left.
President Trump seeks to ethnically cleanse the Gazans out of Gaza. But nobody wants them. Perhaps we foist them on Red China.
Sounds like reality. As they brutally murder kidnapped civilian captives in terrible ways, they are barbarians and Phillistines figuratively. They’re also literally Phillistines and living in Gaza tha capital of Phillistia. Gaza is where Judge Samson was filled with G_d’s power and brought down the Gazans biggest pagan temple killing thousands. Samson prayed for the power to it it, and it was granted, and therefore must have been authorized on high.

It's not reality. It's narrative.

The fact is you don't really care about brutal murder as a thing. You care about one side which you like versus the other side which you despise. Palestinians have been brutally murdered every day for over a year. They have been held hostage en masse for decades. It never factors into your commentary.

Palestinians aren't literally Philistines either. Your are flat incorrect with that statement. Their nation disappeared after the 2 exiles. Once you get to the gospels you don't see anything about Philistines AT ALL. You have Jews and Samaritans. That's it. The fact that people live in towns called Gaza and Ashkelon doesn't mean they are Philistines ethnically or culturally. The only non-Jewish peoples that Jesus mentions in the gospels are the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon, which is modern day Lebanon, but never Philistia.
President Trump seeks to ethnically cleanse the Gazans out of Gaza. But nobody wants them. Perhaps we foist them on Red China.
Well then, perhaps the Remnant of Judah will inhabit Gaza before long, not in the distant future.
It's not reality. It's narrative.

The fact is you don't really care about brutal murder as a thing. You care about one side which you like versus the other side which you despise. Palestinians have been brutally murdered every day for over a year. They have been held hostage en masse for decades. It never factors into your commentary.

Palestinians aren't literally Philistines either. Your are flat incorrect with that statement. Their nation disappeared after the 2 exiles. Once you get to the gospels you don't see anything about Philistines AT ALL. You have Jews and Samaritans. That's it. The fact that people live in towns called Gaza and Ashkelon doesn't mean they are Philistines ethnically or culturally. The only non-Jewish peoples that Jesus mentions in the gospels are the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon, which is modern day Lebanon, but never Philistia.
As is often the case, your polemics are filled with falsehoods. Jesus does not only mention the Jews and the Samaritans (who are still there in small numbers). He also mentions the Romans, and a pagan people on the South Eastern side of the Sea of Galilee who herd swine.

Further, Ashkelon has already been retaken by the Remnant of Judah. Gaza isn’t far away.
When you dig deep down, you find that those who hate Israel and Jews so much have a much deeper root cause of such hate—they often hate the God of Israel.

First, I don't hate Israel. Anyone who does hate them does so because of the crimes they commit. But I encounter people online all the time that go way too far in their criticism of Israel or Jews. There are many Jews in Israel who disagree with the actions of their government. They aren't a monolith. Israel is made up of a large variety of individuals. We should treat them that way.

Many of the people that I see critiquing Israel or Catholics and Reformed Christians. They don't hate the God of Israel, even though they are very, very wrong about God's current relationship to Israel. Paul was clear in Romans 11 that God still has great plans for the nation of Israel. Much of the detail is found at the end of the book of Zechariah. Clear thinking Christians understand that the Bible describes the future of Israel positively, but we also know that they don't believe in God today. We can judge their actions by the standard of methodological individualism and natural rights like we can judge the actions of everyone else.
What kind of rabid animal murders these two with his bare hands. Look at them—if you have a soul left.

You need to read outside of your bubble. Those people were killed by IDF bombing raids. That information has come out in the last few days.
As is often the case, your polemics are filled with falsehoods. Jesus does not only mention the Jews and the Samaritans (who are still there in small numbers). He also mentions the Romans, and a pagan people on the South Eastern side of the Sea of Galilee who herd swine.

My comments were about the indigenous people of the area. Romans weren't indigenous. Even your claims that I use falsehoods is proven false. I'm sure I didn't mention ever people group Jesus mentioned in the gospels but my point was that he didn't mention the Philistines. Your comments grant that I was right.

Could you give me the verses that refer to the Southeastern Galilean pagans? I am always curious to learn more.
He also mentions the Romans, and a pagan people on the South Eastern side of the Sea of Galilee who herd swine.

I looked it up. Not sure what you are talking about.

Bible Verses on Galilee Pagan People​

The Bible does not provide specific verses that discuss pagan people on the southeastern side of Galilee. However, the Gospels and other biblical texts suggest that while there were gentiles in Galilee, they were not predominant in the region. For example, the Gospel of Matthew mentions "Galilee of the Gentiles" (Matthew 4:15), but this likely refers to Upper Galilee rather than the southeastern part of the region. Additionally, the historical context provided by Josephus and archaeological evidence indicate that Galilee was predominantly Jewish, with pagans being a minority, particularly in the southern and eastern parts of the region.56

The biblical narratives focus more on the Jewish population and their interactions with Jesus, with fewer references to gentiles in the area.45 Therefore, specific verses discussing pagan people on the southeastern side of Galilee are not readily available in the Bible.
I recognize that. But it isn't 100%. Stereotyping a whole group of people for the actions of a subset is immoral. Or at least that is what I learned in school in the 80s. If that is wrong, I can go back to older ideas about demographic groups. Sounds kind of woke, commie to me though.

Polls have shown 70% of Palestinians supported Oct 7th.

You can live in denial or live in reality.
Here some alternative thoughts on the situation. Just think through it.

Man Carlin was red pilled a long time ago.

Just like with the covid regime, the perpetrators admit their guilt after they think no one cares anymore.

If you can find a moral equivalence with a western democracy vs. a terrorist state you have a serious lapse in judgment.

You sound like a liberal.
Gadarenes are one name for them.
Not to be confused with the tribe of Gad. They were exiled to Assyria with the other Lost Tribes and assimilated or scattered. Plus the Tribe of Gad was given land much farther down the Jordan River. These people ate pork and were definitely Not Jews or Samaritans.
Gadarenes are one name for them.

Yeah. I remember that name and story. So Jesus mentioned the Gadarenes, Romans, Samaritans, Tyre, Sidon, and Jews. He also mentioned Ninevites which didn't exist at the time. Any more?

He didn't mention Philistines. Literally.
If you can find a moral equivalence with a western democracy vs. a terrorist state you have a serious lapse in judgment.

You sound like a liberal.
He’s not a liberal. He just gets spun around when it comes to Israel and the Jews.
Not to be confused with the tribe of Gad. They were exiled to Assyria with the other Lost Tribes and assimilated or scattered. Plus the Tribe of Gad was given land much farther down the Jordan River. These people ate pork and we’re definitely Not Jews or Samaritans.

The tribe of Gad was LITERALLY one of the 12 tribes of Israel. They were Jewish.
Not to be confused with the Ribe of Gad. They were exiled to Assyria with the other Lost Tribes and associated or scattered. Plus the Tribe of Gad was given land much farther down the Jordan River. These people ate pork and we’re definitely Not Jews or Samaritans.
Right. Tribe of Gad is Not the Gadarenes.

Agreed. I never said that. But your comments about Gad are clearly incorrect. They were under the Law whether or not they obeyed it and are clearly sons of Israel that came out of Egypt.

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