Islamic Grooming Gangs in the UK

They aren't gonna let this controversy happen again. No, I don't mean they're going to crack down on grooming gangs. I mean they're going to create an Islamophobia council to come up with a broad definition of the term, so they can criminalize anyone who discusses the gangs or other similar issues.

More and more I'm starting to believe that the UK's biggest problem wasn't being in the EU (though that was a problem) but very bad people within their own government. Somebody with a lot of power and money either wants British culture completely destroyed or wants to provoke a full scale civil war. This is utter insanity.

I am truly sorry .Hard to imagine. And it is not like you can move.

And I'm in Islamabad, I mean London, right now. The Prague Symphony is in town, and they're playing the New World Symphony by Dvorak, so I'm taking Deez, Jr. He loves classical music, especially Dvorak.
Yes, nearly every child under 10 hates being forced to attend a symphony.

Deez, Jr. is 10, and he is the big classical music enthusiast in the family. I enjoy it, but he loves it. When he was about 6, he had trouble sleeping, so I bought him an old school clock radio and set it to the classical station. So for the last 4 years, he has listened to about 90 minutes of it every night. He knows it very well now, and it is by far his favorite kind of music.

In addition, about 3 years ago, I inherited my grandmother's Steinway grand piano. He loves the music and has an outstanding instrument on which to play it. It all just feeds on itself. And I'm generally a cheapskate, but if he takes an insert in something truly great and good for his mind and soul, I'll go to a lot of trouble and spend quite a bit of money to enable and encourage it.

Really great Mr D
You realize guy was just going for the laugh.

I do realize that, but I know how unusual Deez, Jr. is, so I don't mind explaining. At this concert, he was 1 of only 2 kids in the whole place, so he's in a narrow class of kids. He doesn't have any siblings and is homeschooled, so there's no one to make fun of him or exert peer pressure away from following his true interests just because it isn't "cool" to most modern kids. And of course, we only encourage it.
I do realize that, but I know how unusual Deez, Jr. is, so I don't mind explaining. At this concert, he was 1 of only 2 kids in the whole place, so he's in a narrow class of kids. He doesn't have any siblings and is homeschooled, so there's no one to make fun of him or exert peer pressure away from following his true interests just because it isn't "cool" to most modern kids. And of course, we only encourage it.
Has he been introduced to that musical classic, “I like big butts”?
Lol. Nerd or not, there's a very cute girl on his swim team who's interested in him. He likes her a lot too. Everybody is "just friends" at this age, but he's got a good rap. He's definitely ahead of where I was at 10. Lol

You don't want to know what I was doing at age 10. lol
WTF is wrong with England these days.

Charles needs to grow some balls, step up, and be a King.

People say that the British monarchs are mere figureheads. But that's not accurate. He can dissolve Parliament and rule -- like the last King Charles did, and clean the savages out entirely. The British Navy is His Majesty's Navy and not under the control of Parliament. Likewise with the Army. They are his to order around. They swore allegiance to the British monarch drectly, not to Parliament or a Constitution. Ultimately, the King is still a king. And there's no balls of steel man like that SOB Cromwell in Parliament to counter him. He can dissolve Parliament and rule the country with martial law. The English Kings are still kings if they choose to be so.
WTF is wrong with England these days.

Charles needs to grow some balls, step up, and be a King.

People say that the British monarchs are mere figureheads. But that's not accurate. He can dissolve Parliament and rule -- like the last King Charles did, and clean the savages out entirely. The British Navy is His Majesty's Navy and not under the control of Parliament. Likewise with the Army. They are his to order around. They swore allegiance to the British monarch drectly, not to Parliament or a Constitution. Ultimately, the King is still a king. And there's no balls of steel man like that SOB Cromwell in Parliament to counter him. He can dissolve Parliament and rule the country with martial law. The English Kings are still kings if they choose to be so.
He should have abocated before assuming the crown. Trading Princess Di for the hack he married tells you all you need to know about him.
He should have abocated before assuming the crown. Trading Princess Di for the hack he married tells you all you need to know about him.
Yeah, definitely not the sort of guy you'd want to hang out with or marry into your family. But kings have done much, much worse things than that. Henry 7, Longshanks, William 1 -- and these were some of the greatest kings of England.

In Israel, King David himself tripped up in some major ways, quite a bit worse than anything Charles III has done. Yet the Bible describes him as a man after G_d's own heart. Jesus Christ proudly declared himself to be of the line of David, knowing full well David's past. The good King David did far outweighed the negatives.
WTF is wrong with England these days.

Charles needs to grow some balls, step up, and be a King.

People say that the British monarchs are mere figureheads. But that's not accurate. He can dissolve Parliament and rule -- like the last King Charles did, and clean the savages out entirely. The British Navy is His Majesty's Navy and not under the control of Parliament. Likewise with the Army. They are his to order around. They swore allegiance to the British monarch drectly, not to Parliament or a Constitution. Ultimately, the King is still a king. And there's no balls of steel man like that SOB Cromwell in Parliament to counter him. He can dissolve Parliament and rule the country with martial law. The English Kings are still kings if they choose to be so.

It would take balls too big to fit through the Buckingham Palace doors, and Charles is a colossal weanie. In fact, of all the British monarchs, he might be the least likely. Furthermore, he’s a big internationalist. He’s going to listen to the established business community, and they’re totally fine with the place being overrun by Islamic hordes. They’re cheap labor, and like in most of the West, white people in Britain aren’t having kids. In 20 - 30 years, somebody will have to be working and paying taxes. If it’s not immigrants, I’m not sure who it would be.

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