Funny sayings of old time country folk

Has " I am going to carry Aunt Bea to the Winn Dixie " been mentioned?
Old timers used to use the term "carry" to mean drive or take someone to another place,
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Most everyone asks or says "getting out" of the car. Coonasses would say "get down". Never have figured that one out. The kids would go to the grocery store with mom and ask, "can we get down"
that boy is dumber than a tree knot,

I use to tell my guys when I was waiting on them for lunch It like a dollar waiting on a dime, I was buying
I ran by a dude fishing at my neighborhood pond this morning
Asked if he'd caught any

He said , Fixin to.
Immediately thought of this thread
I am sure "Fixin to" was one of the first mentioned
Some old time expressions live on
It's been an unusually warm February here in the mountains. Usually February is "colder than a witch's tit", but now it's more like April or May. Warm (40s) days and cold nights. I was driving into town on the frozen road which was "slicker than snot."
"Colder than a witch's tit" is one I remember, along with "Hotter than fish grease" for the other 11 months in Texas.
"Still wet behind the ears" (a noob, especially for young and inexperienced person, for those wondering.)
"Sittin' pretty" - doing well (physical position, emotional state, financiallly, etc., etc.)

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