Legacy of Joe Biden


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It is my belief that he is the worst president in US history. Jimmy Carter will not die as the worst - and substantially made up his legacy by being one of the finest human beings the world has known. I think LBJ also caused substantial problems we are dealing with today, but still wasn’t as bad as Carter or Biden.

Biden spent literally 40% of his time in office. He took millions from China and Ukraine. He created inflation that rivaled Carter, f’d up the exit from Afghanistan, has America in two proxy wars, divided the country more and allowed 20 million illegal aliens into the country.

What am I missing?
It is my belief that he is the worst president in US history. Jimmy Carter will not die as the worst - and substantially made up his legacy by being one of the finest human beings the world has known. I think LBJ also caused substantial problems we are dealing with today, but still wasn’t as bad as Carter or Biden.

Biden spent literally 40% of his time in office. He took millions from China and Ukraine. He created inflation that rivaled Carter, f’d up the exit from Afghanistan, has America in two proxy wars, divided the country more and allowed 20 million illegal aliens into the country.

What am I missing?
On the bright side, he became angry and vindictive after being pushed out of the re-election race, and publicly endorsed the worst politician on the planet, Kamala Harris, which completely screwed Barry Hussein's chances for a 2nd shadow term as defacto POTUS.
Is Biden's presidency the first ever completely run by some one or some ones? That person or people came close to destroying our country,
Biden's name/legacy will be tarnished even though he didn't make the decisions.
I know the last year of Wilson he was incapacitated but his wife etc didn't destroy the country.
Biden produced some of the worst immediate outcomes. However, it's hard to match Woodrow Wilson. The modern federal income tax, federal reserve system, and the modern administrative state and imperial presidency were largely his creation. The idea that foreign policy should be driven by big ambitions and aggression but backed up with weak resolve came from him. After he pulled us into WWI, this was a major factor in causing WWII.

What's worse is that Wilson became the model for all future Democratic presidents including Biden. They've all tried to imitate him.
Good point MrD
BUT Wilson made those decisions himself. Biden didn't

Does that make him better or worse? I think the argument can be made that it makes him worse. He knew what was going on.

After his stroke, Wilson's wife made a lot of his decisions for him, but what she did was largely consistent with what he was doing before. Like Biden, Wilson should have resigned once his health failed, but unlike Biden, his VP was far more conservative (and a much better person) than he was. That likely played a role in his staying in office.
Wilson is the worst Pres to make his own decisions
Biden deserves the title of worst something
But it isn't as Pres who made decisions
If he's the worst, LBJ would run a pretty close second.

Solid argument there. He created Medicare and Medicaid, which are colossal fiscal nightmares and began the trend of exploding healthcare costs in the United States.

He greatly expanded federal welfare programs, which financially created the incentive to break up poor families. Obviously that had big fiscal implications but far bigger cultural and social implications.

Though he didn't create the Department of Education, he did pass the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was the first really big federal intrusion into public education. The meddling hand of the federal government started with the ESEA.

He pushed through the Civil Rights Act, which most regard as a good thing, but he also used it as the vehicle to inject woke equity politics into federal policy, even though the Act itself didn't authorize that.

He pushed the Voting Rights Act, which federalized a lot of election law and forced racial politics and racism into redistricting.

His judicial nominations were atrocious.

Oh yeah, and he turned the Vietnam War into a colossal quagmire that divided the country and got tens of thousands of Americans killed.
Never really studied Wilson, but I do hate most of the things Deez highlighted. But I honestly believe whoever was acting for Biden intentionally wanted to destroy an independent United States.
Below is the official statement released by the Bidens. I can't find a single word that trashes Trump. Do you have a link to some other stuff perhaps?

Today, America and the world lost an extraordinary leader, statesman, and humanitarian.

Over six decades, we had the honor of calling Jimmy Carter a dear friend. But, what’s extraordinary about Jimmy Carter, though, is that millions of people throughout America and the world who never met him thought of him as a dear friend as well.

With his compassion and moral clarity, he worked to eradicate disease, forge peace, advance civil rights and human rights, promote free and fair elections, house the homeless, and always advocate for the least among us. He saved, lifted, and changed the lives of people all across the globe.

He was a man of great character and courage, hope and optimism. We will always cherish seeing him and Rosalynn together. The love shared between Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter is the definition of partnership and their humble leadership is the definition of patriotism.

We will miss them both dearly, but take solace knowing they are reunited once again and will remain forever in our hearts.

To the entire Carter family, we send our gratitude for sharing them with America and the world. To their staff – from the earliest days to the final ones – we have no doubt that you will continue to do the good works that carry on their legacy.

And to all of the young people in this nation and for anyone in search of what it means to live a life of purpose and meaning – the good life – study Jimmy Carter, a man of principle, faith, and humility. He showed that we are great nation because we are a good people – decent and honorable, courageous and compassionate, humble and strong.

To honor a great American, I will be ordering an official state funeral to be held in Washington D.C. for James Earl Carter, Jr., 39th President of the United States, 76th Governor of Georgia, Lieutenant of the United States Navy, graduate of the United States Naval Academy, and favorite son of Plains, Georgia, who gave his full life in service to God and country.
As I said it was in a speech not written statement
Biden said presidents should learn decency decency decency from Carter.
Will try to find it later
It was on several sites
Prob Fox
On one last thumb in the eye, Biden to award George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom. While I appreciate the history lessons and opinions, he is the worst POTUS in US history. His failures will continue to haunt America for decades.
On one last thumb in the eye, Biden to award George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom. While I appreciate the history lessons and opinions, he is the worst POTUS in US history. His failures will continue to haunt America for decades.
I've mostly been ambivalent to Joe Biden. Whatever. Opposite party. I'm probably going to disagree with most of the things he does. But, this is complete *********. The "adults" running the White House are petty, piece of **** tyrants and deserve to go out in disgrace.

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