It’s about putting a TEAM together. The head coach ultimately determines the players and type of players he wants (with input from assistants but he is the final say) and the assistants recruit those players. Beard put last year’s team together and it was mentally and physically tough. Terry put this year’s players together and it is clearly not in the same area code as last year. The only player doing anything is a Beard portal player, Disu. Hunter and Mitchell have not improved and in some respects have regressed. Terry will probably get two more years, but he is going to have to get several top quality players in the portal which he didn’t do last year coming off an elite 8, so the hill is going to be much steeper this year. Just on numbers, Abmas and Brockemeyer, Horton,Disu, and Shedrick are all gone. I expect Hunter and Mitchell to go pro or transfer. The two high rated recruits are probably anywhere from 70-30 to 50-50 on actually enrolling. Even if they do enroll, Terry is going to need at least three high impact transfers. I don’t think this is the model and should not be the model for sustained success (being in the mix for conference championship and regular participant in sweet 16).